
"Courage is the first of all human qualities because
""""it is the quality that guarantees all the others. "

................................................... ...Sir Winston Churchill
   - 1st Battalion
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    Company C
    Company HQ 1
   - 2nd Battalion
    Company D
    Company E
    Company F
    Company HQ 2
   - 3rd Battalion
    Company G
    Company H
    Company I
    Company HQ 3
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  1/504th PIR A Company 1st Platoon

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The Battle of the Bridges - 504th PIR
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Battle of the Bridges

 (History of the 376th PFAB by Jan Bos) History of the 376th PFAB
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Jan Bos)

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The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Roster  Company D - (Partial) - 2nd Battalion

 LastName FirstName MI Tle Rank ASN No. Pltn Status Medals Comment

Adams Herbert H Pfc 3rd  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Akers William W Jr Pvt 39019054
Alacaraz Antonio O Pvt 39855918
Albert Howard Pvt 20204068 Med KIA SS,PH Italy
Albertson David E Pvt 18076552
Aldridge Richard D M/Sgt SS  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Ament William C Pfc 16156140 KIA PH
Anders Arthur C Cpl 38211428
Anderson Charles L S/Sgt 18079491  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Asci Wido P 31158033
Ashens William R Pvt 17160578
Bagley Grady K Pvt 18079914
Baird Charles E Pfc
Baker Edward F Jr Pfc 33620075 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Ooijpolder
Baker John J Pfc 19000452
Bays John L
Pvt 35445192 POW Stalag 344
Beacham John E
Pfc 12072861 POW  Photo on Trooper Pictures Stalag 344
Bernick Robert Jr Pvt 17046358
Biello Dominic T Pvt 33142523 1st KIA BS, PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Floret
Billingsley Augusta F 06967816
Blakney Herman O S/Sgt
Boes Joseph H 37633003 WIA PH
Boring Richard H Sgt 15115090 POW Stalag 2B/Anzio
Bourgoin Alphonse R Pvt 11101953 MIA PH Anzio
Boyette John E Pvt  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Bradley Edward J
Brasseale James V Pvt 14090763
Brennan John Pvt 6138410
Brookes Lynn R T/5 35587932 WIA PH
Broome Louis W
Pvt 36522698 KIA PH Anzio
Brousseau Joseph A R Pvt 31141081
Brown Earnest H
Brown Harry E Pvt 18086085
Brown William T Pvt
Brumbaugh Blair B Pvt 13048722 BS
Buck Billy B Pvt 34014310
Burton Edward J
Campana Victor E Capt 32406644 S-3 3rd Btn
Capobianco Joseph P Cpl 32543076 WIA BS, PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Carrier Ralph F Pvt 12071837  Photo on Trooper Pictures
Carroll William J Pvt 33406118
Carruth Clearman Pvt 20416442
Carte Richard T Pvt 6560179
Carter Henry D Pvt
Casale Peter J Pfc 32252536  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Case Norris B Sgt 35346780 DOW BS PH  Photo Trooper Pictures Grave-Elft
Cazier De Loyd Pvt 39090375
Chiaramonte Camello P T/5 19062991
Churilla Robert E Pvt 16077967
Cichanski Chester B
Clare Melvin L 39908800
Clawson Jackie S
Clayton William R Pvt
Clinage Howard V Sgt 35588052 BS
Cockle William F Pfc 39192809 WIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Coffin Emmett E Cpl 33200538 WIA PH
Collins Johnnie L Sgt 14119893 WIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Connolly William J
Cpl 33142527 POW  Photo on Trooper Pictures Stalag 4A
Copeland Hugh W Pvt
Creal Albert R Pvt 20004452
Cribbs Stanley D Pvt 13145873
Cross Lawrence E Pfc 31294454 WIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Csakan Michael J Pvt 32487751
Cubbs Stanley D
Cunningham Robert F
Cupples Joseph H Pfc 33160334  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Curry Louis M
Cpl 34155004 KIA PH Italy
Curtin David E 32460704
Dale Clarence J Pvt 39020179
Darby Williard G Pvt 34331280
Darcy Charles H Pvt
Darby Willard D
Dauer Joseph P Jr 32842484
Davis Andrew J
Davis Bert Pfc 15335822 SS BS
Denton Samuel A 06425655
DiFeo Daniel S Pvt 33343813
Dilbeck Connor D
DiRienzo John C Pfc 12073034 3rd KIA PH Italy
Dodge George W
Donadini James A Pvt 11046275
Dorman John W Pvt 18006794
Dostin Shelton W Pvt 11027924
Druener Hanz K 1/Lt 0-1323673 SS
Duby Henry A Pvt 11061740
Dundurand Bernard L
Dunnagan Harold M Pvt 19075244
Durbin Roy F Pvt 19076939
Duuk Henry L
Eccleston Irtis O 31041570
Eckstein Henry Pvt
Eddy Ray C Pvt 6902532  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Edmondson Walter R Jr Pvt 39019532
Ehlert Henry W Cpl 12051167  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Elsner Robert Pvt 38091091
Enriquez Maurice P Pvt 20262435
Farber Joseph A Pvt 6712697
Fegeruson Robert W Cpl
Fiorentino Angelo M 42159051
Fitzsimmons Patrick T Pfc 15102029 POW Stalag 2B/Anzio
Flanary Ralph W Pvt 18085845
Fleming Ona L Pvt
Fortin Robert E Pvt 11039251
Frisch Walter F Pvt
Fuller Ralph Pvt
Gambill Daford O T/Sgt 18079928 BS
Gardner Burton B Sgt 13078567
Gardner John W
Gardner Leonard
Gasser James A Pvt 19088370
Giananti Ralph Pvt
Glaser Ernest O Pvt
Godwin Robert A Pvt
Grant Jack F Pvt
Gray Roy W Pvt
Greaves Joseph H
Greenblatt Leonard 1/Lt 0-1011764 XO BS
Grubisich John Pvt
Haartikainen Peter B
Hajack Henry F Pvt
Hale Bartley E 1/Sgt
Hall Vance C Jr 2/Lt 0-1015938 BS
Hamburger Walter P Pvt
Hamilton Guy A Pvt 10103095
Hammond Philip W Pfc DOW PH
Haswell Alfred W Pvt 18074839 BS
Hayes Edward F Pfc
Head Donald A Pfc 14073836
Helffrich James W Pvt 33081984
Henderson James F 2/Lt 01293413 DOW PH
Hereford Gerald P Jr Pfc 17061524 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures arty fire
Hines Wesley C Cpl  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Hinton Woodrow Cpl
Hockett Wayne 2/Lt 0-471469 3rd MIA SS,BS,PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Anzio
Horne Lawrence F Jr Pfc 14051955 PH Italy
Hunt Gerald D
Illig Wilbert H Pvt 35391345 KIA PH Anzio
Jaubert G Wilfred 2/Lt  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Johnson Karl B S/Sgt 06930568 MIA/POW BS,PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Stalag 3b
Johnson William C Pvt 39312440
Kadylak Metro Pvt 33439796
Katsanis Charles P 12058475
Kendrick William S Sgt 17169261 SS
Kennedy Max D Pvt 19076952 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Anzio
Ketterer John J Sgt 39017882
Kimball Raymond A Sgt 19075226 BS
King James H Jr Pvt 12203569 KIA PH Italy
Kitchen Herbert H 20831999
Komosa Adam A Capt 0-378898 BS  Photo on Trooper Pictures CO 1943-45
Klotkowski Edward F Pvt 6891156
Krantz Luther E Pvt 33618365 KIA PH(2OLC) Chateau de Bra
Kresge Willis J Pfc 33459831
Kretsinger Kenneth L Pvt 35345144 POW Stalag 2B/Anzio
Krisan John Jr
Kubecka Laddie F Pvt 18103047
Kullick Morris 12040399
Kusho Joseph Pvt 32240271
Kutney Steven J Pvt 33463919 KIA PH Anzio
Labre John R 36413711
Labus Norbert C Pvt 36321977
Ladd Richard J Pfc 06984134
Landseadel William G Pfc 12187268 KIA DSC, PH
Lang Don C Pvt 19004801 BS
Larison Jack C Cpl 35150964 POW PH Belgium
LaRiviere John B
Larkin Ralph R Jr 36479526
Latanishen Steve 33344328
Lechner James E Pvt 37302854 KIA PH Italy
Lecount John C Pfc 39019786
Lee William F Pfc  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Leduc John P Pvt 36540179 PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Lengerich Julius L Pfc 15103367 BS  
Le Vangia Warren J S/Sgt 20116033 3rd POW BS  Photo on Trooper Pictures Stalag Luft 3
Lewis Gene D Pvt 13104086
Livesay James L 18107794
Lovano Herbert A Cpl
Lowe Robert W Sgt 2nd  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Lyman John R 1/Sgt 6572744 3rd BS
MacIntosh James F Jr Pfc 13115445
Malone Edward A Pvt 12091847 DOW PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Anzio [POW]
Marko George Pvt 12137040
Mc Morris Nathaniel N WIA PH Anzio
Messick Ernest J 13099060
Metz Carl 0 Cpl 19002774 3rd
Meyer Charles W Pvt 35610989
Mikrut Louis P 36316033
Monti John J Pvt 12058461 KIA PH Italy
Morales Juan M Pvt 18155164
Morrison Earl F 2/Lt O1312969 DOW PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Italy
Mosebach George F Pvt 12058096 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Groesbeek
Mueller Fred I
Pvt 15103110 POW Stalag 2B/Anzio
Nageley Paul R Pfc 20313355 DOW PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Belgium
Nestler Martin A Pvt 39097602  
Norman Herbert H 34084901
Nowick Walter L Pvt 31131205 KIA BS, PH Anzio
Nylen Lars H Pfc 06146224
O'Connor Harold J Pfc 12198935
Olsen Leonard Cpl 12058690 BS/PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
O'Neill Ralph J Pvt 35521785
Orozco Manuel D Pvt 39711299 DOW PH Belgium
Pardenek John Jr Pvt 32762513 POW Stalag 2B/Anzio
Parks Ernest W S/Sgt  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Parsons Edward L Jr Pvt 13041525 WIA PH
Petrarca Albert A Cpl 11063359 BS
Pike Willard E Pvt 16067765 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Belgium
Pitts Leon Pvt 14121600
Powers James C Pfc 38068865 KODY N Africa
Pritchett John D Pvt 399910126
Ramentol George A Pfc 12058446
Reynolds Harvard T/5 15102650
Richards Aaron I 1/Lt 14120425 PH(OLC)
Ricker Ralph O Sgt 06877401
Roberts Francis R Pfc 33174257
Rollins Harry W 2/Lt O1312334 1st POW Oflag 13B/Floret
Ronzano Thomas A Pfc 31162771
Rosella Edward C Pfc 36614760 POW Belgium
Rutjes Donald A Cpl 37327190 medic KIA PH BS  Photo on Trooper Pictures Holland
Safrath Richard W Pvt 32790105 POW PH BS  Photo on Trooper Pictures Luft 3
Samuel Charles H 36805715 POW Stalag 3B/Ger
Sanders Edward R Pvt 36713408
Santillan Carlos V Pvt 39280461
Savage Charles E Pvt 35791721 POW Stalag Luft 4
Schaeffer John E 1/Lt 0-1309417 SS  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Schnek Charles Pvt 32630561
Scroggins Marvin C Pvt 37343461 POW Stalag 2B/Anzio
Shaebler John A
Shapiro Robert
Sherry Andrew Pvt 33035309
Shirley Urban M Cpl 18109450 KIA BS,PH
Shirts Orin S/Sgt 39909535 BS
Slaubaugh Alfred L Cpl  6884241 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Anzio
Smithey Kenneth M Pfc 20944343 POW/KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Dulag/Luft
Smoot James F
Snowdeal Kenneth W
Starbuck Lacy R S/Sgt 14021431
Steed William J Pvt 11018355
Stokes Ervin W Pvt 12058544
Sumner Otto D
Swindle Clayton E Pvt 34397378
Teats Kenneth F Cpl 13112241 POW Stalag 3B
Thomas Harold L Pvt 15320202 WIA PH
Thompson Richard D
Tyskewicz Joseph Pvt 31248491
Van Tassell Ivan L Pvt 12083033 POW Stalag Luft 3
Venable Elton R
Vogel William H Pvt 35547889
Vossinas George Pvt 12057569 POW Stalag 2B/Anzio
Wagner Edwin S Pfc
Walters Robert H
Wasniak Bernard J 35533240 2nd
Webb Carl O Cpl
West Cleo G Pfc 36859561
West Vernon P
Westerman William J Pfc 35691341 BS  Photo on Trooper Pictures  PathFinder
Whitmire James W Pvt 14123508 KIA PH Anzio
Widger Virgil Pfc 37662459 1st WIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Wilcoxen Gerald V 36482862
Wilson Francis E Pvt 12137448 SS
Wisniewski Edward T 1/Lt 01304985 DOW PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures SWA Lent
Woods Arnold W Pvt 16019106
Yanez Emmett Pfc 37092265
Yorko William J Cpl  6896441 DOW PH(OLC) trsfer 506th PIR(B)
Zurlino Alfred J Pvt 31289326 DOW PH

BS   -  Bronze Star KODY - Killed on Duty PLTN - Platoon
CAPT - Captain LT COL -  Lieutenant Colonel POW  -  Prisoner of War
COL - Colonel 1/LT - First Lieutenant SGT - Sergeant
DODY - Died on Duty 2/LT- Second Lieutenant S/SGT - Staff Sergeant
DOI - Died of Injuries MAJ -  Major 1/SGT - First Sergeant
DOW - Died of Wounds MIA - Missing in Action SS - Silver Star
DSC - Distinguished Service Cross MOH - Medal of Honor T/SGT - Technician Sergeant
JWO - Junior Warrant Officer PFC -  Private First Class T/4 - Technician 4th Class
KIA - Killed in Action PH - Purple Heart T/5 - Technician 5th Class

R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Badsey , Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Blair, Jr, Clay Ridgeway's Paratroopers: The American Airborne in WW II. New York: Doubleday, 1985 588 p. ISBN: 0385278888
Breuer, William B  Agony at Anzio: The Allies Most Controversial and Bizarre Operation of WW II Jove Publishing, 1989 ISBN: 0515102113
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, 1989 621 p. ISBN: 0-312-03350-8
Breuer, William B Drop Zone Sicily: Allied Airborne Strike,July 1943. Novato, CA: Presidio, c1983. 212 p. ISBN: 089 141 1968
Breuer, William B  They Jumped at Midnight Jove Publishing, (P) c1990 ISBN: 0515104256
Burriss, T Moffatt  Strike and Hold: A Memoir of the 82nd Airborne in WW II Brasseys, Inc, 256 pp August,2000 ISBN: 1574882589
Carter, Ross S  Those Devils in Baggy Pants  Buccaneer Books, Reprint,1996 ISBN: 0899666132
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
Devlin, Gerard S  Paratrooper! St Martin's Press, (P) c1976 ISBN: 0312596529
Gavin, James M.  On to Berlin : Battles of an Airborne Commander, 1943-1946 ISBN: 0670525170
Keegan, John The Second World War Penguin (P), 708 p. ISBN: 014011341X
Kershaw, Alex The Longest Winter: The Battle of the Bulge and the Epic Story of WWII's Most Decorated Platoon Da Capo Press, 288 pp November 30, 2004 ISBN: 0306813041
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
Megallas , James All the Way to Berlin: A Paratrooper at War in Europe 336p., Presidio Press, March, 2003. ISBN: 0891417842
Messina , Phillip Anzio: Song of Destiny A.G.Halldin Publishing Company, 1992. ISBN: 0 935 64838 0
Nordyke , Phil All American All the Way: Combat History of the 82nd Airborne Division in World War II Zenith Press, April 2005. 880 pgs ISBN: 0760322015
Nordyke , Phil The All Americans in World War II: A Photographic History of the 82nd Airborne Division at War Zenith Press, May 2006. 192 pgs ISBN: 0760326177
Nordyke , Phil Four Stars of Valor: The Combat History of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment in World War II Zenith Press, November 2006. 480 pgs ISBN: 0760326649
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
van Lunteren, Frank The Battle of Bridges: The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Operation Market Garden Casemate, June 1,2014. 336 p. ISBN: 1612002323
Wildman, John B All Americans 82nd Airborne. Meadowlands Militaria, 6/83 ISBN:091 208 1007
The Center of Military History The War in the Mediterranean: A WWII Pictorial History Brasseys, Inc., 465 p. ISBN:1574881302

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