
"Courage is the first of all human qualities because
""""it is the quality that guarantees all the others. "

................................................... ...Sir Winston Churchill
   - 1st Battalion
    Company A
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    Company C
    Company HQ 1
   - 2nd Battalion
    Company D
    Company E
    Company F
    Company HQ 2
   - 3rd Battalion
    Company G
    Company H
    Company I
    Company HQ 3
    Regimental HQ
    Regimental MD
    Service Company
  -Groesbeek Liberation
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  Airborne and Special Operations Museum
  WW II Historical Re- enactment Society
  1/504th PIR A Company 1st Platoon

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The Battle of the Bridges - 504th PIR
Click above to order The
Battle of the Bridges

 (History of the 376th PFAB by Jan Bos) History of the 376th PFAB
by Jan Bos

(To purchase a copy e-mail
Jan Bos)

The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Roster  Company - F (Partial) - 2nd Battalion

 LastName FirstName MI Tle Rank ASN No. Pltn Status Medals Comment

Aguilar Fernando F
Allegretto Theodore A
Anderson Emmett A Jr SSgt  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Anthony Wilbur J
Arnold Guy H
Arnold Robert H T/5  Photo on Trooper Pictures
Aston William L Jr Pvt 33414344 SS  
Atkins John C Pfc BS  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Auck Thomas W Pfc 35099281 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Germany
Barbu Sylvester E Pvt  
Beaton Edward J Pvt 12059177 KIA SS PH  
Beatty LaVern W  
Benavitz William G Jr  
Berry Oddis L  
Beste Jack J Pvt 19004047 DOW PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Holland
Bilby Edmund R Jr S/Sgt 37143275 SS, PH  
Billet Joseph J  
Bishop Jack B  
Bledsoe Artie M  
Bodiford Thomas E  
Bradley Clifford  
Branch Raymond F Pfc 34502259 BS  
Buchanan Robert P  
Byrd Jasper O T/5 39239981 KIA PH
Carey Robert T
Carpenter Ray
Chamberlain Gordon J
Chamberlin John C Sgt 36525582 SS BS PH(OLC)  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Chaney Walter E Pfc 13072994 BS  PF
Christie John B
Christman Russell Pvt 33834307 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Belgium
Churchill James R Pfc 34583362 SS
Ciani Renzo
Clark John R
Coen Edward Pfc 33267513 KIA PH Menfi,Sicily
Cooper Willie C Pfc  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Cope Leonard J Pvt 13086972 KIA PH Sicily
Covello Henry D
Creason Arthur C
Cross Walter Cpl 33159816 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Italy
Crouse Leo D Pfc 37498196 BS
Dates John
De Nevers Bertrand
Decker Dale E Sgt 39018143 KIA PH Salerno, Italy
Dempsey Joe
Devine Robert P Pfc 17113866 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Germany
Disalvo Joseph S Pfc 32211844 BS 
Dodd Ellis G Pfc
Donahue Donald N
Donat Raymond E
Duncan John M Sgt 39086897 KIA PH Holland
Durdin Moses A Sgt 38100274 KIA PH Sicily
Enoch Joe Pvt 35591517 KIA PH (OLC) Italy
Fattore Louis F T/4 13054978 PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Felipe Sergio R T/Sgt 32000080 BS (OLC)
Fetter Robert J
Flaville Charles K Sgt 12057983 BS 
Gardner John W
Gentzel Richard H Pvt 13066977 MIA BS PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Holland
Gilliland Ralph M Sgt 18096917 KIA PH Sicily
Gregory Cephas J
Gumiela John F Sgt 33160447 BS
Haas John A Pfc  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Hannen Jack E
Harris Richard A 1/Lt 0-1312557 KIA SS PH Belgium
Hart Charles E
Hart Leo M
Heneisen Robert V 2/Lt 0-1823298 KIA BS PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Holland
Hennemann Robert E
Hill George W
Hillen Samuel L
Irvin Nelson L BS PH
Jewell William B Cpl 38022689 KIA PH   Photo on Trooper Pictures Anzio
Jiles Richard D
Johnson Lorin R S/Sgt 39086932 BS 
Jurewicz Walter A Pvt 32158374 [Co A] KIA PH   Photo on Trooper Pictures Italy
Kaelin Jack J Pfc 15090222 DOW PH   Photo on Trooper Pictures Sicily
Kerkemeyer Robert H Pvt 37415269 KIA PH   Photo on Trooper Pictures Belgium
Kington John D Cpl 38439426 BS 
Koss Joseph M Pfc 13056883 KIA DSC PH Holland
Knott Emery H S/Sgt 16124142 BS 
Kubeck Stanley L S/Sgt 6891295 BS 
Kurtz Joseph R  
Ladner Oscar E Pfc 14039852 SS 
Leversee Gerald T  
Lockhart Joseph L Sgt 15099479 KIA PH Sicily
Lorenz Albert O  
Lowe John F  
Lyons James F Pvt 34597232 BS 
MacDonald James M Pfc 11048356 KIA PH  Sicily
Maida Leonard L
Maier Robert D Pfc 15353848 SS
Martin Richard D
Martinson Manville H S/Sgt 36203626 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Italy
Mascaro August J
Masson Stephen C
Mauldin Arthur R Pfc 34026930 KIA PH Italy
McAfee John A Pfc  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
McCash Stuart 1/Lt 0-448694 SS BS
McCord Leonard D
McDermott Bernard M Pvt 33172615 KIA PH Holland
McFeeley Edward H Cpl BS 2PH(OLC)
McLaughlin Frank J
McNally Arthur Pfc 36015532 KIA PH Sicily
McSwain Maurice Pfc 38474649 BS
Meagher Earl G Pvt 31389064 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Germany
Mengel Melvin A PH
Meyer Donald A
Meyer William Pvt 32922762 KIA PH Belgium
Mickey Robert M Sr PH
Middleton Martin E 1/Lt 0-1299926 SS BS(OLC)
Miller Orval L
Mishler Orville C Pfc 36000432 BS PH
Miskovich Adam J
Mockapetris Victor PH
Mockus Edward J
Moelter Robert W PH
Montbleau Joseph
Moore Thomas B PH
Morain Donald E
Morelock Newton
Moseley Thomas W
Moss Clarence W
Mullikin William D Pfc 15331406 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Italy
Musto Albert
Myers John L
Myrick William K Pfc 34174047 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Ardennes
Nadler Philip H
Newell Hal G Sgt 18079893 POW BS PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
O'Neal Sidney H
Opitz John Sgt 37283065 [551] KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Germany
O'Toole James M
Partridge Esmer O S/Sgt 20415610 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Holland
Patton John A Pfc 37463856 KIA PH3(OLC) Germany
Paulishak Joseph C Cpl 33151351 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Italy
Paulk Dan I Pvt 34056719 KIA PH Sicily
Peck Elbert
Pento Constantine J
Phillips Stanley L S/Sgt 32043097 BS
Pierce William K Pfc 15090277 KIA PH4(OLC)  Photo on Trooper Pictures Holland
Pinones Jesus PH
Platzer Carl R
Poling Andrew C Pvt 15090526 SS
Prodger William P Jr
Rabb Harry S Pvt 34311463 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Anzio
Ranne William
Reidell William A Pfc 17048243 BS   
Richardson Beverly T Capt 0-1283840 BS  
Richie Jesse
Righthouse Robert L Cpl 35685830 KIA PH Belgium
Riojas Richard S
Roepke Paul M S/Sgt 06862398 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Sicily
Rogers Walter L
Roll Finas H
Rosser Herbert C Pfc 14067203 BS
Sadoski Kostanty A Pvt 11046851 KIA PH Holland
Salinas Oswaldo
Salkowski Frank J S/Sgt 13006175 SS
Sandoval William L Pvt 36448880 MIA BS PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Holland
Scheibelein Edward M 2/Lt O-1061850 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Holland
Schell Raymond J
Schell Richard
Schrack William H Pfc 35275258 KIA PH Sicily
Schramm Oliver J 33151082
Schwindl John F Cpl 36100376 DOW PH Italy
Secondine Alfred T/5 38072091 KIA PH Sicily
Segreti Louis R Sgt 32408807 BS 
Shuit Douglas C S/Sgt 32226311 KIA PH Belgium
Simmons James D 1/Lt O-415471 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Anzio
Sisko John J
Smith Joseph M Pvt 13058581 KIA PH (OLC) Holland
Smith Joseph M Pvt 13058581 KIA PH(OLC) Holland
Snow Johnny L S/Sgt 38091329 KIA BS PH(OLC)  Photo on Trooper Pictures Germany
Stanko George
Stevenson Elmer C
Stigler Eugene Pvt 16106592 KIA PH Belgium
Swanson Edward C
Sweet William J Jr Capt 0-454035 SS BS SM  
Swenson Richard W
Sydow Duane V Pfc 37469492 SS
Tabick Harry J
Tackel C L
Tague Joseph F 20751159
Tess Willard G Sgt 6919906 KIA SS BS PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Ardennes
Thomas Raymond S Pvt 12172414 BS
Thompson Alva R Sgt 38001747 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Germany
Thomson Kenneth B Pfc 39019708 KIA PH(OLC)  Photo on Trooper Pictures Holland
Thurmond Kelley C
Turner James C
Valkovic Michael J
VanLeven Hubert
Vukmanic Paul D Pfc 33173015 KIA PH 2(OLC) Ardennes
Woyer Billie
Watson William L
Weeks James W Pfc 34806233 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Germany
White Thomas J Pfc 34571212 BS
White Thomas J
Whitney Robert C Pvt 37544275 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Italy
Wilbanks Ray D Pvt 20444302 KIA BS PH Holland
Wilczynski Henry J S/Sgt 06576483 KIA PH Italy
Williams Arch D
Williamson Arthur C Jr Pvt 32751723 SS
Wilson Donald R
Wilson William L
Wooden Hugh E
Yobst Lawrence J

BS   -  Bronze Star KODY - Killed on Duty PLTN - Platoon
CAPT - Captain LT COL -  Lieutenant Colonel POW  -  Prisoner of War
COL - Colonel 1/LT - First Lieutenant SGT - Sergeant
DODY - Died on Duty 2/LT- Second Lieutenant S/SGT - Staff Sergeant
DOI - Died of Injuries MAJ -  Major 1/SGT - First Sergeant
DOW - Died of Wounds MIA - Missing in Action SS - Silver Star
DSC - Distinguished Service Cross MOH - Medal of Honor T/SGT - Technician Sergeant
JWO - Junior Warrant Officer PFC -  Private First Class T/4 - Technician 4th Class
KIA - Killed in Action PH - Purple Heart T/5 - Technician 5th Class

R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Badsey , Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Blair, Jr, Clay Ridgeway's Paratroopers: The American Airborne in WW II. New York: Doubleday, 1985 588 p. ISBN: 0385278888
Breuer, William B  Agony at Anzio: The Allies Most Controversial and Bizarre Operation of WW II Jove Publishing, 1989 ISBN: 0515102113
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, 1989 621 p. ISBN: 0-312-03350-8
Breuer, William B Drop Zone Sicily: Allied Airborne Strike,July 1943. Novato, CA: Presidio, c1983. 212 p. ISBN: 089 141 1968
Breuer, William B  They Jumped at Midnight Jove Publishing, (P) c1990 ISBN: 0515104256
Burriss, T Moffatt  Strike and Hold: A Memoir of the 82nd Airborne in WW II Brasseys, Inc, 256 pp August,2000 ISBN: 1574882589
Carter, Ross S  Those Devils in Baggy Pants  Buccaneer Books, Reprint,1996 ISBN: 0899666132
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
Devlin, Gerard S  Paratrooper! St Martin's Press, (P) c1976 ISBN: 0312596529
Gavin, James M.  On to Berlin : Battles of an Airborne Commander, 1943-1946 ISBN: 0670525170
Keegan, John The Second World War Penguin (P), 708 p. ISBN: 014011341X
Kershaw, Alex The Longest Winter: The Battle of the Bulge and the Epic Story of WWII's Most Decorated Platoon Da Capo Press, 288 pp November 30, 2004 ISBN: 0306813041
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
Megallas , James All the Way to Berlin: A Paratrooper at War in Europe 336p., Presidio Press, March, 2003. ISBN: 0891417842
Messina , Phillip Anzio: Song of Destiny A.G.Halldin Publishing Company, 1992. ISBN: 0 935 64838 0
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
van Lunteren, Frank The Battle of Bridges: The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Operation Market Garden Casemate, June 1,2014. 336 p. ISBN: 1612002323
Wildman, John B All Americans 82nd Airborne. Meadowlands Militaria, 6/83 ISBN:091 208 1007
The Center of Military History The War in the Mediterranean: A WWII Pictorial History Brasseys, Inc., 465 p. ISBN:1574881302

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