19 Dec 44 |
1200 |
Regiment received alert orders (verbal) at 1130
from Div thru Aide de Camp to CG to prepare for air-landed operation to the Continent.
Meeting of all staff O's and Bn CO's at 1145.
Meeting with Co CO's at 1300.
(NOTE): Because the
Regt was divided into separate elements for departure, a
chronological report of the activities of each to
include arrival at destination has been recorded.
Thereafter entries are recorded in proper
sequence |
21 Dec 44 |
0745 |
Departed Camp Chiseldon. |
1800 |
Arrived Wyemouth, England.
Embarked at 1930. |
22 Dec 44 |
0800 |
Anchored off LaHarve, France. |
23 Dec 44 |
1300 |
Proceeded up the Seine River to Rouen, France. Anchored at
dark. |
24 Dec 44 |
1100 |
Arrived Rouen. Disembarked at 1130. Left Rouen by truck
convoy at 1530 for Mourmelon. |
25 Dec 44 |
0415 |
Arrived Mourmelon. Set up CP. |
26 Dec 44 |
2200 |
Placed on alert for reported
enemy prcht landing. |
29 Dec 44 |
1400 |
Moved forward to Charleville, France. |
20 Dec 44 |
2000 |
2nd Battalion
departed Cp Chiseldon for marshalling area, Cp. Membury
in preparation for flight. Weather unfavorable for
flying. Flight cancelled. |
Bn rested up. Held
calisthenics. Care & cleaning of weapons. |
22 Dec 44 |
2000 |
Orders received thru liaison
officer to unload all planes. Planes being used for supply missions. |
Complied with Planes unloaded by 230130. |
24 Dec 44 |
1400 |
Bn reloaded all planes. Made ready for flight. |
1700 |
Bn less 30 men E Co., 20 men F
Co., took off as scheduled. |
1950 |
Landed airfield vicinity of
Prunay. Proceeded to Mourmelon. |
25 Dec 44 |
0400 |
Bn closed in at Mourmelon. |
Housing facilities
prepared for balance of Regt. Housed by 502nd Prcht Regt. |
2000 |
Warning order issued by CG, Commodore. |
Bn moved to vicinity of Boulzicourt. |
26 Dec 44 |
0800 |
Field order recd from Commodore
constituting 193rd CT (2nd Bn,
680th FA Bn, Co A,139th Engr,
1st Plat 224th Med, II French Bn.) |
1030 |
Advance party consisting of Col
Schorr, Col Balish, Col Oswald, Capt Cross and Capt
McCrary departed Mourmelon. Arrived Hq 392nd
Engr, Charleville at 1700. |
1800 |
Chalk CT rel'd for attachment to
392nd Engr. 382nd Engr was atchd
to Chalk CT |
21 Dec 44 |
0800 |
Capt Jarrard joined group at Div
Hq as Billeting O for the
193rd. |
1530 |
Departed Camp Chiseldon for
marshalling area, Greenham Commons. |
Unfavorable weather. Flight
postponed. |
24 Dec 44 |
1604 |
Departed airfield - landed at
Orlens at 1820. |
25 Dec 44 |
1000 |
Left Orlens - Arrived at
airstrip A-79 near Prunay at 1140. Moved to Camp
Mourmelon by 1600. |
unit. |
21 Dec 44 |
1830 |
Departed Cp Chiseldon for
marshalling area in preparation for take-off. |
Weather conditions
unfavorable for flying. Care & cleaning of equip. |
26 Dec 44 |
1430 |
Bn departed for
destination. One plane failed to take off due to
mechanical defects. |
1730 |
Arrived at
airstrip A-79. First echelon arrived Mourmelon at 2100.
Co C closed in at 270300. Upon completion of move to
Mourmwlon, Bn moved to Boulzicourt as directed by orders
to advance party who accompanied 2nd Bn. |
27 Dec 44 |
0300 |
Bn moved out -
arrived at Boulzicourt at 0830. Bn was guided by Lt.
Piper who was liaison O from Commodore to Meziers. |
Placed in Regtl
reserve and billeted in the Mil.Bks. |
1545 |
Co A on orders
from Col Schorr proceeded to a point 2 miles E of Mouzon
to assist 194th in the apprehension of 50
German prchts reproted dropped at 1500. |
No enemy
encountered. On orders from Commodore 2nd
Plat Co A supplemented bridge guard at Mouzon. Retired
at 280900. |
22 Dec 44 |
1400 |
Departed Cp
Chisledon for marshalling area in preparation for
flight. Established CP at 1630. Weather unfavorable for
flying. |
27 Dec 44 |
1220 |
Hq & Hq Co
with remaining staff personnel departed for destination.
Arrived airfield vicinity of Prunay at 1400. Moved via
truck to Mourmelon. Men were fed and prepared to move
out for Charleville Staff personnel left in advance.
Arrived at 280300. Temporary housing was set up.
(NOTE): Entire
Regiment now closed in to Charleville, France. |
22 Dec 44 |
0855 |
G-3 Liaison O
reports information rec that destination airfields have
been strafed. On arrival all weapons will be loaded and
troops deployed with utmost speed. All troops not
actually employed in unloading will move to assembly
areas off field and disperse. Fox holes and slit
trenches will be dug. Air guards will be posted at
field, assembly areas and on march to concentration
area. Extended interval will be maintained between
vehicles. Planes within range of any weapon will be
fired upon. Dispersion between troops will be one
hundred yards. |
Bn CO's, Comdt, Pers Adj and Med
Det CO called to CP. S-2 instructed to obtain all
possible knowledge of field. Troops will be given this
info only when definite knowledge of flight is
Jeeps to proceed to cp
destination immediately upon landing. |
2040 |
From G-3: Radio
silence will be observed except for 610, 300,
536's. |
27 Dec 44 |
0855 |
White S-3 reports
5-man enemy patrol encountered at 7980-3590 by 3-man
patrol E Co. Our patrol leader a casualty. Action took
place at 0400. |
1626 |
Order recd from CG
No Meuse Def Sect to send one liaison Officer to Hq
located at Rocroi 0-693520. |
Complied with |
2050 |
Order recd from CG
No Meuse Def Sect to send one Plat to rept to Hq in City
Hall Bldg of Rocroi, reporting to Capt Lawler to be used
as security for Hq. |
Complied with |
2130 |
From CG Commodore:
An O from your unit will be stationed at each bridge in
your sector regardless of weather. An O from some other
unit is also stationed there. The O from your unit will
be responsible for executing the plan. |
Bn CO's
notified |
1500 |
50 enemy prchts
reported dropped near Mouaon at 1130. Ordered to
dispatch one rifle Co, motorized, to investigate. |
A Co dispatched at
1615. Retired approx 2200. Neg. report. |
28 Dec 44 |
1400 |
FO#2: Order
issued to CT CO's Chalk Red and White to have 3 jeeps
alerted to move as a patrol ineither direction. (Red to
South, White to North) to help 392nd Engrs.
To have patrols set up in each Co. with one squad held
for this purpose. Anyone in defense positions will be
dug in. French to be used out front and on flanks. Chalk
Red to send patrols as far as Duncherry to recon. Routes
S3 has blocked out entire area as a point system.
Security at bridges. French to assist at bridges. Find
location for sleeper patrols to front and report to us.
Report information of change of status etc. Comm: Wiring
laid to all bridges. Concealed fires are authorized. |
28 Dec 44 |
0230 |
French MP's report
enemy Prcht drop in vicinity of Duval. |
Muscle notified.
Report unconfirmed. |
28 Dec 44 |
0400 |
Patrol from E Co.
contacted a Gendarmes,firing took place. Sgt. Long,
patrol leader killed. |
28 Dec 44 |
0800 |
White Bn. relieved
392nd Engrs at the 5 City bridges. Nos. 10,
11, 14, 15, and 16. |
28 Dec
44 |
2110 |
Orders received
regarding patrolling of rear areas. |
Chalk Red notified
to keep one Co. motorized to move on half hour
notice. |
2120 |
--- |
2245 |
Msg. Received from
Commodore to have 13 trk drivers report to Commodore at
1000 29 Dec 44. |
Motor officer
notified. |
2250 |
Report from Co. F
that one enemy paratrooper dropped at grid coord.
(878-389) at approx 2100. |
2300 |
investigating reported drop of 2 enemy paratroopers at
grid coord. (878-389) |
2300 |
roadblocks. |
Msg. Sent to CO's
Chalk Red, Reg. Hq Co., CO Chateau, Muscle
Love. |
2310 |
Green flares at
grid coord. (847-342). Evidently Aircraft signal. 15
min. after flare was seen enemy aircraft was
heard. |
Investigated. |
29 Dec 44 |
FO#3: Issued by
group Hqs. Enemy situation: See map. We have the job of
defending the river line. The 392nd Engrs.
Plus 2d Bn, French to defend River w/193rd
generally in reserve. Hope to have every critical point
tied in by wire and radio. No movement of troops on the
river line. 2nd Bn. 193rd must
have withdrawal plans prepared and assembly areas
selected. 1st Bn 193rd submit
requirements for movement by truck in any mission in any
area but our own. 680th to duplicate
1st Bn. All units phone in number of trks
they can spare except for adm needs. At critical points
along river we have sent an Off. To look over our
positions and make recommendations. Placement of
weapons: Dig in camouflage, conceal. 2nd Bn.
will take over Rd. blocks w/charges. Orders to blow
craters to be given by 2nd Bn. CO
680th contact CO 115 FA in regard to
including us in their plan. Move E Co. into town.
Mission of II French given to Liaison O, in regard to
defense of river line and establish 3 new road blocks in
our Southern sector and comm. Set up to all
units. |
Sent. |
1300 |
Meeting of Staff
O's, Bn CO's with Col Stubbs. Special meeting of Staff
O's with Col Schorr. |
1430 |
Lt Hanse with
5-man patrol reports two men challenged, fled into woods
at grid coord 86-35. |
1720 |
Muscle 2: Six
suspects picked up by FFI at
870-395. |
1845 |
Report lights at
RR A-31 (from MP's). |
Investigated by
French found to be fire in a
bucket. |
1930 |
alert |
Warning given by
patrol who heard MG fire due to jammed
weapon. |
2240 |
Muscle Love now in
communication with Chalk Red and Chalk
White. |
2330 |
Chalk 5 dispatched
a patrol from Chalk Red to bridge at Thiley. Mission to
determine status of bridges. |
2400 |
Situation overlay
showing disposition of mine fields sent to Muscle
Hq. |
30 Dec 44 |
0510 |
Footbridge blown
1200, 29 Dec 44. Hway bridge blown at same time. Bridge
at Vauz 507-342 also blown. No information available as
to authority for destruction of these bridges. Town of
Vauz unguarded. Sgt of 507 Co C contacted in town of
Montherme: stated CIC had contacted him as of 29 Dec 44,
told Civil French Contractor that bridge was to be
blown. Patrol sent to Eaglemonte at La Granville.
Negative report. |
Msg. phoned to
Commodore 3.
1630 |
Memo from Col
Schorr: A rehearsal movement of 1st Bn
(Motorized) 193rd regtl res was conducted. At
1338 Bn CO recd orders to move immediately to Les
Mazures and await further orders. |
Adv guard left
billets at 1357. Main body departed at 1400. Reached RJ
785-460 at 1432. Distance of 7 1/2
Miles. |
2100 |
From Muscle Love:
Man shot through arm at 883-253. |
ordered. |
2130 |
Memo from VIII
Corps stating Unit under Corps jurisdiction. In case of
withdrawal on Corps order will require 24 2 1/2 ton
trucks with trailers from
Commodore. |
Info disseminated
to staff. |
2245 |
From Muscle Love:
Considerable small arms fire S of daisy
bridge. |
31 Dec 44 |
0015 |
From Muscle Love:
Firing reported from direction of river at 883-253. |
Muscle Love
investigating. |
1000 |
Daily periodic
reports, overlays atchd. Turned in to Commodore &
Muscle. |
1500 |
S-3 and Gen.
Whitelaw inspected South Sector dispositions of
CT. |
1600 |
Co E moved into CP
area of Chalk White. |
2100 |
From G-4: Request
No of trucks to move regt less "B" bags and duffel
bags. |
Report made to
Commodore. |
2110 |
MP report: Plane
dropped bomb at Youzier at approx 2040. Reported light
suspended aloft believed to be attached to
ballon. |
Balloon hauled
down and found to contain a light. Turned over to G-2
(Armour). Investigation begun. |
2120 |
From Muscle Love:
Patrol of 2 or 3 French accompanied by 2 men of E Co
reports signal light on hill between F1 and 2. Signal
with 2 lights on and off 4 times/ |
Commodore and
Group notified. |
2355 |
Enemy plane
strafed Chalk White & F Co. Tracer ammo used.
Direction of fireN to S. No
casualties. |
Air alert sounded
approx 2337. Commodore & Muscle notified. |
1 Jan 45 |
0035 |
4 engined plane
circled hill at grid coord 873-345
NW. |
Road guards doubled. |
0040 |
Two persons ran
low across road between La Grandville & St.
Jauret. |
Fired upon.
Commodore notified. |
0120 |
Two civilians
claim that they saw 4 parachutes drop near Georgia
Bridge. |
Investigating. |
0125 |
Report that
Prchts. Dropped within vicinity of Mezieres. Information
came from civilian authorities. |
being made by 40 man French
patrol. |
0137 |
All clear signal
given. |
0105 |
Air alert - Bomber
heard overhead. |
0120 |
All clear signal
given. |
0800 |
Enemy plane
strafing area. Alert given. No
casualties. |
1430 |
Gen. Whitelaw
& S3 inspected Northern sector & checked on
reports regarding Prcht drops. |
1805 |
Memo fr Div.
Discretion will be used on AA
fire. |
All units
notified. |
1815 |
CT less 392d
Engrs, 1st Platoon 224th Med. Co.
received notce to be ready to move out upon 2 hr.
notice. |
All notified.
Preparation made. |
1925 |
Make plans
immediately to assemble your CT & be prepared to
move on 2 hr. notice. |
Complied with.
Quartering party formed. |
2115 |
Report from Road
block 2. Small arms fire in that vicinity. (See
overlay) |
being made. |
2200 |
Received movement
order. Quartering party moved out to new location,
Sibret, at 2330. Arrived at destination approx 0400 2
Jan 45. |
2345 |
1st Bn.
departed Charleville. Col. Schorr accompanied by Lt.
Weaver departed along with 1st Bn. Arrived
approx 0330, 2 Jan 45. Trucks released at 0600. Bn.
assembled in woods at M. |
2 Jan 45 |
0700 |
Established Chalk
CP in Village. Awaited arrival of balance of
Regt. |
1750 |
Orders received fr
Commodore. Move 2nd Bn. to woods 52-56 SW
Bastogne. Send Liaison O reprot to Gen Taylor. Rest of
regt. May move. |
Chalk White
notified & order out into
effect. |
1800 |
Lt. Caffy Liaison
O. to report to 513th at 2200. Take 2 motor
scooters, 1 radio operator, & 1
runner. |
1800 |
Enemy broken
through at Monty. Tanks observed. |
Investigating. |
4 Jan 45 |
1100 |
Established new CP
at grid coord (526-585 - Map 1-50,
000) |
1430 |
Arty shell hit
Chalk CP. 3 injured. |
evacuated. |
1700 |
Recd orders from
Commodore that we be released from 101st
Command and be prepared for movement orders. Alert
orders recd from Commodore to move CT to area west of
Bastogne and set up defensive positions in support of
513th |
Released from
Bns notified.
Movement orders given. |
1800 |
Closed out
CP,moved to new area. |
2400 |
Established Chalk
CP at new area awaited further orders. Dug
in. |
5 Jan 45 |
0500 |
Regt moved to new
location near Bastogne. Bns dug in, prepared for
defensive action. 1st Bn on MLR with
2nd Bn in reserve. |
1000 |
1 Jeep hit AT mine
on Hwy (Monty-Bastogne). 1 Killed, 6
injured. |
Orders given to
remain off shoulders of Hwy. |
1030 |
Personnel of Regtl
Hq & Hq Co dispersed into nearby woods for temporary
concealment. |
1240 |
Regtl CP
established at 524-583 Map
1:25,000 |
1245 |
Dispositions of
attached units requested by Chalk
Hq. |
1300 |
No enemy activity
as yet. Patrols sent out. |
Negative reports
turned in by patrols. |
1905 |
Order Recd from
Commodore 6. Col Stubbs to report to CG's office at
2000. |
2100 |
Chalk Red 6 reptd
to Chalk CP with disposition of
Bn. |
Plotted on
map. |
6 Jan 45 |
0700 |
From Commodore 6:
Tanks rept moving from W heading E in Div
Area. |
All units
notified. |
0730 |
S-3 called
Kangaroo 3 requesting Engrs clear section to Monty in
order that we might move tanks to that
area. |
with. |
1200 |
Tank O rept to
Chalk CP-will take 1 plat of tanks up to Monty and will
assist Engrs in a road block at
512-589. |
1220 |
Gen Whitelaw
visited Chalk CP to discuss preparations for the
193rd CT to take over the town of
Monty. |
1240 |
Gen departed CP,
Col Stubbs accompanied him. |
1530 |
Col Stubbs
returned with plans for offensive action. Meeting of Bn
& Unit CO's called. |
Plans announced
and discussed. |
1615 |
Commodore 2: PWE
locations requested. Charlie Co receiving Mortar
fire. |
C Co to retaliate
- not to let up fire. |
1710 |
Mr. Cianci
departed CO to locate new setup for establishment of
forward CP. |
1735 |
Col Oswald arrived
CP - given time and types of fire by Chalk
6. |
1745 |
Enemy Arty fire
coming into vicinity of CP. |
damage. |
2045 |
Meeting of all Bn
CO', Atchd Unit CO's, Sp Unit CO's and all S-3's with
Col Stubbs. Review of plans - preparations were
discussed. 1st Bn objective - Town of
Flamizoulle. 2nd Bn objective - Woods E of
Monty. |
7 Jan 45 |
0800 |
Arty opened fire
on time. Lifted 0815. Col Stubbs, Maj Lee,Capt Guerry,
Mr Cianci, plus Em pers moved to fwd CP located in town
of Monty. Attack jumped off as
scheduled. |
0815 |
Co's D and F reach
first phase line. |
Plotted on
map. |
0900 |
1st Bn
reports tanks failed to move up in front of their
position. |
Tanks ordered to
move forward. |
0902 |
desired information on whereabouts of 1st
Bn. |
0903 |
1st Bn
reports no change in position. |
0905 |
1st Bn
reports crossed LD. |
0908 |
2d Bn reports Co D
had no trouble reaching phase line "A". E Co in trouble.
Both Co's on 1st phase line. 1st
Bn now on 1st phase line. Co A reached phase
line "A". No word from B Co. |
0913 |
Chalk 6 telephoned
Chalk 5 giving situation forward to
Commodore. |
0915 |
Both Bns have
reached first phase line. Moving forward
slowly. |
0919 |
Report Co D
reached phase line "A" OK. Co E had trouble but
succeeded to reach line. Co A reached 1st
phase line. 88 fire held up tanks - unable to locate
88s. |
0922 |
Point A-16 recd
sniper pistol fire. |
0925 |
jumped off on time - had little
opposition. |
0929 |
Tank O reports
tanks moving with 1st Bn (4
tanks). |
0932 |
1st Bn
reports capture of 10 prisoners. |
0938 |
2nd Bn
still on phase line A - cannot advance due to MG
fire. |
Concentrating Arty
fire laid on MG's position. |
0949 |
1st Bn
requested tank aid. |
Tanks ordered to
move on. |
0959 |
2d Bn nearly to
phase line B. |
Recorded |
1000 |
4 prisoners
captured by A Co. |
Taken to
PWE. |
1008 |
Request for Arty
fire on points 16-14-23. Chalk 6 from
Keepsake. |
Chalk 5 requested
same from Keepsake. |
1008 |
A Co driver
reports approx 1 platoon lost. Chalk White approaching
phase line B. |
Commodore 3
notified. |
1015 |
From Chalk White:
E Co 100 yards from phase line B, struck by heavy
automatic fire and mortar fire. Estimate losses one
platoon. Directed to have reserve Co proceed to D Co
sector and outflank their positions. Keepsake advised as
to situation and agrees to put down fire on phase line
B. |
1020 |
Listening radio
pick-up statement that one Co of 1st Bn has
taken objective. |
Found to be Co
"A". |
1028 |
Arty fire
requested on edge of woods South of point
13. |
Keepsake - Chelsea
notified. |
1042 |
German Co.,
reserves, coming from A31 to A30. 101st Arty
now registering fire on them. 513th reports
one platoon SE edge of Flamierge. |
1050 |
Tank attack on
Bastogne road near 480-523. |
1050 |
B Co. has reached
2nd phase line. |
1055 |
4 Prisoners taken
in A Co. sector, 2 taken 6 Jan and 2 this date, Enemy
found to be from 104th Reg, 11th
Co, 15th Grenadiers. Reg was reinforced by
100 men last night. Brings Co strength up 25 men. They
have assault guns, exact number
unknown. |
Commodore notified
at 1100. |
1114 |
Reported that
tanks have arrived with troops. |
1115 |
1st Bn
pinned down due largely to 88 fire. C Co. replacing A
Co. Both Bns have committed
reserves. |
Information given
to Lia. O at 1125. |
1120 |
A Co being
withdrawn into defensive position in vicinity phase line
A. |
1140 |
Arty fire hitting
town |
1142 |
B Co.
1st Bn receiving light
counterattack. |
1147 |
8 German prisoners
taken from C Co sector. Found to be from 3d,
10th & 11th Cos. Of the
104th Reg, 3d Bn. Enemy in 1st Bn
objective. |
1155 |
have captured town of Flamierge. |
1210 |
Gen Miley visited
Chalk fwd CP. |
1215 |
Receiving mortar
fire near CP. |
1240 |
Reports that
513th firing on B Co. |
Gen Miley ordered
the 513th to cease fire
immediately. |
1245 |
Arty fire
requested on the following points: 10, 11, 12, 13, and
16. One platoon A Co reported with 2nd
Bn. |
1310 |
Mortar shell hit
near CP. Several casualties. |
1320 |
Points 5 and 6
clearing. |
Request repeat of
MSG. Reply: Clearing woods. |
1325 |
Requesting fire by
the defensive phase line at grid coord: 486624-489625
4906. |
1330 |
E Co. in trouble,
F Co. committed. This is all I have. MSG came from
2nd Bn. |
1410 |
Tank support being
sent to 2nd Bn. |
1410 |
Commodore 6
visited rear CP. Made arrangements for Arty
concentration on pts. 19 and 22. |
fired. |
1435 |
2nd Bn: D & F Co abreast E Co in rear as
reserve. Pinned down by Arty fire. Suggest
withdrawal. |
1450 |
Col Stubbs orders
1st Bn to withdraw to C Co positions. Set up
defensive positions. |
1500 |
Direct hit scored
on forward CP. Casualties as yet
unknown. |
1515 |
concentration of Arty fired on pts.
19-21. |
1515 |
Meemies" hit fwd CP. |
1530 |
Gen Whitelaw
visited CP stated that Gen Miley directs withdrawal
under cover of darkness. |
1530 |
27 Prisoners being
sent to Div. |
1535 |
Col Stubbs
departing fwd CP to join rear CP. Fwd CP to join rear
CP, joining in sections. |
1545 |
Col Stubbs
returned to rear CP. Plans for the withdrawal of troops
being planned. |
1620 |
Chalk White
withdrawing. Arty and Mortar fire extremely heavy. Chalk
Red occupies position it held prior to attack this
AM. |
Commodore 6
notified. Keepsake to fire Arty at pts. A12, 13, 25, and
37. |
1700 |
Arty concentration
asked for on pts. A13, 14, 15 &
16. |
fired. |
1730 |
4 men, 3 Off.
Captured in C Co area. |
2100 |
Co A recd MG fire
- requested Arty fire. |
2230 |
Armored Gen Holbruk, CCA informed us he was in position
shown on operations map to support counterattack, such
action only with permission of Corps. Liaison O Ross CCA
reported for duty at CP. Gen Holbruk shown our
situation. |
2300 |
Lt Sames given
instructions for 2 night patrols. Patrols leave at 0130
return at 0430. F Co to fill in gap between Chalk Red
and A Co of 327th. |
8 Jan 45 |
0500 |
Chalk Red: Patrols
unable to penetrate enemy positions. Went out 500 to 600
yards, stopped by MG fire. |
0515 |
Chalk White 2
observed orange prcht flare to their right flank, also
tracer fire 300 yards to front in
woods. |
0600 |
Chalk Red 2: Arty
fire hitting into woods over C Co from direction of Red
CP. Burst followed by whistle. |
0745 |
Chalk Red recd
Arty fire and MG fire. Situation unknown. Line at
forward CP knocked out. |
Col Schorr alerted
Chalk White. |
0830 |
Ordered all units
to search out MG fire. |
1000 |
being attacked by tanks and
infantry. |
Withdrawing. |
1005 |
Commodore 5:
Chancellor being hit hard in their sector from N and
NW. |
Chalk Red notfied
to have tanks and TD's ready. |
1010 |
Chalk 6 held
meeting of all Bn CO's, SP units, and Atchd Unit
CO's. |
1012 |
Chelsea Liaison O:
Enemy MG fire located at 507614. 8-truck enemy
convoy spotted moving between Fays and
Rheuehe. |
Arty fire placed
on enemy position. 3 trucks known to have turned
back. |
1150 |
To Chalk Red:
Units of Chariot in woods - make contact with them.
Contact us when same is made. |
1215 |
2nd Bn
alerted to move through Monty between Chalk Red and
Chariot. |
1220 |
B Co
1st Bn receiving Mortar fire. Gen Whitelaw
visited CP. |
1230 |
Inf - 11th Armored moved A Co into woods near
Bois des Valet. |
1730 |
2 Patrols being
sent out at 1930 to return at
2100. |
report. |
1730 |
Upon request fire
to be concentrated on the following points: 4910 - 6010
- 4912 - 6610 - 4918 - 6000 - 4932 -
5982. |
1800 |
Order from
Commodore: Be prepared to take over from Champs to
present positions. |
Chalk 3 &
Chalk White 3 sent to investigate area, observe
positions, etc. |
1900 |
Col Harper
(Keepsake) visited CP - Planned with Chalk 6 method
& manner of relief. |
9 Jan 45 |
0200 |
Chalk Red reports
Monty being shelled by mortar
fire. |
0205 |
Chalk Red 3
reports searchlight at 330face=Symbol>°
from his forward CP. |
0500 |
5 rounds Arty fire
at Regtl CP. |
0600 |
Order received
from Commodore as to plans and preparations to be put
into effect. |
0615 |
2 Co's reptd at Pt
A2 and 3. |
0655 |
5 Tanks parked at
495-607. |
0655 |
Unknown number of
tanks at 486-614. |
0845 |
Red 6 told to
reconnoiter woods at 522-611 for possible reserve
position, also OP which will have to be dug in.
0925 |
Gen Whitelaw
visited Chalk CP. |
0935 |
Ordered Chalk
White 6 to have all AT guns in their present positions
until further notice. |
1020 |
Advance party of
Chariot arrived at CP of Chalk Red. Chancelor taking
over Chalk White positions. |
1115 |
Commodore 5 and 6
visited Chalk CP. |
1200 |
Col Coutts
outlined positions of area being taken over by
Chancelor. |
1305 |
C Co. under Arty
fire. |
1400 |
Elements of 602 TD
Atchd to Chalk CT. |
Elements divided
between Bns. |
1315 |
Chalk White moving
out. Regtl Hq foot elements moving out to new
location. |
1415 |
Chalk White
cleared old area. |
1430 |
Advance CP party
departing Chalk CP for new area. |
1450 |
Chalk 5 departed
CP for new location. |
1500 |
S-1 Section
departed CP. Arrived new location 1630. New CP
established at Hemroulle. |
1845 |
Keepsake Red
reports that enemy building up in Givery - amount
unknown. |
1845 |
Keepsake 2 reports
vehicle traffic going SW from Givery to Frenet. Number
unknown. |
2130 |
Chalk White
reports contact made with elements on right
flank. |
Plotted |
10 Jan 45 |
0900 |
Chalk White 2
reports mortar fire in vicinity of
CP. |
0900 |
Chalk White 2
reports men digging in at
51756280. |
1030 |
Gen Whitelaw
visited Chalk CP, consulted with Chalk
6. |
1045 |
Meeting of Bn, Sp
Unit, and Atchd Unit CO's. |
1050 |
Chalk 3: Requested
Commodore to send detail of mine sweepers, demolition
men to clear area of 2nd
Bn |
1100 |
Chelsea reports an
estimated Bn of enemy troops in woods in grid square
50-61. |
Requested Arty
fire on area. |
1145 |
Commodore reports
that Flamizoulle will be bombed this
morning. |
1147 |
12 Fighter Planes
of US Forces heard over Chalk CP. |
1245 |
Commodore 2
reports town of Renoumont bombed. Also woods 2 miles N
of same town. Town also appears to be evacuated. Burning
vehicle observed in town. No troops observed in wooded
area. |
Recorded on
Situation Map. Commodore 6
notified. |
1245 |
Unidentified tank
3/4 mile from Renaumont heading
South. |
1430 |
S1 & S4 moved
to new CP. |
1500 |
Established new CP
in center of town. No activity during the night. Patrol
reports, negative. |
11 Jan 45 |
0330 |
Chalk White 5
reports an enemy patrol was inside our lines. Patrol
from Chalk White reports 4 halftracks at 507627 moving
North. |
0720 |
Chalk White 2
reports about 8 rounds of 155 Arty falling around Chalk
White CP. |
0809 |
Chalk Red reports
enemy infantry activity at Cross Roads
508609. |
notified. |
0955 |
Report from Chalk
White that enemy Scout Car sighted at 506626. Moving
N. |
1042 |
OP Chalk White
observed Rocket Launcher at
498626. |
Arty Fire
requested. |
1315 |
Charlie Co.
receiving 88 fire. |
Arty Fire
requested. Observation Plane to check area in vicinity
of 487-623. |
1500 |
Captain Hart AT O.
given positions to place AT protection around the
Regt. |
1600 |
2 patrols to be
sent out after dark for recon
work. |
1810 |
From Chalk White
6. Tanks moving down SW of Givery. He requests Arty
fire. |
Supporting Arty
notified. |
1830 |
Unknown number of
tanks moving from Rouett to
Givery. |
2115 |
Planes dropped
leaflets in Chalk White area. |
Leaflets sent to
Div. |
2130 |
Chariot captured
30 men, 1 Officer, at 48456078. Left to reorganize the
9th PZ Div. Prisoners were in Flamierge &
were to move to 48456078. |
2320 |
Chalk Red patrol
reports: Heard vehicle movement in
woods. |
12 Jan 45 |
0415 |
Eco sent combat
patrol to locate enemy using sound power
telephone. |
shells or flares every 15 or 20
minutes. |
0715 |
Chalk White
observed green and amber flares. |
0745 |
From G3 Commodore:
Warning order to turn over 3 TDs. |
Chalk 5 called G3,
asked for return of our AT
outfits. |
0930 |
1st Bn
relieved of their positions by 513th at
approx 2000 11 Jan. |
0930 |
Chalk White 3
reports small arms fire coming from Givert. Lights
observed in houses. |
Arty fire
requested. |
1135 |
Chalk White sent
out daylight patrol at approx 1100. Patrol has met up
with something in woods west of
positions. |
Chalk White will
notify Chalk as to results. |
1155 |
Chalk 5 alerted
Hqs & Hqs Co. to be prepared for
movement. |
1250 |
Chalk White
reports capture of 2 prisoners. |
Turned over to
unit IPW team for
interrogation. |
1320 |
Chalk White
captured 3 more prisoners. |
interrogated. |
1320 |
Prisoner No. 1
captured by Chalk White comes from 5th Co
77th Reg, VG Div. Prisoner's Co has between
90-100 men. One of the stronger Cos of the VG Div. He
had been in woods for 4 days. |
1415 |
60 to 100 men
reported to be movin NW at 511630. |
1700 |
Chalk Red reports
that 12-15 rounds of Arty fire fell nearby their
positions. |
1800 |
Det. Of 12 men
atchd to Chalk CT from Co A 139th
Engrs. |
Det. Atchd to
1st Bn. |
1820 |
E Co. reports
motor movement at 501623. Movement from S to
N. |
2330 |
Warning order
received from Commodore thru Capt. Lyerly,
193rd CT has mission of clearing Flamizoulle
and follow 507th N clearing all woods in
vicinity. |
Chalk 6 held
meeting with Bn. COs. Briefing plans and preparations
were installed. 1st Bn. to be prepared to
leave at 0830. |
13 Jan 45 |
0110 |
Chalk White patrol
reports; did not reach objective. No movement in Givery.
Outposts investigated - None. |
0815 |
Arty barrage
opening up in support of attack. |
0830 |
I & R Platoon
to precede 1st Ban. Keep contact with
513th ad 1st
Bn. |
0840 |
155 FA Bn released
from Chalk and atchd to
513th. |
1000 |
From Liaison O
Chariot: Ans to questions NR1 Cpl Pierson now checking
route will report. Ans to question NR2: No; suggest
Engrs assist Chariot. Chariot White reached
1st phase line 0930. |
1005 |
Chariot Red and
Blue still occupy town and woods x respectively. All
Chariot N Bastogne Hwy, will report
further. |
1025 |
Liaison O:
Charlotte reached 1st phase line without
opposition. Chancellor moving in
support. |
1030 |
Gen. Whitelaw
visited CP. |
1040 |
Chalk Red moving
out. |
1110 |
Reg CO, Ex O, and
S3 moved to Monty. |
1052 |
From Liaison O:
Chariot Red now moving to pass through Chariot White.
Continue to phase line 2. Blue still occupies woods X.
Am now moving to town P with Chariot 6.
1230 |
Rear CP moved
forward at 1230. |
15 Jan 45
1200 |
Reg CP established
at Frenct. Received orders from Div. To move to
Bertogne. Atchd to Batman. Reg moved into assembly area
SE of Bertogne approx 1600, where Chalk Red was
immediately moved by truck to defensive positions N of
Nourville in CCA sector. Reg atchd to CCA w/193d less
2nd Bn., 2nd AT Platoon N of
Nourville under Task Force Stubbs. Reg. CP est. in
Withimost atchd to Task Force Bell in
position. |
0800 |
At 1000 Task Force
Bell to attack with Task Force Stubbs assisting with
fire through the attack |
1107 |
Task Force Bell
reports that they have reached Western Edge of
objective. No resistance. |
1111 |
From CO Chalk Red:
Patrol reports negative for 1st quarter
hour. |
1124 |
From CO Chalk
White: Objective taken. |
1136 |
From CO Chalk
White: Request IPW team be sent
me. |
sent. |
1145 |
From Chalk Red: My
patrol has reached halfway point without
incident. |
1245 |
Fwd echelon CP
moved out to new location. |
1310 |
Est fwd Chalk CP
at grid coord 557646. |
Rear CP
notified. |
1343 |
From Chalk Red:
Patrol reports enemy activity at Fazone (stream) grid
coord 758900. |
1345 |
Now firing Arty on
Area A. |
hit. |
1400 |
From Chalk Red:
Two prisoners captured. |
Returned to PWE at
one at Bloodstains location. |
1405 |
From Chalk Red:
Patrol reports enemy MG fire to their left
rear. |
Arty fire to be
placed on area. |
1410 |
Arty fire on woods
east of Area A. |
Chalk Red 6
notified. |
1415 |
Monarch directs
movement of big stuff towards objective to be
expedited. |
Notified Batman of
same and to contact Chalk Red
immediately. |
1420 |
2 prisoners
brought to Chalk CP by EM of B
Co. |
Questioned by
S2. |
1425 |
Continuing and
mopping up as we go. Picking up prisoners. Report from
Chalk Red. |
Request No. of
prisoners. Reply: A few. |
1445 |
Chalk 5 reported
to CP. |
1455 |
From CO Chalk Red:
Now engaged in mopping up & taking
prisoners. |
1458 |
2 prisoners
brought to Chalk CP. |
Questioned. |
1503 |
3 more prisoners
brought in. White phosphorous 200 yards SE edge of
obj. |
Questioned |
1515 |
From CO Chalk Red:
Pinned down by MG fire on my right. Bn S3 reports front
line at 567668. Now pinned down. |
Reported that town
of Compogne has been taken - 200 prisoners captured. "B"
men questioned as to B Co.
position. |
1540 |
Arty ordered to
fire smoke on area for Red. Shells falling to left of
target. |
1555 |
Tanks moving in to
support Chalk Red. |
1615 |
Chalk Red held up
by slight resistance but now moving forward. About 800
yards from objective. |
1630 |
Chalk White now
back with 193d. |
1635 |
Total No. of
prisoners brought to PWE 20. |
1730 |
Chalk Red holding
up for the night. Sending patrols into
town. |
Patrols found town
vacated. |
16 Jan 45 |
0800 |
Chalk Red
objective taken during early morning. Awaiting further
orders. |
1000 |
Quartering party
sent out to locate new CP. |
1045 |
Forward element of
Chalk departed for new CP
location. |
1130 |
Arrived and est.
new CP in town of Compogne. |
1300 |
Rear elements of
Chalk CP plus Reg. Hq. Co. arrived at new CP
location. |
1330 |
Col. Stubbs
departed CP for Recon. |
1500 |
Quartering party
departed CP to locate new
location. |
1600 |
Est. new CP in
Nabompre at approx. 1545. |
1700 |
Rear elements of
CP arrived at approx. 1730. |
2000 |
TF Stubbs
organizes defensive in sector, establishes Bn. with CCB
on right flank, coords patrols with CCB and Task Force
Bell. Established road blocks and obstacles as required,
especially at Vie Cowan. |
17 Jan 45
0400 |
Reports from
prisoners taken vicinity of road block. 15 prisoners
captured. Est. 80 Germans located in Cowan with strong
point west of the twon. Unable to put in proposed road
block as yet. Sporadic fighting in SE sector, of Chalk
Red. CCB reported to have outpost along Hwy 2. Contact
was made with same at 610700. |
1000 |
Mr. Cianci
departed CP to reconnoiter area for housing of 193d
Regt. |
Regt. Found
section crowded, departed for
Bertogne. |
1115 |
Report from S2
Chalk Red that Co C has received small arms fire and
Mortar fire. |
Arty fired
indirection of fire falling upon C Co.
1245 |
CCA visited CP.
Departed at 1305. |
1530 |
Regt being
relieved by 507th. Reverted back to Div.
Control. Mission at present time: AT Defense on main
road EW leading to Vouge. |
18 Jan 45 |
0800 |
Regt. Remained in
rest area. |
19 Jan 45 |
1100 |
Meeting of
1st Bn Co & Co Comdrs with Col Stubbs at
1300. Meeting at 1300 of same officers only from
2nd Bn. |
1400 |
Regt still in rest
area. Reports of S2 and S3 submitted throughout the day
and night to Div. |
20 Jan 45 |
1100 |
Received FO #6
from Commodore thru Lt. Weaver. Mission for Div, is to
attack H Hour on 21 Jan 45 to capture objective and
defeat enemy in Z. 193d Gli. Inf. Is to move to position
shown on Div. O (overlay). |
Sent various
Officers to reconnoiter areas. |
1300 |
Capt. Lyerly,
Liaison O, brought change in FO. 193d position changed
slightly. Assembly area further south. (See overlay).
Move upon Div orders. |
1330 |
Chalk 6 held
meeting with Bn. COs prepare for
movement. |
1400 |
At approx 1200,
Col Marshall, Deputy Historian Theatre of Operations in
ETO interviewed Col Stubbs, Col Schorr, Col Balish, and
Col Ashworth on events that occurred during recent
operations. |
21 Jan 45 |
0800 |
Submitted negative
reports to G2 and G3 throughout the night. At approx
0400 received orders from Commodore giving H-Hour, time
of departure, etc. |
1015 |
Quartering party
consisting of representatives from each Bn and Reg Hq
Co. to locate new CP and assembly
area. |
1430 |
Advance CP party
arrived approx 1400. Est. CP in woods at grid coord. At
approx 1500 remainder of troops arrived at CP
locations. |
1545 |
Main body of
troops arrived. Troops dug in. |
22 Jan 45 |
0800 |
A quartering party
consisting of representatives of each Bn, Reg Hq. And
Reg Hqs Co departed for new
location. |
1130 |
Established new CP
at Rouvroy Farm. |
1309 |
2nd Bn.
to occupy the woods, NE sector, 1st Bn. to
follow and occupy northern section of woods and set up
positions. 2nd Bn. to outpost the woods to
the east. Reg. Hq. To follow both Bns. Bn. COs given
order to depart for for areas as soon as possible. AT
platoon ordered to move out and set up respective
defensive positions. 2nd Bn vehicles to move
along with respective Bns. Forward echelon of CP to
leave current CP at 1345. |
1400 |
Gen. Miley came to
CP. Instructed Col. Schorr as to disposition of troops.
Arty Liaison Os and TDs being
atchd. |
1415 |
Quartering party
departed CP to locate new area with I&R patrol and
20 man patrol from E Co. |
1430 |
Rear CP plus Hq.
Co. moved forward to new location, town 1/2 mile S of
Limerle. |
1500 |
Reg. CP est. in
town of Halt, name given in lieu of actual name of
town. |
1600 |
Advance CP group
arrived ahead of quartering party. Est CP in town of
Halt. Bn. quartering parties reconnoitering their
locations. |
2300 |
Lts Piper and
Mullet to be awakened at 0430. Os will receive
instructions for patrols starting at 0530 23 Jan 45. 6
I&R men plus two radio operators to be alerted at
same time. |
23 Jan 45 |
0200 |
All tanks of
761st have been atchd to 513th.
They are not available to support
us. |
0300 |
G3 states that
Arty will be available to us for direct
support. |
0330 |
Chalk Red Patrol
investigated town of Hautbellain. Found to be empty at
approx 2030. |
0700 |
Order of movement:
2nd Bn 811th, 1st Bn.
Orders to 1st Bn from Chalk 6. Follow about
300 or 400 yards. If visibility is good, fall back as
far as 500 yards. Time of departure 230830.
257th FA Bn is direct
support. |
Code names given
the following towns: Hautbellain-to be called Mexico,
Huldange to be called Peru. Woods to known as
Desert. |
0710 |
Report from Lt.
Mullet; Reached Mexico, Arty falling to my
South. |
0745 |
MSG from Patrol;
Mexico OK advise trip there. |
0750 |
MSG from Patrol:
Have checked Mexico; our friends left last night at
2200. |
0830 |
Advance CP group
departed for new location in
Mexico. |
1000 |
Mexico received
heavy Arty fire. 2nd Bn held up. Told not to
enter under those conditions. |
1100 |
Chalk Red ordered
to hold up and send Ln O. to our temp. CP located at
725745. |
1120 |
Col Stubbs left
for town. Will keep contact with
us. |
1125 |
Chalk Red 6
arrived at CP. 2nd Bn ordered to send on Co.
into Mexico to clean up. |
1415 |
Moved temp. CP
back into the town of Mexico. 2nd Bn moving
into town of Mexico. No Arty shelling for some time.
Ordered to put out extensive
patrolling. |
1420 |
Maj. Lee departed
to look over Mexico for possible CP
location. |
1540 |
Chalk 3 does not
advise us to move CP location fwd. CP to remain as is.
Both Bns in woods, 2nd Bn has progressive
patrols out beyond Mexico. |
1730 |
Lt. Piper returned
to fwd CP. Reported findings to Chalk 6 and
3. |
1815 |
Chalk 3 requests
information as to Chalk White's front Lines, so as
toplace Arty defensive fire down on enemy
area. |
1820 |
Received new atk
order for 24 Jan 45. Regt has new mission. Chalk White
Bn. will lead off at approx 0830. |
Chalk 6 sending
I&R patrol to reconnoiter
areas. |
1905 |
Chalk White 2
reports capture of ten PWs from patrol, also have some
No. Unknwon |
1950 |
PWE located at
Steinback. |
1950 |
French patrol
brought back 9 PWs. Reports approx 120 Germans in town
of Peru. |
PWs being sent to
rear CP for Interrogation. Peru to be shelled.
1800 |
3 man patrol from
E Co. went into Desert, found it empty. Many
emplacements found. Wattermat burning saw French running
out of woods there. |
2130 |
Chalk White
reports Arty, Rockets landing within
area. |
2130 |
Chalk 6 requests
Chalk White 6 & 3 report to
CP. |
2155 |
French patrol
discovered Co CP at farm called Fallmuhle. Estimate 200
Germans at Peru. Captured 4 PWs of 12 man
patrol. |
After 2400 Arty to
be concentrated on Peru. |
1630 |
Dog White patrol
captured 10 PWs at 747751. 10 more at 750760. Reports
skirmish between French and Germans in
Desert. |
1800 |
French Recon
patrol reports Peru strongly held (150 men) captured 9
PWs in skirmish vicinity 765749, report road mined
between Mexico and Peru, bridges blown at 748744 and
752745. |
2130 |
Red contact patrol
to Chancellor at 2115, left security posted at 2130.
Right security at 2120. |
2145 |
Commodore 2 IPW
information: PWs state they are to hold at all costs. AT
Co. located in vicinity of Wattermatt. 560th
VG recognized. |
2400 |
Chalk White 2
reports shelling NWR's fire. |
24 Jan 45 |
0010 |
Route patrol back.
Reports road to Peru excellent. Small group of enemy in
woods 756750. |
0200 |
Chalk White 5
reports estimated 12 rounds 75s fell in their
sector. |
0428 |
Chalk White 2
reports Arty landing CP area TD lines to unit
out. |
0515 |
Commodore 3
called: Our mission called off. We are to hold tight.
Commodore 6 will visit our CP at
0830. |
0715 |
Report from Arty
unit will fire on Peru again this
morning. |
0845 |
Casualties from
Chalk White: 1 KIA, 1 WIA, 12 evac for various
ailments. |
1010 |
Chalk White patrol
leader reports PWs taken at 749752 at 0930. Patrol
continued into woods. Chalk White OP reports 1 man left
woods at 759751 and went into Bldg at
760-755. |
1030 |
Chancellor reports
snipers in the Desert. Notified
patrol. |
1215 |
Orders recd to
attack. Sending out strong combat patrol. Chalk White Bn
will move forward. Requesting Arty to be prepared to
support our advance. |
1300 |
Chalk White patrol
recd heavy Arty fire. |
Concentrating Arty
on direction of enemy fire. |
1410 |
Reports from Chalk
White Patrol: 20men running away from
Desert. |
1440 |
E Co. no winto
obj. Alerted balance of Chalk White
Bn. |
1445 |
Having Tank
support move with 2nd
Bn. |
1500 |
1 Bn of
513th in our Obj in woods. Col Stubbs ordered
2d Bn move up immediately. Forward element of Chalk
White still receiving Arty fire. |
Chalk White moving
out at 1515. |
1515 |
Chalk 6 alerted
Chalk Red. Commodore 66 arrived at CP. Consulted with
Chalk 6. Enemy firing WP on
patrol. |
1615 |
Friendly Arty fire
fell on our troops at following points: 721-745 - 5 rds,
736-742 - 8 to 10 rds, 726-746 - 10 Rds, 741-747 -
several rds. |
Instructed Ln O
274th to stop same. He notified his unit.
Firing stopped approx 1715. |
1730 |
Rear echelon of CP
arrived. |
1745 |
Ln O from
Commodore brought in plans for tomorrows operation. 193d
will support by fire the 194th in their atack
on Hundange at 0800. |
1800 |
D and E Co. in
woods. F Co just passed N part of
town. |
Chalk 6 ordered
Chalk Red to start movement. |
1830 |
Report that Arty
is falling short of Chalk White ahead of Desert. Foot
elements of Regt Hq departed for new
location. |
1845 |
Commodore: You
will estab two rd blocks as soon as possible at
following pts: Phony Cord 424-432 and
424-449. |
1850 |
Give location or
locations by phony cord of any Arty falling near your
position. |
1925 |
MSG from Chalk
Red: We have passed thru Mexico
(1916). |
1926 |
From Chalk Red:
(1918) Friendly Arty falling on our
troops. |
2000 |
Advance CP group
departed for new area. |
2145 |
Arrived at
destination in woods. Waited for rear CP personnel and
Hq Co to arrive. Estab Chalk CP at approx
2400. |
0800 |
Bns in position
awaiting future enemy action. Had patrols sent out. Neg
Rept. |
1000 |
Recd orders that
the Div was reld in that sector. Prepare for movement to
assembly area. |
1130 |
Quartering party
fr ea Bns and Regtl Hq departed for new
location. |
1145 |
Advance CP group
moved out to estab new CP in assembly
area. |
26 Jan 45 |
0600 |
Quartering party
departed for Div. Hq. |
1200 |
Advance CP grp
left for new area. Div to relieve 26th Div.
Troops following by truck convoy. |
1900 |
Estab Regtl CP in
Wiltz. Regtl Hq arrived at 2400. Bns also housed in
Wiltz. Awaited further orders. |
27 Jan 45 |
0900 |
Maj Lee departed
for Div Hq. Sent MSG back to be prepared to move. We are
to relieve elements of the 80th Div. Col left
for conference with CG. |
1615 |
Advance CP group
departed for new location. Arrived at approx 0800. Estab
CP in Buckholz. |
2400 |
Hq & Hq Co
arrive. Chalk White Bn sent patrol to investigate town
of Hosingen. No enemy found, but many mines, booby
traps. Second patrol of 25 men sent into same
town. |
28 Jan 45 |
0920 |
From Commodore 5:
Have tanks arrived? In any event be prepared to Attack
at 1000 on Div. order. |
Msg to Com 5:
Tanks arrived but movement restricted because of mines.
Engrs urgently needed. |
0950 |
Second patrol of
Chalk White found town empty. Civilians state enemy
departed 280200. |
F Co going into
town to set up defense. |
1130 |
Gen Miley visited
CP, plan of Chalk discussed. |
1300 |
Capt Hughes,
5th Div, visited CP ref to disposition of our
troops. |
1440 |
From Chalk White
6: Receiving 1 rd of Arty per minute in So Sector. F Co
captured 3 prisoners. |
interrogated. |
1520 |
Capt from
6th Cal Rcn reptd to CP, consulted Chalk 6 as
to our positions. |
29 Jan 45 |
0800 |
Pattrol ent out
last evening reported enemy located at 834583. Fired
upon. Lt Piper reported same. Unabe to advance. Estab
OP. Enemy on hills Jack and Ace. |
0930 |
Lt Col from
6th Cal Rcn reptd to CP to check on positions
now held by us - to be taken over.
given. |
0935 |
Chalk 6 held
meeting with Chalk Red and White
6. |
1220 |
Commodore 66
arrived at CP - talked over dispositions and plans for
further oper. |
1245 |
Chalk White
reports that Right Regt is tking PWs from woods 825-575
- 835-575 at approx 0950. |
1300 |
Report on PWs
taken from Hosinger - Time 0900. PWs from Hq Co 988 VG
Regt, 276th Div. |
1300 |
Col & Lt Col
of 6th Cal Rcn gp visited Chalk
CP. |
1400 |
Chalk Red and
White attacking their obj as shown on situation
map. |
1615 |
Enemy withdraws
down drak E from Ace. Arty and mortar fire on N side of
Ace (840-579). |
1648 |
Chalk White
nearing knoll - being hit with heavy arty and mortar
fire. |
1630 |
Northern obj
abandoned, 18 wounded out of 20 that were engaged. Met
by very heavy MG and Arty fire. |
1740 |
Chalk White failed
in attempt to take obj. Arty and mortar fire coming from
Siegfried Line. 11 losses. Situation: Line of departure
just N of King into woods thru draw, curve of woods.
Time of withdrawal 1730. 30 men with Lt. Christianson
could not cross open ground. Bn assisted by tanks which
fired into woods. Encountered little small arms fire.
Advance stopped by Arty and mortar fire which fell in
rolling barrages. F and D Co recd fire at same time. Ace
position was smoked by 4.2 mortars to cloud observer but
failed help. Believe mortar observer located at Jack.
Casualties: 15 wounded. |
2200 |
Patrol from
6th Cav departed on recon at 1930. Recon
being made in Southern sector. Patrol from Chalk
departing at 0300 for recon of Northern Sector.
Arty to be
notified on return of patrol. Will put harassing fire on
enemy CP and mortar positions. Arty to cross fire in N
sector during mission of Chalk
Patrol. |
30 Jan 45 |
0130 |
Report on Hammer
White patrol: Started down rd E from H, oved down trail
paralleling rd at 832-580, then down trail. Saw 1 Teller
mine 848-576, continued down rd saw telephone line,
followed it N up across main rd where considerable
talking and milling around was observed at 851-579. One
German observed on main rd at 840-580, he walked down
and turned in to suspected CP. One truck heard moving on
road across R SE of Obsr Eisenbach at 2130. Amber flares
observed to SE across river. |
0630 |
Report from Div
Recon patrol: Moved down rd to Queen, encountered 12 man
enemy patrol at 837-593, both dispersed, fired on by
rifles from draw to NE and by MG from vicinity 847-592.
Observed something burning vicinity of Honicht. Same
flames at 2300. |
0730 |
Report from Chalk
Patrol: Patrol departed 0300. Moved along edge of woods
at 828-589, continued E down draw to point S of hill at
843-593. Between 0400 and 0500 very much enemy activity,
coughing, cracking brush, barking signal in woods along
draw. Observed amber flash signals from vicinity hill
840-597. Trail at 543-590 has well-traveled foot path.
Amber flare signal seen vicinity house at 543-590.
Single truck heard moving vicinity rd at 845-596 and
847-584. At 0600 retd found emplacement and MG along
hedgerow at 836-592. |
1000 |
Gen Whitelaw
visited CP, discussed situation with Chalk 6. Departed
1045. |
1320 |
Cal gp have taken hill Ace, setting up
OP. |
1335 |
Alerted Lt. Piper
and 2 men to be ready to move out to recon
areas. |
Sent pers from
Chalk White to gd Op on Jake. |
1800 |
Col Day called -
plans to send 2 patrols out, cross river, enter town,
will depart at approx 2000. |
1805 |
No rept from Lt.
Piper, trying to contact him. |
1900 |
From Commodore:
Convoy of enemy vehicles in vicinity of Basburg,
believed to be moving S along highway. Verified by Lt.
Piper at fwd OP. He believes convoy moving N to S -
reptd by Lt. Piper at 1930. |
Chelsea placing
interdiction and harassing fire. 4 rds per hr CR and
vicinity. |
1500 |
Red patrol
oriented for patrol mission to observe N sector to River
Our and opposite bank and Westwall defenses. Patrol to
start at 2300. Blue patrol to move through central
sector of Chalk to move into forward OP to observe
river. Patrol to start 2400. |
2300 |
Div Recon patrol
encountered 15 man enemy patrol to our north. Killed 9
and caused remaining group to disperse.
31 Jan 45 |
0830 |
Chalk OP at point
842-590 heard German voices from vicinity of draw
843-584. |
1012 |
Rifle and MG fire
heard by OP approx 1000 yds distance at 60 degree
azimuth. |
1310 |
Report from OP on
Jack: Saw a 5-man enemy patrol moving
East. |
1415 |
Chalk White
Relieved. Departed for Wiltz. Gen Whitelaw visited
CP. |
1530 |
Advance CP group
departed for Wiltz. |