101st Airborne Division

...."The 101st Airborne Division....has no history,
.............. but it has a rendezvous with destiny...."

......................... Gen William C Lee...-   August 19,1942

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101st Airborne WW II
Medal of Honor Recipients

  Lt Col Robert G Cole
Pfc Joe E. Mann

The 327th Glider Infantry Regiment
Trooper Pictures

Company A
Pfc Lester L Abraham  [401]

Pfc Lester L Abraham
401/327th GIR Co A
KIA 22 Sept 1944

Pfc Dominick P Bertella

Pfc Dominick P Bertella
327th GIR Co A
KIA 4 Jan 1945

Cpl Jack A Case - Co A

Cpl Jack A Case
327th GIR Co A
KIA 12 Oct 1944

Sgt Bennie E Castleman - Co A

Sgt Bennie E Castleman
327th GIR Co A
KIA 12 Oct 1944

Pfc Leo F Chasse - Co A (Source: Jordy Schoutese)

Pfc Leo F Chasse
327th GIR Co A
KIA 9 Apr 1945

S/Sgt Seeber Buck Crawford - Co A (1st Battalion 401st GIR)

S/Sgt Seeber Buck Crawford
327th/401st GIR Co A
KIA 25 Dec 1944

Sgt Gilbert G Eubank - 327th/401st GIR Company A - Silver Star Recipient (Source: B Jeffries)

Sgt Gilbert G Eubank
327th/401st GIR Co A
KIA 11 June 1944 (SS)

Pvt Andrew V Finco - Co A (BS)

Pvt Andrew V Finco
327th GIR Co A
KIA 4 Jan 1945 (BS)

Pfc William D Hammer - Co A (PH (OLC))

Pfc Joseph O Francis
327th GIR Co A
KIA 28 Feb 1945

Pfc William D Hammer - Co A (1st Battalion 401st GIR)

Pfc William D Hammer
327th GIR Co A
KIA 26 Dec 1944

Sgt Roy E Johnson

Sgt Roy E Johnson
327th GIR
Company A

S/Sgt Fred W Lashnet (Courtesy: Gordon Stewart)

S/Sgt Fred W Lashnet
327th GIR Co A
1st Battalion

Pfc Vernon E Lynn - 327th GIR Company A - PH(OLC)

Pfc Vernon E Lynn
327th GIR Co A
KIA 5 Jan 1945

T/Sgt Russell L Martin - Co A 1st Platoon-2nd Squad - 2 Bronze Stars

T/Sgt Russell L Martin
327th GIR Co A
1st Platoon-2nd Squad

Pfc Wilmont (Shorty) Martin

Pfc Wilmont Martin
327th GIR Co A
1st Battalion

Pfc Ernest J Miller - 327th GIR Company A -

Pfc Ernest J Miller
327th GIR Co A
DOW 29 Dec 1944

Pfc Edward G Pinneke - 327th GIR Company A - BS

Pfc Edward G Pinneke
327th GIR Co A
KIA 13 Jan 1945 (BS)

SSgt Edmund J Sternot Silver Star Recipient - 327th GIR Company A

S/Sgt Edmund J Sternot
327th GIR Co A
KIA 13 Jan 1945 (SS)

Cpl George A Thomas - Co A -POW on 4 Jan 45 (Source: Patricia Thomas Budinich)

Cpl George A Thomas
327th GIR Co A
POW - (BS)

Pvt Louis T Zingale - 327th/401st GIR Company A

Pvt Louis T Zingale
327th/401st GIR Co A
KIA 26 Sept 1944

1/Lt Neil J Fahey - 327th GIR Company A

1/Lt Neil J Fahey
327th GIR Co A
KIA 23 Dec 1944

Capt Eldridge Naugher- 327th/401 GIR Company A

Capt Eldridge Naugher
327th/401 GIR Co A
KIA 13 June 1944

Company B
Pfc Luke Shields Anderson (Courtesy: Haywood S Anderson)

Pfc Luke S Anderson
327th GIR Co B
KIA 20 Dec 1944

Sgt Henry J Barrett - Killed in the crash of Waco glider 42-19797 at Kruishoutem Belgium during operation Market Garden

Sgt Henry J Barrett
327th GIR Co B
KIA 19 Sept 1944

S/Sgt Fred A Borgmann

S/Sgt Fred A Borgmann
327th GIR 1st Btn
Company B

Pvt John R Cermak

Pvt John R Cermak
327th GIR Co B
KIA 16 Jan 1945

Pfc Gurnie Chriscoe

Pfc Gurnie Chriscoe
327th GIR Co B
KIA 9 Oct 1944

Pfc Gerald F Curley (Courtesy: Erwin Derhaag)

Pfc Gerald F Curley
327th GIR Co B
KIA 13 Jan 1945

Sgt Henry A Ebbert Jr (Courtesy of his son: Earl F. Ebbert)

Sgt Henry A Ebbert Jr
327th GIR Co B
1st Platoon

Pfc Warren H Garrett

Pfc Warren H Garrett
327th GIR Co B
KIA 19 Sept 1944

Pvt Ernest J Gere

Pvt Ernest J Gere
327th GIR Co B
KIA 19 Sept 1944

Pfc Robert E Greggs - Silver Star and Bronze Star Recipient

Pfc Robert E Greggs
327th GIR Co B
MIA 20 June 1944 (SS)

Pvt Gordon H Hayward

Pvt Gordon H Hayward
327th GIR Co B
KIA 16 Jan 1945

Sgt John Holden - 327th GIR Company B

Sgt John Holden
327th GIR Co B
3rd Platoon

Pfc Patrick B Keane

Pfc Patrick B Keane
327th GIR Co B
KIA 19 Sept 1944

Pfc Paul N Lasky

Pfc Paul N Lasky
327th GIR Co B
KIA 19 Sept 1944

Sgt Francis S Malachowski

Sgt Francis S Malachowski
410/327th GIR Co B
KIA 7 June 1944

Sgt Sam J Migliore

Sgt Sam J Migliore
327th GIR Co B
KIA 6 June 1944

Pvt Eugene M Moran

Pvt Eugene M Moran
327th GIR Co B
KIA 19 Sept 1944

Pfc Dave Sarvas

Pfc Dave Sarvas
327th GIR Co B
MIA 18 June 1944

S/Sgt Roger L Seamon (Courtesy of Zack)

S/Sgt Roger L Seamon
327th GIR
Company B

Sgt Carl R Snyder

Sgt Carl R Snyder
327th GIR Co B
KIA 18 June 1944

S/Sgt Milo H Wallace

S/Sgt Milo H Wallace
327th GIR Co B
KIA June 1944

S/Sgt Henry Zajac - Silver Star Recipient

S/Sgt Henry Zajac
327/401 GIR
Co B SS Recipient

1/Lt Joseph E Carpenter Silver Star Recipient

1/Lt Joseph E Carpenter
327th GIR Co B
KIA 13 Jan 1945 (SS)

1/Lt Allen M Ellis

1/Lt Allen M Ellis
327th GIR Co B
KIA 19 Sept 1944

1/Lt Joseph L Phillips

1/Lt Joseph L Phillips
327th GIR Co B
KIA 19 Sept 1944

Capt Robert B Trenner - B Company Commanding Officer

Capt Robert B Trenner
327th GIR Co B
KIA 8 June 1944

Company C
Pvt Thomas L Anglin - 327th GIR Company C

Pvt Thomas L Anglin
327th GIR
Company C

Pfc Cosmo A Barbieri - 327th GIR Company C

Pfc Cosmo A Barbieri
327th GIR
Company C

Pfc Forrest H Bates

Pfc Forrest H Bates
327th GIR Co C
KIA 6 Oct 1944

Sgt John Brechko - BS/PH(OLC)

Sgt John Brechko
327th GIR Co C
MIA 24 Dec 1944 (BS)

Pvt Ernest B Brickell

Pvt Ernest B Brickell
327th GIR Co C
KIA 12 June 1944

S/Sgt Emanuel Brunner

S/Sgt Emanuel Brunner
327th GIR Co C
KIA 20 Sept 1944

Pfc Otis B Cady

Pfc Otis B Cady
327th GIR Co C
KIA 4 Jan 1945

Pfc Joseph L Carpenter

Pfc Joseph L Carpenter
327th GIR Co C
KIA 24 Dec 1944

Sgt Thomas Clark - 327th GIR Company C

Sgt Thomas Clark
327th GIR
Company C

Sgt Jack D Collins

Sgt Jack D Collins
327th GIR
Company C

Pfc Cecil Connors

Pfc Cecil Connors
327th GIR
Company C

S/Sgt Amos F Datwyler - 401 GIR Co C

S/Sgt Amos F Datwyler
327th/401 GIR Co C
DOW 12 Oct 1944

Pfc Milton I Erlick - Silver Star Recipient

Pfc Milton I Erlick
327th GIR Co C
Silver Star Recipient

Sgt Carl Ewell - Bronze Star Recipient (Courtesy: Paul McRee)

Sgt Carl Ewell
327th GIR Co C
Bronze Star Recipient

T/5 Gerald Fernholz

T/5 Gerald Fernholz
327th GIR
Company C

Pfc Parry R Haworth - Bazookaman  - Silver Star Recipient (Source: Jon Urness)

Pfc Parry R Haworth
327th GIR Co C
Silver Star

Pfc Richard G Henn - 327th GIR Company C

Pfc Richard G Henn
327th GIR Co C
KIA 19 Sept 1944

Pfc Charles W Kempf- 327th GIR Company C

Pfc Charles W Kempf
327th GIR Co C
KIA 19 Sept 1944

Sgt James M Lavelett - 327th GIR Company C

Sgt James M Lavelett
327th GIR Co C
KIA 7 Oct 1944

Pfc Chester Mazur- 327th GIR Company C (Source: B jeffries)

Pfc Chester N Mazur
327th GIR Co C
KIA 25 Sept 1944

Pvt Harold M Mc Neil Co C

Pvt Harold M Mc Neil
327th GIR Co C
DOW 26 Dec 1944

S/Sgt Lawrence Michaelis 327th GIR Company C

S/Sgt Lawrence Michaelis
327th GIR Co C
1st Battalion

Sgt Glenn E Moats Co C

Sgt Glenn E Moats
327th GIR Co C
KIA 10 June 1944

Pfc John J Molfetto

Pfc John J Molfetto
327th GIR
Company C

Pvt Austin Mullenix

Pvt Austin Mullenix
327th GIR Co C
1st Battalion

Sgt George K Mullins

Sgt George K Mullins
327th GIR Co C
1st Battalion

S/Sgt Robert Pat Olsen

S/Sgt Robert Pat Olsen
327th GIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pfc Ordway H Padgett Co C

Pfc Ordway H Padgett
327th GIR Co C
KIA 14 Feb 1945

Pfc Herschel Comma Parker - Silver Star Recipient

Pfc Herschel C Parker
327th GIR Co C
Silver Star Recipient

Pfc Earle F  Pelton

Pfc Earle F Pelton
327th GIR Co C
1st Battalion

Pfc Andrew P Piledggi - Bronze Star Recipient (Courtesy:Erwin Derhaag)

Pfc Andrew P Piledggi
327th GIR Co C
KIA 18 Nov 1944 (BS)

Pfc Anthony B Richgels Co C

Pfc Anthony B Richgels
327th GIR Co C
KIA 13 Jan 1945

Pfc Frank C Shircel (source: jpaul2@wi.rr.com)

Pfc Frank C Shircel
327th GIR Co C
WIA Bastogne

Pfc Allen E Smithey

Pfc Allen E Smithey
327th GIR Co C
1st Battalion

1/Lt Howard F Kohl - 327/401 Co C

1/Lt Howard F Kohl
327th GIR Co C
KIA 11 Oct 1944

2/Lt John M Lovett - 327 Co C

2/Lt John M Lovett
327th GIR Co C
KIA 26 Sept 1944

Capt Preston E Towns - 327/401 Co C - Silver Star Recipient

Capt Preston E Towns
327th/401 GIR Co C
KIA 3 Jan 1945 (SS)

Headquarters Company 1st Battalion (HQ 1)
Pfc Robert O Boettcher

Pfc Robert O Boettcher
327th GIR HQ 1
KIA 14 Jan 1945

Pfc James L Kilby

Pfc James L Kilby
327th GIR HQ 1
KIA 19 Sept 1944

Pfc John Reeves

Pfc John Reeves
327th GIR HQ 1
KIA 29 Oct 1944

Company D
Sgt Arnold Ginn Bearwick

Sgt Arnold G Bearwick
327th GIR Co D
2nd Battalion

Company E
Pvt Donald E Bacco - Company E

Pvt Donald E Bacco
327th GIR Co E
KIA 19 Sept 1944

Pfc Renzo C Bella - Company E (Source: Eric Hubbard)

Pfc Renzo C Bella
327th GIR Co E
KIA 18 Oct 1944

Sgt John D Kelso - Company E

Sgt John D Kelso
327th GIR Co E
KIA 4/ Jan 1945

T/Sgt William F Lee - Company E

T/Sgt William F Lee
327th GIR Co E
KIA 15 Jan 1945

Pfc Philip T Miller - Company E (Source: Erwin Derhaag)

Pfc Philip T Miller
327th GIR Co E
KIA 22 Oct 1944

Pfc James Edwin Moorehead - Company E (Source: Jeff Moorehead)

Pfc James E Moorehead
327th GIR Co E
2nd Battalion

Pfc Roland F Schoening - Company E (Source: Chris Plamman)

Pfc Roland F Schoening
327th GIR Co E
KIA 04 Jan 1945

Sgt Bud Samuel Spear

Sgt Bud S Spear
327th GIR Co E
KIA 20 Dec 1944

Pfc Carl R Walitalo - Company E (Source: )

Pfc Carl R Walitalo
327th GIR Co E
KIA 09 Oct 1944

1/Lt George B Woldt - BS(OLC) - [also XO HQ Co] Company E (Source: B Jeffries )

1/Lt George B Woldt
327th GIR Co E
[also XO HQ Co] - BS(OLC)

Capt Ira E Hamblin - Company E (Source: )

Capt Ira E Hamblin
327th GIR Co E
KIA 12 June 1944

Company F
Pfc James A Atherton - Company F (Source: )

Pfc James A Atherton
327th GIR Co F
KIA 07 Oct 1944

Pfc John Bilinsky - Co F ( Courtesy B Jeffries)

Pfc John Bilinsky
327th GIR Co F
2nd Battalion

Pfc Harry Ward Bliss - Co F ( Bronze Star Oak Leaf Cluster Recipient)

Pfc Harry W Bliss
327th GIR Co F
KIA 25 Dec 1944

S/Sgt Harold P Brusoe - Co F ( Courtesy of his daughter: Judy Tamir)

S/Sgt Harold P Brusoe
327th GIR Co F
Platoon Sergeant

S/Sgt Warren W Carlson - Bronze Star Recipient/PH (Source: B Jeffries)

S/Sgt Warren W Carlson
327th GIR Co F
Bronze Star Recipient

S/Sgt Louis J Kulp

S/Sgt Louis J Kulp
327th GIR Co F
KIA 20 June 1944

Pfc Warren U Mills

Pfc Warren U Mills
327th GIR Co F
KIA 19 Sept 1944

S/Sgt George H Pabst Jr

S/Sgt George H Pabst Jr
327th GIR Co F
KIA 17 June 1944

Headquarters Company 2nd Battalion (HQ 2)
Pfc Harold W Long

Pfc Harold W Long
327th GIR HQ 2
KIA 12 June 1944

Pvt Archie H Miller

Pvt Archie H Miller
327th GIR HQ 2
KIA 22 Sept 1944

Maj Warren D Stubblefield Jr

Maj Warren D Stubblefield
327th GIR HQ 2
KIA 12 June 1944

Company G
Pfc Harold A Baker  [401]  (Courtesy: B Jeffries )

Pfc Harold A Baker
401/327th GIR Co G
KIA 13 Jan 1945

T/Sgt George W Bonner (Courtesy: Pierre Godeau)

T/Sgt George W Bonner
327th GIR Co G
DOW 20 Dec 1944

Pvt John Hodge Davis (Courtesy: Jim Davis )

Pvt John H Davis
327th GIR
Company G

Pfc Frank L De La Rosa

Pfc Frank L De La Rosa
327th GIR Co G
KIA 17 June 1944

Sgt Olen L Leigh  (Courtesy: Brenda Hammer Sorrells )

Sgt Olen L Leigh
327th GIR Co G
KIA 20 Jan 1945

Pfc James S Parsons - Bronze Star & PH (OLC) Recipient

Pfc James S Parsons
327th GIR Co G
KIA 20 Dec 1944

Pfc Henry C Proppe (Courtesy: Kevin Brooks)

Pfc Henry C Proppe
327th GIR Co G
KIA 17 June 1944

Pfc Don Rich (Courtesy: )

Pfc Don Rich
327th GIR
Company G

Sgt William H Ritchie - Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster Recipient (Courtesy: Pierre Legace)

Sgt William H Ritchie
327th GIR Co G
KIA 22 Sept 1944

S/Sgt Ray M Rucker

S/Sgt Ray M Rucker
327th GIR Co G
KIA 20 Dec 1944

Pvt Arthur E Rutherford (Courtesy: )

Pvt Arthur E Rutherford
327th GIR Co G
KIA 21 June 1944

Pfc Henry P Scherrer (Courtesy: Jim Voelz)

Pfc Henry P Scherrer
327th GIR Co G
DOW 22 Sept 1944

Pfc John - Jack - Sherman Co G (Courtesy: Dominique Potier )

Pfc John Sherman
327th GIR
Company G

Company K - [401st GIR]
Pfc Frank Ondo [2/401] (Courtesy: )

Pfc Frank Ondo
401/327th GIR Co K
KIA 7 June 1944

Capt Sanford L Sooter - CO Company K

Capt Sanford L Sooter
327th GIR Co K
Commanding Officer

Company L - [401st GIR]
M/Sgt Junior Leon - Silver Star Recipient (Courtesy of his grandson: Christopher Courtney)

M/Sgt Junior Leon Parker
327th GIR Co L
Silver Star Recipient

S/Sgt OD Sullivan (Courtesy: Kenneth Sullivan)

S/Sgt OD Sullivan
327th GIR
Company L

Company M - [401st GIR]
Cpl George H Scharas

Cpl George H Scharas
327th GIR Co M
KODY 30 Apr 45

Service Company
2/Lt Robert S Graef

2/Lt Robert S Graef
327th GIR Srvc Co
KIA 12 Oct 1944

Regimental Headquarters (RHQ)
Pfc Cornelius F Burdiss

Pfc Cornelius F Burdiss
327th GIR RHQ
KIA 28 Oct 1944 (BS)

Pfc Harold K Deal  (Courtesy: B Jeffries )

Pfc Harold K Deal
327th GIR RHQ
KIA 19 Sept 1944

Pvt Neil A Fahrner

Pvt Neil A Fahrner
327th GIR RHQ
KIA 24 Oct 1944

S/Sgt George S Hunter

S/Sgt George S Hunter
327th GIR RHQ
KIA 22 Sept 1944

T/5 Raymond L Miller Silver/Bronze Stars Recipient

T/5 Raymond L Miller
327th GIR RHQ/medic
DOW 24 Sept 1944 (SS/BS)

Pfc Delburt L Pierce

Pfc Delburt L Pierce
327th GIR HQ
KIA 10 June 1944

T/5 Richard H Zirn - [1/401] Bronze Star Recipient

T/5 Richard H Zirn
327th/401st GIR HQ
MIA 31 Jan 1945 (BS)

1/Lt Daniel F Dorman

1/Lt Daniel F Dorman
327th GIR HQ
DOW 7 Oct 1944

Capt John Reuben Steel - RHQ - Chaplain - ([1st Battalion 401st GIR] Source: Melinda Taylor)

Capt John R Steel
327th GIR RHQ
KIA 7 June 1944

Capt (Rev) Clement F Faistl

Capt (Rev) Clement F Faistl
327th GIR RHQ

Regimental Medical Detachment (RMD)
Cpl Don Frederick

Pfc Don Frederick
327th GIR 1st Btn

Maj Ray W Pickel - Medical Detachment Commander 327th GIR

Maj Ray W Pickel
327th GIR
Med Detachment CO

Other - (Company Unknown)
Pfc John T Blanchard - Purple Heart

Pfc John T Blanchard
327th GIR
1st Battalion

S/Sgt Sntonio R Alvarez  (Courtesy: B Jeffries )

S/Sgt Sntonio R Alvarez
327th GIR
KIA 21 Dec 1944

Cpl John G Duncan Jr  (Source: B Jeffries)

Cpl John G Duncan Jr
327th GIR
Company Unknown

Pfc Gerald W Glover (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Gerald W Glover
2nd Battalion

Pvt Robert E Gordon  (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Robert E Gordon
327th GIR
KIA 20 Sept 1944

Pfc Truman A Meling  (Courtesy: B Jeffries )

Pfc Truman A Meling
327th/401st GIR
DOW 31 Dec 1944

Pfc Roy E Neff

Pfc Roy E Neff
327th/401st GIR
3rd Battalion

R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Ambrose, Stephen E D-DAY June 6,1944: The Climatic Battle of WW II. 6/93, Simon & Shuster ISBN: 0671673343
Ambrose, Stephen E Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest. Simon & Schuster, (June 2001) 336 p. ISBN: 0-743-21638-5
Ambrose, Stephen E Citizen Soldiers: The U.S. Army from the Normandy Beaches to the Bulge to the Surrender of Germany, June 7, 1944-May 7, 1945. Simon & Schuster, (Nov 1997) 528 p. ISBN: 0-684-81525-7
Badsey, Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Bando, Mark A  Avenging Eagles: Forbidden tales of the 101st Airborne in World War 2. Bando Publishing, (2006) 183 p. ISBN: 0977911705
Bando, Mark A  101st Airborne: The Screaming Eagles at Normandy. Zenith Press, (Apr 2001) 156 p. ISBN: 0760308551
Bando, Mark A  Vanguard of the Crusade: The US 101st Airborne Division in WW II. The Aberjona Press, (June 2003) 320 p. ISBN: 0971765006
Black, Wallace B.& Blashfield, Jean F. Battle of the Bulge (World War II 50th Anniversary Series). Crestwood House, 48 pp May,1993 ISBN: 0896865681
Bowen, Robert Fighting With the Screaming Eagles: With the 101st Airborne from Normandy to Bastogne. Greenhill Books/Lionel Leventhal, (Sept 2001) 256 p. ISBN: 1853674656
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, (1989) 621 p.
ISBN: 0-312-03350-8

Breuer, William B Unexplained Mysteries of World War II. John Wiley & Sons, Sept 1998 256 p. ISBN:0471291072
Brooks, Kevin & Rich Donald J Glider Infantryman: Behind Enemy Lines in World War II (Williams-Ford Texas A&M University Military History Series). TAMU Press, Nov 22, 2011, 320 p. ISBN:1603444246
Burgett, Donald R Currahee!. Presidio Press, (Sept 1999) 256 p. ISBN: 0-891-41681-1
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
De Trez, Michel  American Paratrooper Helmets: Mediterranean & European Theater of Operations  June, 2010, Histoire & Collections, 272 p. ISBN: 2352501415
De Trez, Michel  American Warriors: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers Prior to Normandy  July, 1998, D-Day Pub, 212 p. ISBN: 2960017609
De Trez, Michel  Cpl Forrest Guth: E Company 506 PIR 101st Airborne Division (WW II American Paratroopers Portrait Series)  March, 2002, D-Day Pub, 56 p. ISBN: 296001765X
De Trez, Michel  Orange is the Color of the Day: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Holland April, 2004, D-Day Pub, 506 p. ISBN: 2960017633
De Trez, Michel  At the Point of No Return : Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Normandy 7/98, D-Day Pub, 200 p. ISBN: 2960017617
Devlin, Gerard S  Paratrooper! St Martin's Press, (P) c1976 ISBN: 0312596529
Gavin, James M.  On to Berlin : Battles of an Airborne Commander, 1943-1946 ISBN: 0670525170
Golden, Lewis Echoes From Arnhem Penguin ISBN: 0718305213
Koehl, Thomas  & Condon, Billy  Sojourn in Hell: A GI’s Journey from Boot Camp to POW Camp Watermark Publishing, 2022 ISBN: 979-8-9867737-1-1
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
McKenzie, John  On Time, On Target Novato, CA: Presidio, May 15,2000. 304 p. ISBN: 089 141 714 1
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
Webster, David Kenyon Parachute Infantry: An American Paratrooper's Memoir of D- Day and the Fall of the Third Reich 352p. ISBN: 0385336497

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