101st Airborne Division

  "Courage is the first of all human qualities because
""""it is the quality that guarantees all the others. "

................................................... ...Sir Winston Churchill
Units Roll of Honor
    501st PIR
    502nd PIR
    506th PIR
    327th GIR
    401st GIR
    326th AEB
    321st GFAB
    907th GFAB
    377th PFAB
    463rd PFAB
    81st AAA
    101st Sig Co
    326th Med Co
    426th QM Co
    HQ Co
    101st MP Plt
    Bulge Memories
    101st Abn WW II
  101st Airborne Assoc
  506th PIR Assoc
  504th PIR Assoc
  508th PIR Assoc
  Other Airborne Assoc
  Other Resources
  Airborne and Special Operations Museum
  WW II Historical Re- enactment Society

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Command Patch

Silver Star Recipients
Pvt Rudolph J Dopjera
Cpl Theodore Hanford
Pvt John J Hunter
T/5 Vincent Laino
Pvt Anthony M Varone

Bronze Star Recipients
Sgt Henry J Aper
Cpl Greydon Blunt
!/Lt James C Cox (OLC)
T/5 Angelo J Esposito
Lt/Col Hugh A Mosley (OLC)
Capt Thomas A Norwood
Sgt James F O'Laughlin
Pvt Henry R Ravencraft
Pfc Charles R Singleton

101st Airborne WW II
Medal of Honor Recipients

  Lt Col Robert G Cole

Pfc Joe E. Mann

326th AEB Oval Patch
The 326th Airborne Engineer Battalion
Roll of Honor

 LastName FirstName MI Tle Rank Unit Location Date   Status Cemetery

Aper Henry J Sgt Co B Belgium 12/30/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures BS LUX
Barnes Roy E 2/Lt Co C Normandy 6/6/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  NOR
Bauman Leroy C Jr Pvt Co B/C Belgium 12/23/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  LUX
Blastic Clarence J Sgt Co A Germany 4/12/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures PH(OLC) MAR
Blickhahn Earl W Pvt Co B Normandy 6/11/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW CAM
Blumeier Richard J Sgt Co C Belgium 12/31/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/OH
Blunt Greydon H Cpl Co B Belgium 12/21/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures BS LOR
Bopp William R Sgt Co B Belgium 12/30/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/PA
Cali Dominick D Pvt Normandy 6/15/45 MIA NOR WOM
Carlson Clayton W Pvt Co B Belgium 12/21/44 USA/IL
Carson Raymond L Pvt Co B Holland 9/18/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Christiano Rocco Pvt Co B Holland 10/6/44 MAR
Connor Merll C Pvt Co B Belgium 12/21/44 USA/CA
Crismon Clifford R Pvt Co C Belgium 12/25/44 DOW USA/CA
Cunningham Robert D Pvt Co B Belgium 12/21/44 USA/NY
DiSalle Tony Jr Pfc Belgium 12/25/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/OH
Dieckman Douglas G Pvt Co B Belgium 12/22/44 USA/CA
Di Gaetano Louis Sgt Co C Belgium 1/6/45 DOW USA/NJ
Dopjera Rudolph J Pvt Co C Normandy 6/6/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures SS NOR
Ellzey Ceyril M Sgt Co C Normandy 6/11/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  NOR
Englehardt Albert J Sgt Co A Holland 9/25/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Esposito Angelo J T/5 Co A Belgium 12/24/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures BS LUX
Ferra Mariano S S/Sgt Co B/C Belgium 12/23/44 USA/CA
Froemke Donald H Capt Co B Holland 10/5/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/WA
Garcia Alberto Pfc Co C Holland 9/20/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Garrard Clarence S T/5 Belgium 12/25/44 USA/LA
Geiger Elmer J Cpl Co C Normandy 6/6/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/OH
Hanford Theodore J Cpl Co C Belgium 12/25/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures SS LUX
Hayes Thomas H S/Sgt Co B Belgium 12/25/44 LUX
Hielscher Paul H T/5 Co A Holland 9/23/44 USA/IL
Hightower Mack W Pvt Co C Normandy 6/6/44 NOR
Hiltunen Ray J 1/Lt Co B Holland 9/18/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Holin Julius A Pvt Co C Normandy 6/6/44 USA/MI
Hovi Lauri W Pvt Co A Holland 9/19/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW MAR
Hoyt Paul R Pvt Co C Holland 9/20/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Hruby Anton F Pvt Co A Belgium 12/26/44 DOW USA/OH
Hunter John J Pvt Co B Holland 10/7/44 SS USA/WA
Huss Clarence W Cpl Co B Normandy 6/11/44 USA/NC
Jabin Bruce R 1/Lt Co B Belgium 1/14/45 USA/IL
Jones Calbert M Cpl Co B Belgium 12/30/44 USA/VA
Jones Theodore T Jr 1/Lt Co C Normandy 6/6/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures MIA NOR WOM
Jordon Millard C Pvt Co C Belgium 12/24/44 DOW USA/WV
Kendziorski Adam Z Pfc Co A Normandy 6/25/44 DOW USA/OH
Kiddy Cecil T Pfc Co C Belgium 12/20/44 USA/OK
Kwilasz Stanley I Pvt Co A Belgium 12/25/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  LUX
Le May Robert J T/5 Co B Holland 9/18/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Legg Paul K Pvt Co B Holland 10/5/44 USA/MD
Loebe Henry J Jr Pfc Co A Normandy 6/15/44 DOW/POW BR
Maranto Salvatore Pvt Co C Normandy 6/44 USA/MD
Mason John M Jr 2/Lt Co B Holland 10/7/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/WY
Mc Coy Fidelis C Pfc Co C France 7/13/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures DODY USA/OH
Mc Ginnis Daniel P Pvt Normandy 6/9/44 NOR
Mc Guire William J Pfc Co C Holland 9/20/44 USA/OH
Miller Burman R Pvt Co C Normandy 6/6/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/IN
Montgomery Eldon L Pvt Co C Belgium 12/25/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  ARD WOM
Mullen Ancel D T/5 Co A Holland 9/27/44 USA/IN
Myrick Willis G Pvt Co B Belgium 12/30/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  LUX
Northrup Jacob R Pfc Co C Holland 9/18/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/OH
Norwood Thomas A Capt Co A Holland 9/23/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures BS/DOW H-C
O'Laughlin James F Sgt Co C Holland 9/20/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures BS MAR
Pappas John C Lt Col HQ Normandy 6/13/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures NOR
Pena Fernando A Jr Pvt Co C Belgium 1/1/45 H-C
Plummer William H 1/Lt Co A Holland 9/23/44 MAR
Pontiggia Joseph Pfc Co B Holland 10/6/44 USA/MA
Portugal Walter C S/Sgt Co A Belgium 1/4/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures LUX
Prato Nick Pvt Co B Belgium 12/28/44 DOW USA/MT
Prussman Quentin H Pfc Co C Holland 9/20/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/SD
Ravencraft Henry R Pvt Co B Belgium 12/30/44 BS LUX
Reich Barnett Pfc Co A Normandy 6/14/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures NOR
Rogers Jack L Capt Co B Normandy 6/13/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/MI
Rogers James H Pfc Co C Belgium 12/25/44 USA/GA
Smith Bruce C Cpl Co C Normandy 6/6/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/TX
Sorrels Odis T Pfc Co C Belgium 1/9/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures LUX
Spielvogel Bernard A Pfc Co C Belgium 12/21/44 MIA ARD WOM
Stackhouse Wendell L Pvt Co C Holland 9/17/44 USA/CT
Stockstill Raymond F Pvt Co A Belgium 12/25/44 USA/WY
Trentham Atwood L T/5 Co C Normandy 6/44
Turin Peter V Pfc Co C Belgium 12/25/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/MO
Varone Anthony M Pvt Co C Belgium 12/20/44 USA/NY
Watson James R 2/Lt Co C Holland 9/18/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures MAR
Werner Richard W Pvt Co B Holland 10/5/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures MAR

R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Ambrose, Stephen E D-DAY June 6,1944: The Climatic Battle of WW II. 6/93, Simon & Shuster ISBN: 0671673343
Ambrose, Stephen E Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest. Simon & Schuster, (June 2001) 336 p. ISBN: 0-743-21638-5
Ambrose, Stephen E Citizen Soldiers: The U.S. Army from the Normandy Beaches to the Bulge to the Surrender of Germany, June 7, 1944-May 7, 1945. Simon & Schuster, (Nov 1997) 528 p. ISBN: 0-684-81525-7
Badsey, Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Bando, Mark A  Avenging Eagles: Forbidden tales of the 101st Airborne in World War 2. Bando Publishing, (2006) 183 p. ISBN: 0977911705
Bando, Mark A  101st Airborne: The Screaming Eagles at Normandy. Zenith Press, (Apr 2001) 156 p. ISBN: 0760308551
Bando, Mark A  Vanguard of the Crusade: The US 101st Airborne Division in WW II. The Aberjona Press, (June 2003) 320 p. ISBN: 0971765006
Black, Wallace B.& Blashfield, Jean F. Battle of the Bulge (World War II 50th Anniversary Series). Crestwood House, 48 pp May,1993 ISBN: 0896865681
Bowen, Robert Fighting With the Screaming Eagles: With the 101st Airborne from Normandy to Bastogne. Greenhill Books/Lionel Leventhal, (Sept 2001) 256 p. ISBN: 1853674656
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, (1989) 621 p.
ISBN: 0-312-03350-8

Breuer, William B Unexplained Mysteries of World War II. John Wiley & Sons, Sept 1998 256 p. ISBN:0471291072
Burgett, Donald R Currahee!. Presidio Press, (Sept 1999) 256 p. ISBN: 0-891-41681-1
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
De Trez, Michel  American Warriors: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers Prior to Normandy  July, 1998, D-Day Pub, 212 p. ISBN: 2960017609
De Trez, Michel  Cpl Forrest Guth: E Company 506 PIR 101st Airborne Division (WW II American Paratroopers Portrait Series)  March, 2002, D-Day Pub, 56 p. ISBN: 296001765X
De Trez, Michel  Orange is the Color of the Day: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Holland April, 2004, D-Day Pub, 506 p. ISBN: 2960017633
De Trez, Michel  At the Point of No Return : Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Normandy 7/98, D-Day Pub, 200 p. ISBN: 2960017617
Devlin, Gerard S  Paratrooper! St Martin's Press, (P) c1976 ISBN: 0312596529
Gavin, James M.  On to Berlin : Battles of an Airborne Commander, 1943-1946 ISBN: 0670525170
Golden, Lewis Echoes From Arnhem Penguin ISBN: 0718305213
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
McKenzie, John  On Time, On Target Novato, CA: Presidio, May 15,2000. 304 p. ISBN: 089 141 714 1
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
Webster, David Kenyon Parachute Infantry: An American Paratrooper's Memoir of D- Day and the Fall of the Third Reich 352p. ISBN: 0385336497

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