
"This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with
.................... ......Franklin Delano Roosevelt - June 27,1936
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  1/504th PIR A Company 1st Platoon

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504th PIR WW II
Medal of Honor Recipient

Pvt John R.Towle

Distinguished Service Cross Recipients
Pfc Raymond S Holsti
Pvt Shelby R Hord
Cpl Joseph J Jusek

Silver Star Recipients
Pfc James M Hardie
Pvt George M Harrison
Pfc Paul E Hayden
Cpl Frank L Heidebrink
Pvt Edward B Hill Jr
Cpl Hilton M Holland
Pfc James C Iacolino
Pfc Albert S Ianacone
Pvt Sidney A Jahay
Pfc John R Jasak


The Battle of the Bridges - 504th PIR
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Battle of the Bridges

The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Roll of Honor  H - J

 LastName FirstName MI Tle Rank Unit Location Date    Status Cemetery

Hall John W Jr Pvt Co I Holland 9/20/44  DOW USA/CA
Hallman Loy E Pvt Serv Anzio 3/26/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW S-R
Hamblet Warren O Pfc Co I Italy 12/12/43  Photo on Trooper Pictures  S-R
Hamel Romeo J T/5 Co E Holland 10/3/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures BS MAR
Hamilton John D S/Sgt Co G Belgium 1/7/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/MA
Hamilton Joseph V Pfc Hq 3 Holland 10/12/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/SC
Hamilton Thurman C Pfc Hq-Hq Germany 4/7/45  MIA/BS MAR WOM
Hammond Philip W Pfc Co D Italy 12/23/43  DOW S-R
Hardridge Alex Pvt Med Sicily 7/13/43 USA/OK
Hartgraves William D Sgt Co I Sicily 7/10/43  MIA/BS S-R WOM
Hartman William S Cpl Co I Holland 9/23/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW USA/MD
Hawkins Charles R Sgt Co H Italy 11/11/43 S-R
Hawkins Clarence G T/5 Hq-Hq Sicily 7/11/43 USA/VA
Hayden Paul E Pfc Hq1 Belgium 12/21/44  SS H-C
Hays John L Pvt Co C Belgium 12/20/44 USA/OH
Heaton Roy N Pfc Co G Sicily 7/10/43  BS/MIA S-R WOM
Heatwole Clarence A Sgt Co G Holland 9/28/44  POW
Heidebrink Frank L S/Sgt Co A Belgium 1/30/44  SS USA/KY
Heiden Norman H Pfc Co I Holland 9/28/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures MAR
Henderson Kenneth L Cpl Hq-Hq Germany 4/5/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Henry Albert Jr 1/Sgt Co C Italy 11/18/43 S-R
Herbert Harvey H Pfc Serv Holland 11/13/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures  MAR
Hereford Gerald P Jr Pfc Co D Holland 9/24/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/MO
Herman James R Pvt Hq 3 Belgium 1/8/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures DOW H-C
Hesselberg Myer Pfc Co B Italy 9/18/43  Photo on Trooper Pictures USA/PA
Higginbotham John T Pvt Hq 3 Sicily 7/11/43  Photo on Trooper Pictures BS/MIA S-R WOM
Hill George B Pvt Co I Sicily 7/10/43 FLO
Hill James V Pfc Hq-Hq Anzio 2/15/44 USA/OH
Hinshaw Raymond E Pvt Hq 2 Italy 12/16/43 S-R
Hodges Norman J Cpl Hq-Hq Italy 11/20/43  DOW USA/DC
Hoffman Arthur O Jr Pvt Co E Anzio 2/14/44 S-R
Hoffman Fred D Pvt Co H Germany 4/5/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures MIA/BS H-C WOM
Holland Hilton M Cpl Co B Belgium 1/9/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures SS H-C
Hollingsworth Buford Pvt Co I Sicily 7/11/43  BS/MIA S-R WOM
Holt Louis P Pvt Co H Holland 9/20/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/TX
Horn Henry Pfc Co B Holland 9/27/44  POW
Horne Lawrence F Jr Pfc Co D Italy 12/13/43 USA/GA
Howard Jack D Sgt Co G Holland 9/21/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/GA
Huber Philip J Pfc Co C Germany 2/3/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/PA
Hustava John P Cpl Co B Holland 10/11/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/IL
Hutchcraft Vern L Pvt Co G Anzio 1/26/44  POW
Hyde Albert M Jr Pfc Hq 1 Germany 4/30/45 USA/LA
Illig Wilbert H Pvt Co D Anzio 2/16/44 USA/WV
Iocco Augustine Pfc Co C Anzio 3/14/44 S-R
Jackson Francis M Pvt Co C Anzio 3/15/44  DOW USA/NC
Jacobs Byron C Pvt Co E Anzio 2/16/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures  S-R
Jacoby Harold R Pvt Co I Holland 9/27/44 USA/NE
Jandran William H T/4 Co B Belgium 1/31/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures H-C
Jastrzebski John Pvt Co C Anzio 3/14/44 S-R
Jajowka Frank A Pvt Co C Belgium 12/20/44 H-C
Jehle Ralph E Jr Pvt Hq-Hq Italy 12/17/43  Photo on Trooper Pictures DODY NAF
Jewell William B Cpl Co F Anzio 2/7/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures  S-R
Johnson Buster N Pfc Hq 1 Sicily 7/12/43  Photo on Trooper Pictures S-R
Johnson David R Jr Pfc Hq-Hq Italy 12/23/43  DOW S-R
Johnson Donald W Pvt Co I Belgium 12/24/44 USA/IL
Johnson Freddie T Pfc Co C Anzio 1/25/44 USA/MN
Johnson Harold R Sgt Co I Holland 9/23/44  DOW USA/NY
Johnson Harry L Cpl Co H Sicily 8/28/43 USA/GA
Johnson Karl B S/Sgt Co D Stalag 3b 2/2/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures POW H-C WOM
Johnson Ozzie A Pvt Co E Belgium 1/1/45  Photo on Trooper Pictures H-C
Johnson R B Pvt Hq 2 Anzio 1/30/44 S-R
Johnson Ray H Pvt Co G Anzio 1/26/44  POW
Johnston Warren R Pvt Hq 3 Holland 9/21/44  Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/MI
Jones Wallace R Pvt Hq 2 Belgium 1/8/45  BS USA/MA
Jurewicz Walter A Pvt Co A/F Italy 9/17/43  Photo on Trooper Pictures  USA/NJ
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R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Badsey , Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Breuer, William B  Agony at Anzio: The Allies Most Controversial and Bizarre Operation of WW II Jove Publishing, 1989 ISBN: 0515102113
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, 1989 621 p. ISBN: 0-312-03350-8
Breuer, William B Drop Zone Sicily: Allied Airborne Strike,July 1943. Novato, CA: Presidio, c1983. 212 p. ISBN: 089 141 1968
Breuer, William B  They Jumped at Midnight Jove Publishing, (P) c1990 ISBN: 0515104256
Burriss, T Moffatt  Strike and Hold: A Memoir of the 82nd Airborne in WW II Brasseys, Inc, 256 pp August,2000 ISBN: 1574882589
Carter, Ross S  Those Devils in Baggy Pants  Buccaneer Books, Reprint,1996 ISBN: 0899666132
Crutchfield, Winston S  Pathfinder: A conversation with Buck Hilton and other historical documents about Native American veterans  CreateSpace, 180 pp, Aug 2009 ISBN: 1448679559
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
Devlin, Gerard S  Paratrooper! St Martin's Press, (P) c1976 ISBN: 0312596529
Gavin, James M.  On to Berlin : Battles of an Airborne Commander, 1943-1946 ISBN: 0670525170
Keegan, John The Second World War Penguin (P), 708 p. ISBN: 014011341X
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
Messina , Phillip Anzio: Song of Destiny A.G.Halldin Publishing Company, 1992. ISBN: 0 935 64838 0
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
van Lunteren, Frank The Battle of Bridges: The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Operation Market Garden Casemate, June 1,2014. 336 p. ISBN: 1612002323
Wildman, John B All Americans 82nd Airborne. Meadowlands Militaria, 6/83 ISBN:091 208 1007
The Center of Military History The War in the Mediterranean: A WWII Pictorial History Brasseys, Inc., 465 p. ISBN:1574881302

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