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507th PIR Regimental Pocket Patch

507th PIR WW II
Medal of Honor Recipients

Pvt Joe Gandara
Pvt George J Peters

Silver Star Recipients
S/Sgt Harold K Alquist
2/Lt William C Aubel
S/Sgt Donald E Bosworth
Pfc Joseph S Brosnan
Major John T Davis
Pfc Jerome G Day
Sgt John H Donahoo
Pfc Joseph R Downing
S/Sgt Alexander B Gaydon
1/Lt Lewis L Harris
1/Lt Robert W Law Jr
Capt James P Lyke
Capt John W Marr
2/Lt Gerald C Mc Gonigle
2/Lt Kenneth E McManamy
S/Sgt Samuel D Meade
Col George V Millet Jr
Pvt Charles W Penchard
Sgt Richard G Rarick
S/Sgt Cliton W Rivers
Pfc Melvin P Schallert
Capt F V Schwartzwalder
Pvt Roy J Spencer
2/Lt John H Sterner
Sgt Carl W Struthers
Lt Col Charles J Timmes
Capt Clarence A Tolle
S/Sgt Mervin F Troutman
Capt John J Verret
1/Lt Roger Whiting

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D-Day Jump Rosters



Securing the Douve Line (CMH)

The Drop Zone: Fractured - Normandy Remembered

D-Day: The Paratroopers Experience

The Decision to Launch Operation Market Garden

The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge


Field of Honor (Database) (Database)

The 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment
2nd Battalion - Trooper Pictures

Company D
Pvt Robert L Benoit (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Robert L Benoit
507th PIR Co D
KIA 17 June 1944

S/Sgt Egenuirz Borowski (Source: B Jeffries)

S/Sgt Egenuirz Borowski
507th PIR Co D
KIA 7 June 1944

Sgt William H Buchta Jr (Source: Janet Buchta Miller)

Sgt William H Buchta Jr
507th PIR Co D
1st Platoon

T/5 Glenn R Collins(Source : B Jeffries)

T/5 Glenn R Collins
507th PIR Co D
KIA 14 June 1944

Pfc Joseph R Downing - Silver Star Recipient (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Joseph R Downing
507th PIR Co D
KIA 21 Jan 45 (SS)

S/Sgt Odell Dubree

S/Sgt Odell Dubree
507th PIR
Company D

Pfc Philip N Equitz

Pfc Philip N Equitz
507th PIR
Company D

Pfc Arwillis E - Whitey - Farver

Pfc Arwillis E Farver
507th PIR Co D
KIA 6 June 44

Pvt Joe Gandara - Medal of Honor awarded Posthumously 2014

Pvt Joe Gandara
507th PIR Co D (MOH*)
KIA 9 June 44

Pvt Owen L Garlinghouse - Bronze Star Recipient (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Owen L Garlinghouse
507th PIR Co D
KIA 12 Jan 45 (BS)

Pfc George Gaydos

Pfc George Gaydos
507th PIR
Company D

Pvt William J Hickey

Pvt William J Hickey
507th PIR
Company D

Pfc Donald C - Pete - Hubbard (Source: Hartley L Hubbard)

Pfc Donald C Hubbard
507th PIR Co D
KIA 24 June 44

Pfc Harold F Miller

Pfc Harold F Miller
507th PIR Co D
KIA 7 Feb 45

Pfc  Joe W Milligan - Co D PH (OLC)

Pfc Joe W Milligan
507th PIR Co D
KIA 27 Mar 1945

Pfc Stanley W Mytko - Co D 2nd Platoon

Pfc Stanley W Mytko
507th PIR Co D
KIA 21 Jan 45

Pfc Stanford George Riley - SWA Normandy

Pfc Stanford G Riley
507th PIR
Company D

Pvt Roy J Spencer - Silver Star Recipient

Pvt Roy J Spencer
507th PIR Co D
KIA 12 Jan 45 (SS)

Pvt Lynuel D Sutherland - Bronze Star Recipient

Pvt Lynuel D Sutherland
507th PIR Co D
KIA 6 July 44 (BS)

vPvt Warren Trealoar

Pvt Warren Trealoar
507th PIR Co D
KIA 14 June 1944

1/Lt Joseph A Carson (Source: B Jeffries)

1/Lt Joseph A Carson
507th PIR Co D
KIA 21 June 44

1/Lt Lewis L Harris - Silver/Bronze Star Recipient (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

1/Lt Lewis L Harris
507th PIR Co D
Silver Star Recipient

1/Lt Anthony J Zakarian - Bronze Star Recipient

1/Lt Anthony J Zakarian
507th PIR Co D
KIA 26 Mar 1945 (BS)

Capt Clarence A Tolle - Silver Star RecipienT

Capt Clarence A Tolle
507th PIR Co D
KIA 17 June 44 (SS)

Company E
Pvt Kurt Dwight Busiek - E Co Medic

Pvt Kurt D Busiek
507th PIR Co E
KIA 30 Jan 45

Pvt Norman A Cessna - E Co POW (Source: Nathaniel Cisne)

Pvt Norman A Cessna
507th PIR Co E
POW 09 Jun 44

Pvt George Gadberry (Source:B Jeffries

Pvt George Gadberry
507th PIR
Company E

Pvt Richard A Hager

Pvt Richard A Hager
507th PIR Co E
KIA 15 June 44

Sgt Edward M Isabell

Sgt Edward M Isabell
507th PIR
Company E

Pfc Oland Jones (Source: Mitch Strickland)

Pfc Oland Jones
507th PIR Co E
KIA 6 June 44

Cpl Fred W Kendall

Cpl Fred W Kendall
507th PIR Co E
KIA 17 June 1944

Pvt Girard F Lemieux (Source:B Jeffries

Pvt Girard F Lemieux
507th PIR
Company E

Pfc Cresencio Ruybal - E Co

Pfc Cresencio Ruybal
507th PIR Co E
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Pfc Harold G May - Wounded in Action (WIA) 8 Feb 1945 (Source: Tom Boone)

Pfc Harold G May
507th PIR Co E
Bronze Star

Pfc Louis C Waldorf

Pfc Louis C Waldorf
507th PIR Co E
KIA 12 June 1944

Pfc Eli Glenn Wood

Pfc Eli Glenn Wood
507th PIR
Company E

Capt Roy E Creek - Company E Commander D-Day (Source: Gordon Stewart)

Capt Roy E Creek
507th PIR Co E
Commanding Officer

Company F
Pvt Ricardo Rico Alvarez - POW (Source: Nicole Alvarez)

Pvt Ricardo R Alvarez
507th PIR Co F

Sgt Oval Gray Amyx

Sgt Oval G Amyx
507th PIR Co F
KIA 2 July 1944

Pfc Glenn Ball (Courtesy Brian Siddall)

Pfc Glenn Ball
507th PIR Co F
KIA 30 Jun 1944

Pvt Robert W Belfy

Pvt Robert W Belfy
507th PIR Co F
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Pvt Bertram L Bent (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Bertram L Bent
507th PIR Co F
KIA 13 Apr 1945

Pfc Veldee Anthony Blackmon (Source: Linda Blackmon Bell)

Pfc Veldee A Blackmon
507th PIR Co F
KIA 27 Mar 1945

Pfc Edgar E Bushman (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Edgar E Bushman
507th PIR Co F
2nd Battalion

Pvt Manuel M Camarena (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Manuel M Camarena
507th PIR Co F
KIA 11 June 1944

Pvt Leroy E Cartmill (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Leroy E Cartmill
507th PIR Co F
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Pvt Frank E Cuff

Pvt Frank E Cuff
507th PIR
Company F

Pvt Donn W Cummings

Pvt Donn W Cummings
507th PIR Co F
KIA 6 June 1944

Pfc Donald C Hanson - POW (Source: Brian Siddall)

Pfc Donald C Hanson
507th PIR Co F

Pfc Stanislaw M Janik

Pfc Stanislaw M Janik
507th PIR Co F
KIA 7 Feb 1945

Cpl Wilber Ray Jones

Cpl Wilber Ray Jones
507th PIR Co F
KIA 7 June 1944

Pfc Raymond E King

Pfc Raymond E King
507th PIR Co F
KIA 7 Feb 1945

Pfc Justin Kizis Silver Star Recipient

Pfc Justin Kizis
507th PIR Co F
KIA 15 Apr 1945 (SS)

Pfc Harvey D Lewis Jr - SWA Normandy

Pfc Harvey D Lewis Jr
507th PIR
Company F

S/Sgt Alfred W Mazurkewitz

S/Sgt Alfred Mazurkewitz
507th PIR
Company F

S/Sgt William J Parr - F Co

S/Sgt William J Parr
507th PIR Co F
KIA 24 Mar 45

Pfc Joseph E Plis - POW Stalag 7A Moosburg Bavaria 48-12 (Work Camps 3324-46 Krumbachstrasse 48011, Work Camp 3368 Munich 48-11) (Source: Brian Siddall)

Pfc Joseph E Plis
507th PIR Co F
POW - Stalag 7A

Pvt John L Ponder

Pvt John L Ponder
507th PIR Co F
KIA 6 June 1944

Cpl Joseph E Romas - POW Stalag 4B Muhlberg Sachsen 51-13 (Source: Brian Siddall)

Cpl Joseph E Romas
507th PIR Co F
POW - Stalag 4B

Pfc Robert Taylor - POW (Source: Brian Siddall)

Pfc Robert Taylor
507th PIR Co F

1/Lt Walter C Heisler

1/Lt Walter C Heisler
507th PIR
Company F

2/Lt Richard D Shelly - (Courtesy: George Machart)

2/Lt Richard D Shelly
507th PIR Co F
KIA 15 June 1944

1/Lt Roger Whiting - Silver Star Recipient (Courtesy: Mike Sumrell)

1/Lt Roger Whiting
507th PIR Co F
Silver Star Recipient

Headquarters Company 2nd Battalion (HQ 2)
Sgt Robert F Ahlgrim 507th PIR (Source: B Jeffries)

Sgt Robert F Ahlgrim
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 04 July 44

Pvt Bruno Arcangeli 507th PIR (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Bruno Arcangeli
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 24 Mar 45

S/Sgt Lawrence C Beerman (Source: B Jeffries)

S/Sgt Lawrence C Beerman
507th PIR
Hq 2nd Battalion

Pfc Felix S (Swan)Bigham - DOW/England - (Source B Jeffries)

Pfc Felix S Bigham
507th PIR Co Hq 2
DOW 26 July 1944

Cpl George E Boots

Cpl George E Boots
507th PIR Co Hq 2
DOW 5 July 1944

Clyde L Bowden

Pfc Clyde L Bowden
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Pfc Leonard R Brooks - (Source B Jeffries)

Pfc Leonard R Brooks
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Pfc William O Caffey Jr (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc William O Caffey Jr
507th PIR
Hq 2nd Battalion

Pfc Homer B Campbell (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Homer B Campbell
507th PIR
Hq 2nd Battalion

Pvt Hershel Carmichael 507th PIR (Source: B Jeffries)

Pvt Hershel Carmichael
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 06 June 1944

Pfc Joseph F D'Avanzo

Pfc Joseph F D'Avanzo
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Cpl Russell Blair Dillard - 507th PIR D-Day Pathfinder/Bronze Star Recipient

Cpl Russell B Dillard
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 23 June 1944 (BS)

Pvt Arlan Alexander Hudson  507th PIR

Pvt Arlan A Hudson
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Pfc Raymond L Hurda

Pfc Raymond L Hurda
507th PIR
Hq 2nd Battalion

Pvt Kenneth Johnston

Pvt Kenneth Johnston
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 05 July 1944

Pvt Manuel E Kemm Jr

Pvt Manuel E Kemm Jr
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 6 June 1944

Pfc Palmer W Lee (Source: B Jeffries

Pfc Palmer W Lee
507th PIR
Hq 2nd Battalion

Sgt Murray G Marshall medic Bronze Star Recipient  507th PIR (Source: Felix Alicea)

Sgt Murray G Marshall
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 24 Mar 1945 (BS)

T/5 Christopher C Mc Intosh

T/5 Christopher C Mc Intosh
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 8 June 1944

Pfc Paul Morrison - Silver Star Recipient

Pfc Paul Morrison
507th PIR Co Hq 2
DOW 29 Jan 1945 (SS)

Pfc Darrell G Payne

Pfc Darrell G Payne
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 24 Mar 1945

S/Sgt Charles Lee Schoonover (Source: Brandon C Schoonover

S/Sgt Charles Schoonover
507th PIR
Hq 2nd Battalion

Sgt Jerome Shapiro - Bronze Star Recipient (OLC)  507th PIR

Sgt Jerome Shapiro
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 5 July 1944 (BS(OLC))

Cpl William W Stewart

Cpl William W Stewart
507th PIR Hq 2
DOW 5 July 1944

Pvt Billy Joe Taylor

Pvt Billy Joe Taylor
507th PIR Hq 2
KIA 23 June 1944

Pfc Francis J Tolbert Bronze Star and Purple Heart Recipient (Source: Stephen Harned)

Pfc Francis J Tolbert
507th PIR Hq 2
Bronze Star Recipient

Pvt Fabian G Villalobos (Source: Felix Alicea)

Pvt Fabian G Villalobos
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Pvt Robert M Weaver

Pvt Robert M Weaver
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 12 Jan 1945

Pfc Robert B Webster (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Robert B Webster
507th PIR
Hq 2nd Battalion

1/Lt Elmo Francis Koehler - DOW Normandy

1/Lt Elmo Francis Koehler
507th PIR Co Hq 2
DOW 17 June 44

Capt Gordon_S Shotwell

Capt Gordon_S Shotwell
507th PIR Co Hq 2
KIA 24 Mar 1945

Capt Estill L Claudhill - 2nd Battalion Surgeon

Capt Estill L Claudhill
507th PIR - 2nd Btn

LTC Charles J Timmes 2nd Battalion Commander

LTC Charles J Timmes
507th PIR
2nd Btn CO

 >> 3rd Btn  >>

R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Ambrose, Stephen E D-DAY June 6,1944: The Climatic Battle of WW II. 6/93, Simon & Shuster ISBN: 0671673343
Badsey , Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Blair, Jr, Clay Ridgeway's Paratroopers: The American Airborne in WW II. New York: Doubleday, 1985 588 p. ISBN: 0385278888
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, 1989 621 p. ISBN: 0-312-03350-8
D'Este, Carlo  Eisenhower: A Soldier's Life 880 pp Owl Books (May, 2003) ISBN: 0805056874
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
D'Este, Carlo & John S.D.Eisenhower  World War II in the Mediterranean, 1942-1945 (Major Battles & Campaigns) 272 pp Algonquin Books (July, 1990) ISBN: 0945575041
De Trez, Michel  American Paratrooper Helmets: Mediterranean & European Theater of Operations  June, 2010, Histoire & Collections, 272 p. ISBN: 2352501415
De Trez, Michel  American Warriors: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers Prior to Normandy  July, 1998, D-Day Pub, 212 p. ISBN: 2960017609
De Trez, Michel  The Way We Were: "Doc" Daniel B. McIlvoy: Regimental Surgeon, 505 Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division (WW II American Paratroopers Portrait Series)  August 20, 2004, D-Day Pub, 167 p. ISBN: 2960017668
De Trez, Michel  Colonel Bob Piper: G Company 505 PIR (WW II American Paratroopers Portrait Series)  March, 2003, D-Day Pub, 48 p. ISBN: 2960017641
De Trez, Michel  Orange is the Color of the Day: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Holland April, 2004, D-Day Pub, 506 p. ISBN: 2960017633
Falerios, Kenton J.  Give Me Something I Can't Do: The History of the 82nd Military Police Company, WW 1 to Iraq Nov 2007, Authorhouse, 192 p ISBN: 1434337197
Francois, Dominique 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment: A Forgotten Regiment Heimdal (Aug 2002), 120 p. ISBN: 2840481642
Gabel, Kurt The Making of a Paratrooper: Airborne Training and Combat in World War II Univ Press of Kansas (Jan 1990), 282 p. ISBN: 070060409X
Gavin, James M.  On to Berlin : Battles of an Airborne Commander, 1943-1946 ISBN: 0670525170
Hastings, Max Overlord: D-Day and the Battle for Normandy Simon and Shuster(JUV), 396 p. ISBN: 0671554352
Hicks, Anne The Last Fighting General: The Biography of Robert Tryon Frederick Schiffer Pub Ltd, 320pp, ISBN: 0764324306
Inglesby, Leo C A Corporal Once Xlibris  2/2/2001, 108 p. ISBN: 0738838209
Ingrisano, Michael N. Jr And Nothing is Said: Wartime Letters, August 15, 1943 - April 21, 1945 Sunflower University Press, Sept 2002, 540p. ISBN: 0897452631
Irwin, Will (Lt. Col [RET.]) The Jedburghs: The Secret History of the Allied Special Forces, France 1944 Sept 6, 2005, PublicAffairs Pub, 323 p. ISBN: 1586483072
Keegan, John The Second World War Penguin (P), 708 p. ISBN: 014011341X
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
McKenzie, John  On Time, On Target Novato, CA: Presidio, May 15,2000. 304 p. ISBN: 089 141 714 1
Nordyke , Phil All American All the Way: Combat History of the 82nd Airborne Division in World War II Zenith Press, April 2005. 880 pgs ISBN: 0760322015
O'Donnell, Patrick K. Beyond Valor  Free Press, 2001, 384 p. ISBN: 0684873842
Ruggero, Ed  Combat Jump: The Young Men who Led the Assault into Fortress Europe, July, 1943  HarperCollins, 10/21/2003. 388 p. ISBN: 0060088753
Ruggero, Ed  The First Men In: US Paratroopers and the Fight to Save D-Day  HarperCollins, 6/13/2006. 368 p. ISBN: 0060731281
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
Tomedi, Rudy Ridgeway: A Biography of One of America's Greatest Generals William Morrow & Company, 320 p. ISBN: 068816207X
Wildman, John B All Americans 82nd Airborne. Meadowlands Militaria, 6/83 ISBN:091 208 1007
The Center of Military History The War in the Mediterranean: A WWII Pictorial History Brasseys, Inc., 465 p. ISBN:1574881302

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