17th Airborne Division
Units Roll of Honor
    507th PIR
    513th PIR
    193rd GIR
    194th GIR >Officers
    139th AEB
    464th PFAB
    466th PFAB
    680th GFAB
    681st GFAB
    411th QM
    155th AAA
    517th Sig Co
    224th Med Co
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    17th CIC
    17th MP Plt
    17th PM Co
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  325th GIR Assoc
  504th PIR Assoc
  508th PIR Assoc
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17th Airborne WW II
Medal of Honor Recipients

T/Sgt Clinton M Hedrick
S/Sgt Isadore S Jachman
Pvt George J Peters
Pfc Stuart S Stryker

Silver Star Recipients
Pfc Charles J Mc Common
T/Sgt Morris R Patty
Pfc Kenneth L Stewart
Sgt Walter Thomas
The 194th Glider Infantry Regiment
Roll of Honor K - Z

 LastName FirstName MI Tle Rank Unit Location Date   Status Cemetery

Kelly James M Pfc Co C Germany 3/29/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  DOW USA/NY
King George F Pfc Germany 3/25/45 MAR
Kopchynski Alfred F Jr Cpl RHQ Germany 3/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Kuhl Staunton H Sgt Belgium 1/7/45 LUX
Kulikowski John J Jr Pfc Co C England 12/12/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures KODY USA/PA
Lairmore Paul E Pfc Germany 5/30/45 DODY USA/MO
Lamb Timothy L Pfc Co A Germany 3/24/45 USA/SD
Lanaghan Leo P Pfc Germany 3/25/45 USA/OH
Lassiter Homer B S/Sgt Belgium 1/7/45 DOW USA/VA
Leek Earl J Pfc RHQ Germany 3/24/45 USA/NY
Lesher Raymond S Sgt Co K Germany 3/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/PA
Lewis Billy G Pfc Co A Germany 3/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures PH(OLC) MAR
Lindenmuth Burton E Pfc Co C England 12/12/44 KODY USA/NY
List Jerome E Pfc Germany 3/24/45 USA/MD
Lockwood David A Sgt Belgium 1/7/45 LUX
Long Homer S Jr Pvt Germany 4/6/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/NY
Long James F Pvt Germany 4/6/45 USA/IN
Lund Gerhard R S/Sgt Germany 3/28/45 BS(OLC) MAR
MacNeil Paul D Pfc Co C England 12/12/44 KODY USA/NY
Madoni John Jr Pfc Germany 4/6/45 USA/PA
Maliga Albert J Pvt Belgium 1/7/45 H-C
Marceau Leo P Pvt Germany 3/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Marlow Murray Pvt Germany 4/8/45 MAR
Marohn Raymond A Pvt Germany 3/28/45 PH (OLC) MAR
Martin Forrest K Pfc Hq 1 Germany 3/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Martin John H Jr S/Sgt Co A Germany 3/24/45 USA/OH
Mathews Elmer J Pfc Belgium 1/7/45 LUX
Mathews Maurice L Jr Pvt Co H France 6/22/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures KODY USA/KS
Mc Common Charles J Pfc Belgium 1/19/45 SS LUX
Mc Donough James A Pvt Belgium 1/7/45 USA/OH
Mc Guire Edward Pfc Belgium 1/19/45 USA/NY
McLaughlin Lester V Pfc Co B 1945 USA/IN
Mc Mahon Richard P Sgt Germany 3/27/45 DOW MAR
Mc Neill Donald G Sgt Germany 3/25/45 USA/ND
Mc Sherry Thomas J Pfc Co B Belgium 1/7/45 USA/CT
Meyer Donald A Pvt Belgium 1/4/45 DOW LUX
Milde Robert C Pfc Co D Germany 4/8/45 MAR
Miller Belford Pvt Belgium 1/4/45 LUX
Miller James V Pvt Belgium 1/4/45 LUX
Miller Thomas F Jr Pfc Germany 3/24/45 USA/NY
Mitchell Floyd E Pfc Hq 2 Germany 3/24/45 USA/MO
Moses Clayton C Pfc Co B Belgium 1/7/45 USA/KS
Mosinski John V Pvt Belgium 1/7/45 LUX
Mosley James E 1/Sgt Co L Germany 3/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/SC
Mowrey Richard R Pfc Germany 3/24/45 USA/PA
Muller Harland M Pfc Belgium 1/4/45 USA/IA
Mullens Robert L Pfc Co C England 12/12/44 KODY USA/VA
Murphy Gerald L Pvt Co C England 12/12/44 KODY CAM
Mynarczyk Phillip L Pfc Germany 3/24/45 USA/PA
Naro Anthony M T/Sgt Co A Germany 3/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/PA
Nathan Alvin E M/Sgt Germany 3/24/45 USA/NY
Neal Richard J Pfc Co C England 12/12/44 KODY USA/NY
Nebendahl Carl P Pfc Co C England 12/12/44 KODY USA/IA
Nolan Joseph P Pvt Belgium 1/4/45 LUX
Norby Harold D Pvt Co K Germany 4/28/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Odom Bill D Pvt Co I Germany 3/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/TX
O`Brasky Frank M T/5 USA 4/15/43 DODY USA/CA
Okolowicz Telesfor J Pfc Co B Belgium 1/7/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/NY
O'Malley John J Pvt Belgium 1/12/45 DOW LUX
Page James F Pvt Germany 3/24/45 MAR
Patty Morris R T/Sgt Co C Germany 3/26/45 SS MAR
Paulson Russell P Pfc Co C England 12/12/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures KODY USA/CA
Peterson Paul S Pfc Co C England 12/12/44 KODY USA/SD
Piekarski Alois F Pfc Germany 3/30/45 DOW USA/MN
Pierce Willie C Pvt Germany 3/24/45 USA/AL
Polonio Antonio R Pfc Germany 3/24/45 ARD
Pool Woodrow W Pfc Co M Germany 4/9/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW/BS MAR
Poulsen Alexander Pfc Germany 3/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Preston Elmer V S/Sgt Germany 3/24/45 USA/TN
Putman Clarence E Pfc Co F Germany 3/24/45 USA/NY
Quick Chester G S/Sgt Germany 3/24/45 PH (OLC) MAR
Raniero Abraham J Pvt Belgium 1/7/45 LUX
Reeves Irven F Pfc Co A Belgium 1/7/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/MO
Reinerio Alexander J Pfc Germany 3/24/45 MAR
Renne Wayne P Pvt Germany 3/24/45 USA/IA
Rider Harvard E Pfc Germany 3/24/45 550 AB USA/ID
Riggs Mont L Pfc Belgium 1/5/45 LUX
Rowland James F Pvt Belgium 1/4/45 LUX
Rush Charles H Pfc Germany 3/24/45 USA/TN
Russell Clarence E Pvt Germany 4/6/45 USA/ID
Sander Alfred W Pfc Co C Germany 4/7/45 USA/TX
Schermer Robert W Pvt Belgium 1/4/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/MI
Scirto Joseph J Pvt Germany 3/24/45 MAR
Scott James D Sr Pfc Germany 3/29/45 DOW MAR
Seaman Alvin F Pfc Germany 3/24/45 MAR
Seward Byron E Cpl Germany 4/4/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW USA/NE
Shaw William A T/5 Germany 3/24/45 USA/IN
Siani Thomas S Pfc Belgium 1/7/45 LUX
Sileo James V Pfc Germany 3/28/45 USA/PA
Simmons James N Pfc Belgium 1/7/45 USA/MD
Simpson Milton J Cpl Germany 3/25/45 USA/MI
Skaggs Virgil D Pfc Germany 3/24/45 USA/KY
Smith Carl G Sr Pfc Co L France 6/18/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures KODY USA/NC
Smith Ira E CW/O Co C England 12/12/44 KODY
Smith Levert L Jr Pvt Co C Germany 3/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Smith Peter A T/5 Germany 3/24/45 USA/NY
Smothers Bernard T/4 Germany 3/24/45 USA/PA
Standridge Walter F Pfc Germany 3/24/45 USA/TN
Stanislowski Louis J
Starcher Charles A Pfc Germany 3/24/45 MAR
Sterner Walter F Pvt Co B Belgium 1/7/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/PA
Stewart Kenneth L Pfc Germany 3/29/45 SS USA/NY
Stoner Frank D Jr Pfc Belgium 1/4/45 H-C
Stotler Paul R Sgt Germany 4/12/45 BS MAR
Sutton John C Pfc Co A Germany 3/24/45 MAR
Sweetman James T Pvt Co A Belgium 1/8/45 DOW USA/NY
Swingle Gilbert L Sgt Co C England 12/12/44 KODY USA/OH
Tanski William T Pvt Belgium 1/7/45 LUX
Taylor Alex A Pvt Co C England 12/12/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures KODY USA/ID
Thomas James P Pvt Belgium 1/7/45 USA/VA
Thomas Walter Sgt Germany 3/27/45 SS/DOW USA/NY
Truitt Edward F Pvt Co C Germany 3/24/45 USA/MD
Tudor John L Pfc Belgium 1/7/45 BS LOR
Vandergrift George J Sgt Co K Germany 4/10/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/PA
Verrechio Salvatore J Pfc Germany 3/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/PA
Vinton Harry A Pvt Belgium 2/20/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Vogel William H
Von Moos Walter Pfc Germany 3/24/45 EP
Waggoner Theodore L Pvt USA/TN
Waldo Duane R Pfc Belgium 1/7/45 USA/MI
Waltemeyer Harold E Pfc Co C England 12/12/44 KODY USA/IA
Wandawitz Theodore L Pfc Belgium 1/4/45 USA/NY
Watson William C S/Sgt Co C England 12/12/44 KODY USA/MD
Watts Robert D Pfc Co M Germany 3/24/45 550 AB LUX
Weatherford John B Pvt Belgium 1/4/45 DOW USA/OR
Weber Dale H Pfc Co C England 12/12/44 KODY USA/IA
Weiss George Pfc Germany 3/24/45 MAR
Welsh William R Pvt Belgium 1/4/45 USA/PA
Werkheiser William R Pfc George 3/24/45 USA/PA
Werning Kenneth R Sgt Germany 3/24/45 MAR
Westfall Jay E Pfc Germany 3/24/45 USA/PA
Whigham Clifford L Sgt Germany 4/7/45 MAR
Whittenberger Harold W Pvt Belgium 1/4/45 USA/PA
Williamson Austin D Pfc Co K Germany 3/24/45 MAR
Williamson John Jr Pvt Co C England 12/12/44 KODY USA/VA
Winburne Cecil W Pvt Belgium 1/9/45 DOW LUX
Windrum Morell F Pfc Germany 3/24/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Wine Glen L Pfc Belgium 1/19/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW LUX
Wisler Lyman J T/Sgt Germany 3/25/45 MAR
Wohlbach Lester F Pfc Co C Belgium 1/6/45 USA/PA
Wonderly Chester D Sgt Co A Germany 3/24/45 MAR
Woodard Paul E Pvt Belgium 1/26/45 LUX
Works George S Pfc Co C Germany 4/11/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW MAR
Yob Robert L.J. Cpl Hq Co Germany 3/24/45 USA/PA
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R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Ambrose, Stephen E D-DAY June 6,1944: The Climatic Battle of WW II. 6/93, Simon & Shuster ISBN: 0671673343
Badsey , Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, 1989 621 p. ISBN: 0-312-03350-8
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
De Trez, Michel  At the Point of No Return : Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Normandy 7/98, D-Day Pub, 200 p. ISBN: 2960017617
Gavin, James M.  On to Berlin : Battles of an Airborne Commander, 1943-1946 ISBN: 0670525170
Golden, Lewis Echoes From Arnhem Penguin ISBN: 0718305213
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
McKenzie, John  On Time, On Target Novato, CA: Presidio, May 15,2000. 304 p. ISBN: 089 141 714 1
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
Wildman, John B All Americans 82nd Airborne. Meadowlands Militaria, 6/83 ISBN:091 208 1007
The Center of Military History The War in the Mediterranean: A WWII Pictorial History Brasseys, Inc., 465 p. ISBN:1574881302

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