
"Courage is the first of all human qualities because
""""it is the quality that guarantees all the others. "

................................................... ...Sir Winston Churchill
Units Roll of Honor
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    507th PIR
    508th PIR
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    307th AEB
    319th GFAB
    320th GFAB
    376th PFAB
    456th PFAB
    80th AAA
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    782nd Ord Maint Co
    307th Med Co
    82nd MP Plt
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504th PIR WW II
Medal of Honor Recipient

Pvt John R.Towle

Silver Star Recipients
Pfc Clarence E Ables
Pvt Howard Albert
M/Sgt Richard D Aldridge
S/Sgt Cecil W Anderson
T/Sgt Charles L Anderson
S/Sgt Norman B Angel
Pvt William L Aston Jr
Pfc T H Bachenheimer
Pvt Wilton A Baker
S/Sgt Leon E Baldwin
Pvt Bill Barbour
Pvt Francis J Bardon
Sgt Edward J Beaton
Pvt Frank W Belfoy
Sgt Audrey D Bigelow
S/Sgt Edmund R Bilby Jr
Sgt Lawrence F Blazina
Pvt Maurice Bledsoe
S/Sgt James M Boyd
Pfc William C Boyle
Cpl Daren R Broadhead
Pfc James R Brooks
Pfc Charles A Burton
S/Sgt John C Burton III


Co A 504th PIR
The 82nd Airborne (CMH) Center for Military History
Sicily (CMH)
Salerno (CMH)
Naples Foggia (CMH)



The Drop Zone: Letter from Jump School - Fort Benning, GA
Hitler's Decision to defend Italy (CMH)
Italy Surrenders
Stalemate in Italy
The Drop Zone: Memories of the Italian Campaigns
General Lucas at Anzio (CMH)
The Decision to Launch Operation Market Garden
Personal Rembrance of Crossing the Waal Canal
The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge

Birth of a Regiment
Click above to order
Birth of a Regiment

The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Roll of Honor  A - B

 LastName FirstName MI Tle Rank Unit Location Date    Status Cemetery

Adams Dale F Cpl Hq 3 Holland 9/20/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/PA
Albert Howard Pvt Med/D Italy 12/23/43 SS S-R
Alberts Phillip Pfc Hq 1 Germany 2/4/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures H-C
Allen Francis L Pvt Co G Germany 1/30/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW H-C
Allen James Jr S/Sgt Co H Holland 9/20/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/KY
Allen John E Jr Pfc Co G Belgium 12/20/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures H-C
Allison Norland W
Pvt Co I Anzio 3/5/44 USA/CA
Altemus William E S/Sgt Hq 3 Holland 10/13/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW USA/MD
Amaral George R
Pvt Hq 3 Sicily 7/10/43 FLO
Ament William C Pfc Co D Anzio 2/3/44 USA/WI
Anderson Eugene Pvt Co A Germany 4/7/45 USA/MD
Andreas Jack T/5 Hq-Hq Sicily 7/11/43   Photo on Trooper Pictures MIA/BS S-R WOM
Anglemeyer Robert G Pfc Co H Italy 12/15/43 DOW USA/WI
Armstrong Clyde H Pfc Co I Germany 5/23/45 KODY USA/NY
Asbury Don P
Pvt Co C Germany 2/3/45 USA/NE
Atherton Kenneth O Pvt Hq 3 Sicily 8/10/43 USA/NY
Auck Thomas W Pfc Co F Germany 2/2/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  H-C
Austin Loy J Pvt Med Sicily 7/18/43 USA/GA
Bachenheimer Theodore H Pfc Hq 1 Holland 10/19/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures SS USA/CA
Bahan John A Pfc Co H Anzio 2/11/44 S-R
Bains Alvin
Pvt Co I Belgium 12/21/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures PH(OLC) H-C
Baker Edward F Jr Pfc Co D Holland 9/28/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/PA
Baldassar John J Pfc Co H Holland 9/28/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures DDay PF MAR
Baldwin Leon E S/Sgt Co I Holland 9/27/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures SS/MIA MAR WOM
Barber William E Pvt Hq 2 Germany 2/1/45 DOW H-C
Barker Alexander L Sgt Co I Holland 9/27/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/ME
Barker Herbert E Jr Pfc Co H Anzio 3/2/44 USA/NY
Barnes Robert E Cpl Hq 2 Sicily 7/11/43   Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/OH
Bartow Richard O T/5 Hq 2 Sicily 7/11/43   Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/TX
Basehore Roy B Pfc Co G Italy 12/12/43   Photo on Trooper Pictures  S-R
Bates Arthur W Jr Pfc Co A Germany 2/2/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  H-C
Bauer Emil E Pfc Co B Belgium 12/20/44 USA/IA
Baxter George A Pvt Co I Anzio 1/23/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/IN
Bays John L
Pvt Co D Anzio 1/25/44 POW
Beacham John E Pfc Co D Anzio 1/25/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures POW USA/NY
Bean Dale E Pvt Co C Belgium 12/20/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/WA
Beaton Edward J Pvt Co C Germany 2/2/45 SS H-C
Beaty Leonard W Cpl Co I Holland 9/27/44 USA/MO
Bednar Louis Cpl Hq 2 Anzio 1/26/44 POW
Bei Anthony Pvt Co I Holland 9/20/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Belfoy Frank W
Pvt Co B Anzio 1/25/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures SS USA/WA
Beste Jack J Pvt Co F Holland 9/30/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW MAR
Beyer John L Cpl Co H Holland 11/1/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures [376A] USA/IN
Biello Dominic T Pvt Co D Belgium 12/26/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures BS H-C
Bishop Lawrence H Pvt Co G Belgium 12/21/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW H-C
Black Philip J Pvt Co G Anzio 2/8/44 DOW USA/NJ
Blazina Lawrence F Sgt Co B Holland 9/17/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures SS MAR
Boersig Frank L
S/Sgt Co E Germany 2/5/45 DOW USA/VA
Bohlken Oliver J
Cpl Hq 2 Belgium 1/8/45 USA/NE
Bonno Gilbert E
S/Sgt Serv Italy 10/3/43   Photo on Trooper Pictures DODY S-R
Boring Richard H Sgt Co D Anzio 1/25/44 POW Stalag 2B
Bosher Louis C
Pvt Co A Germany 1/30/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/VA
Bourgoin Alphonse R
Pvt Co D Anzio 1/25/44 S-R
Brady Kenneth E Sgt Co H Sicily 7/13/43   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/IL
Branson Daniel C Jr Pvt Hq 1 Italy 1/11/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  DODY USA/GA
Brewer Gordon V
Pvt Co H Germany 1/29/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures POW
Brooks James R Pfc Hq-Hq Germany 5/30/45 KODY/SS USA/OH
Brooks Stanley N Pvt Co C Anzio 1/31/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW S-R
Brooks Wayne D Pfc Co A Germany 4/7/45 USA/MT
Broome Louis W Pvt Co D Anzio 2/13/44 USA/MI
Brown Charles

Cpl Hq 3 Holland 9/28/44 POW
Brown Theodore W Pvt Co A Germany 4/6/45 USA/SC
Brown William G Pvt Co A Belgium 1/1/45 DOW USA/NY
Bruckert William A Jr Pvt Med Italy 11/8/43   Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW USA/NY
Bruner Francis J Pvt Co B Italy 10/21/43 S-R
Buchikos Christ J
T/4 Co C Germany 2/3/45   Photo on Trooper Pictures PH(OLC) H-C
Buchman Rodney V
Pvt Serv Belgium 12/26/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/IL
Burnett John F Pvt Co A Holland 9/18/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures MAR
Burnett Onie A T/4 Co B Holland 9/17/44   Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/KY
Byrd James E M/Sgt Hq-Hq Sicily 7/11/43 USA/FL
Byrd Jasper O T/5 Co F Anzio 2/7/44 USA/CA
Byrne Joseph A
Pvt Co H Normandy 6/17/44 BS DDay PF NOR
 >>  NEXT  >>

R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Badsey , Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Blair, Jr, Clay Ridgeway's Paratroopers: The American Airborne in WW II. New York: Doubleday, 1985 588 p. ISBN: 0385278888
Breuer, William B  Agony at Anzio: The Allies Most Controversial and Bizarre Operation of WW II Jove Publishing, 1989 ISBN: 0515102113
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, 1989 621 p. ISBN: 0-312-03350-8
Breuer, William B Drop Zone Sicily: Allied Airborne Strike,July 1943. Novato, CA: Presidio, c1983. 212 p. ISBN: 089 141 1968
Breuer, William B  They Jumped at Midnight Jove Publishing, (P) c1990 ISBN: 0515104256
Burriss, T Moffatt  Strike and Hold: A Memoir of the 82nd Airborne in WW II Brasseys, Inc, 256 pp August,2000 ISBN: 1574882589
Carter, Ross S  Those Devils in Baggy Pants  Buccaneer Books, Reprint,1996 ISBN: 0899666132
Crutchfield, Winston S Pathfinder: A conversation with Buck Hilton and other historical documents about Native American veterans  CreateSpace, 180 pp, Aug 2009 ISBN: 1448679559
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
De Trez, Michel  American Paratrooper Helmets: Mediterranean & European Theater of Operations  June, 2010, Histoire & Collections, 272 p. ISBN: 2352501415
De Trez, Michel  American Warriors: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers Prior to Normandy  July, 1998, D-Day Pub, 212 p. ISBN: 2960017609
De Trez, Michel  Cpl Forrest Guth: E Company 506 PIR 101st Airborne Division (WW II American Paratroopers Portrait Series)  March, 2002, D-Day Pub, 56 p. ISBN: 296001765X
De Trez, Michel  Orange is the Color of the Day: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Holland April, 2004, D-Day Pub, 506 p. ISBN: 2960017633
De Trez, Michel  At the Point of No Return : Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Normandy 7/98, D-Day Pub, 200 p. ISBN: 2960017617
Devlin, Gerard S  Paratrooper! St Martin's Press, (P) c1976 ISBN: 0312596529
Falerios, Kenton J.  Give Me Something I Can't Do: The History of the 82nd Military Police Company, WW 1 to Iraq Nov 2007, Authorhouse, 192 p ISBN: 1434337197
Fox, Tyler  Our Salvation : The 504th PIR Legendary Fight At Altavilla ISBN: 0692781676
Gassend, Jean-Loup Operation Dragoon: Autopsy of a Battle: The Allied Liberation of the French Riviera August-September 1944 Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. (May 28, 2014), 560 p. ISBN: 076434580X
Gavin, James M.  On to Berlin : Battles of an Airborne Commander, 1943-1946 ISBN: 0670525170
Giard, Régis & Frédéric Blais Helmets of the ETO: A Historical & Technical Guide Histoire & Collections (Jan 2008), 216 p. ISBN: 2352500621
Keegan, John The Second World War Penguin (P), 708 p. ISBN: 014011341X
Kershaw, Alex The Longest Winter: The Battle of the Bulge and the Epic Story of WWII's Most Decorated Platoon Da Capo Press, 288 pp November 30, 2004 ISBN: 0306813041
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
Megallas , James All the Way to Berlin: A Paratrooper at War in Europe 336p., Presidio Press, March, 2003. ISBN: 0891417842
Messina , Phillip Anzio: Song of Destiny A.G.Halldin Publishing Company, 1992. ISBN: 0 935 64838 0
Mullins, Christopher Eric (Moon) The Commander's Voice- The History of the 82nd Signal Battalion during WWI and WWII Amazon Apr 7, 2021. 186 p. ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8734584361
Nigl, Dr Alfred J & Charles A Nigl  Silent Wings - Savage Death Santa Ana, CA: Graphic Publishing, Dec 3,2007. 288 p. ISBN: 1882824318
Nordyke , Phil All American All the Way: Combat History of the 82nd Airborne Division in World War II Zenith Press, April 2005. 880 pgs ISBN: 0760322015
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
van Lunteren, Frank Blocking Kampfgruppe Peiper: The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in the Battle of the Bulge Casemate, Sept 19,2015. 368 p. ISBN: 1612003133
van Lunteren, Frank The Battle of Bridges: The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Operation Market Garden Casemate, July 19,2014. 336 p. ISBN: 1612002323
van Lunteren, Frank Spearhead of the Fifth Army: The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Italy from the Winter Line To Anzio Casemate, Sept 16,2016. 320 p. ISBN: 161200427X
van Lunteren, Frank Birth of a Regiment: The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Sicily and Salerno Knox Press, Sept 6,2022. 574 pp. ISBN: B0B7SJBMWN
Wildman, John B All Americans 82nd Airborne. Meadowlands Militaria, 6/83 ISBN:091 208 1007
The Center of Military History The War in the Mediterranean: A WWII Pictorial History Brasseys, Inc., 465 p. ISBN:1574881302

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