
"Never in the field of human conflict was so much
""owed by so many to so few."
................................................... ...Sir Winston Churchill
   - 1st Battalion
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   - 2nd Battalion
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    Company F
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   - 3rd Battalion
    Company G
    Company H
    Company I
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  1/504th PIR A Company 1st Platoon

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The Battle of the Bridges - 504th PIR
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Battle of the Bridges

 (History of the 376th PFAB by Jan Bos) History of the 376th PFAB
by Jan Bos

(To purchase a copy e-mail
Jan Bos)
The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment
Roster  Headquarters Company (Partial) - 1st Battalion

 LastName FirstName MI Tle Rank ASN No. Pltn Status Medals Comment

Addison William A B
Adkisson Harold W Pfc 39173187 BS
Alberts Phillip Pfc 16063318 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Germany
Aldworth Robert V
Allen Harold C 1/Lt 0-1292817 SS 
Anderson Carl L
Anderson Cecil W S/Sgt 20364683 SS 
Anderson Reynard A
Anderson Roy E
Angel Norman B S/Sgt 20365654 SS
Ashmore Glyn Pfc 34702424 BS
Bachenheimer Theodore H Pvt 19063269 SS BS  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Banas Raymond J
Bates Frederick J
Beam Francis L
Bell William W
Bender Charles W
Berry John T LtCol 0-25284 BS  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Black Patrick M T/Sgt  Photo on Trooper Pictures
Blair Robert P
Blick Martin E Jr
Boardman Matt L
Boaz George E
Bolton Reese
Bouslough Emerson M
Bradley Robert E
Bradley Robert V
Branson Daniel C Jr Pvt 34356745 DODY PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Italy
Bridgens Gerald N Pfc PH
Brosky Anthony A
Brown Thomas
Brown William G
Bucklen Chester R
Buhlman John W
Bullock William W S/Sgt 14041375 BS (OLC)
Burno Muriel R
Butler John J
Campbell C A
Carroll Lawrence G Jr S/Sgt 39384158 BS
Catov Michael J
Chariton Raymond J
Chester Perry A Cpl  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Childs Joseph Jr
Chin Ging T T/4  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Ciampa Vincent J
Ciurzynski Henry J
Clark Joseph E
Clow Earl C
Cobel Frank M
Coccia Anthony Pfc 20309867 KIA PH Anzio
Cornett Marvin D 1/Sgt  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Crisafulli Felix J
Crockett G P 1/Lt 0-376905 KIA BS PH Belgium
Cutting George T Pfc BS  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Dance William G Jr
Danielson Virgil C
D'Crenzo Sam A S/Sgt 12151398 BS
DeHart James M
Demas George T/Sgt  BS PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures
DeMercado John E
Dick Harold E Cpl 31146773 DOW PH 2(OLC)
Dickinson John D PFc 38020882 BS
Donahue Henry J
Drake Oscar S Jr
Dull Warren E
Dunaway Harry N
Duncan Charles W Capt 0-1286100 BS
Dundon Howard C PH
Dwyer Frederick J
Elliott Eugene R
Emmons L N Pvt 6281546 SS
Enos Elmer A
Erickson E
Facio Ignacio Pfc
Farley Arley O Pfc 35254552 SS
Foley Joseph A Pfc POW  
Foley Thomas J Jr 1/Lt O1283055 KIA PH Anzio 
Folmar Charles G Pfc 12054924 BS
Frankovich Charley C
Gaudet Edward J
Gauntt James D
Gaylor Melvin
Gershoff Harry
Gillespie George C
Gilmore Rollo Pfc 35035465 MIA BS PH(OLC)  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Glenn Richard R  
Gordon Harry A Cpl 20311826 KIA SS  Sicily
Goveia John  
Gwin Powell  
Hajdack Henry F S/Sgt  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Harden Donald E  
Harlan Thompson  
Harmon Leonard Jr 2/Lt 0-1702988 SS
Harrington John D  
Harris Fred W Jr  
Harrison Willard C LTC 0-395975 DSC,SS,BS(OLC)
Hartley Peyton C
Hayden Paul E Pvt 20381299 KIA SS PH Belgium
Hayes John P
Hetzler Buck D
Holdren Theodore M
Holland Charles R
Houk William A
Hovermale Oliver P
Hudgins Alvin T
Hudon Frank E V Pfc 11083817 BS PF
Hughes John M
Hughes Robert L
Hunt Teddy L
Hyde Albert M Jr Pfc 18133830 KIA PH Germany
Jalowey Michael J
Jetton Ralph R
Johnson Buster N Pfc 16016644 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Sicily
Johnson William C
Johnston E C
Jones Howard L
Jones James L
Jones William S
Jump Charles J
Karsch Daney
Kaslikowski John I Sgt 11019514 BS,MM PF
Kaslikowski Stanley F
Keep Henry B
Kemble Howard A 1/Lt 0-1311163 KIA SS PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Belgium
Kendall Franklin O
Kephart Meredith C
Kinney Robert M Pvt 12045601 SS  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Kisley John
Knight Milton J T/Sgt 6926206 BS  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Knopfle Edward S Pfc BS
Knott Russell C S/Sgt PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Knowlen Stewart R
Kowalski Theodore J Pfc  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Kukec Anthony J
Kunkle Vernon A
Lambert Raymond V Jr
Lambert Robert W
Lang Walter R
Langhoff Morris V Sgt  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Langley Chelcie Y Jr
Larabee Raymond G
Lauritsen Edgar L S/Sgt 6146791 BS
LaVoie Willard F
Lekson John S Maj S-3 DSC  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Len Stanley J Jr
Leroy Charles M
Lopez Roberto
Lyons Paul J
Mackievicz Raymond S
Magrath William W 1/Lt 0-1283107 BS
Mahoney Charles J
Mansolillo Nicholas W T/Sgt  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Maneth Julius F Jr Sgt 38070965 SS
Marriner Henry C Pvt 34305856 KIA PH Anzio
Martinez Ephrain
Massar Baptist J Pvt 32031083 MIA BS PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Germany
McCready Arthur Jr
McDermott Thomas P PH
Mc Kinley William M Sgt  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
McLaughlin Harry L
McNamara James M Pfc 31005294 BS  Photo on Trooper Pictures scout
Meador William W
Melle Charles J Pvt  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Mengal Edward P
Mezza Peter
Miller James J
Mills Richard F
Mitek John J S/Sgt 130552990 BS
Monka John T
Morreale Ross
Mullen John T T/4 32207647 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Holland
Mummert William M
Nersesian Murad
Nolan Clarence
O'Brien William H Jr Pvt 16011269 KIA PH Sicily
O'Higgins Donald J
Osborne Robert L
Owen Eugene E
Pahler Regis J 1/Sgt  Photo on Trooper Pictures PF
Parisi Vitorio A
Parker Jack D Cpl 34129664 BS
Patterson Melvin R
Paul Andy
Pauley Claire O
Pearson Merle D
Pease John H
Petty Jack
Pfingst John J
Phaneuf Perry
Plattner Gabriel S
Poirier Ernest J
Poor Junior W
Porter Charles E
Potocki Edward A
Powell Charles R
Power S E
Preston William A Cpl 20613586 KIA PH Germany
Quick Snowey T
Ragolio Peter L
Ramsey Charles L
Ransom William F Pfc 15316279 PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Germany 
Raswick John P
Reese Francis J
Regan William J
Reiss Edward L
Rice G W
Riggio John D
Ritter Charles W
Roberts Harry F
Rockwell Clarence A
Rohrer Arden P Jr
Roth William A
Rothweiler William J
Rumburg Ray M
Russ Richard W
Ryan Edward T
Sands Allen C
Scherer Frank Pvt 36741316 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Anzio
Schieffer Michael L
Schirra Louis P
Schmidt Theodore E
Schneider Peter R
Scott Keith K
Searrin William D Pfc 15330389 BS
Shipton Bernard G Pfc  Photo on Trooper Pictures PF
Simmons Vernon S
Simpson Donald L Pvt 34530917 KIA PH Belgium
Sklodowski Walter F
Skrzynski John J
Smith Ernest A
Smith Walter E
Sokoloff Sergi
Spangle Robert F
Spencer Joe C
Sproles Carl J
Steger Fay T
Stiliha Charles Jr
Strayer Arthur D
Sult Vernon R Sgt 19110977 BS  
Tarbell Lawrence R
Temple Harland A
Tennis Walter J
Thawley John E
Theriault Douglas J
Thurston Paul N Pvt 15090568 KIA PH Anzio
Tuzzolino Frank T
Tyrer Adelbert J
Vabrac Al N Sgt 37002623 BS  
Varise Tony Pvt  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Veres Joseph E
Vernier Gilbert A
Vigilis James Pvt  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Vita Anthony
Vogt Charles M
Wahl Leonard W
Waldo John H Pvt 07032682 KIA PH Anzio
Walsh Charles M
Ward William H Sr
Watson Theodore S Pvt 32798271 SS  
Wells James S Pfc CIB BS PH2(OLC)  Photo on Trooper Pictures 
Wells Thomas J
Whelen Martin T Jr
Willett Edwin R
Williams Nathan A
Williams Warren R Jr
Willshire Robert P Jr
Wright Arthur M Sgt 35638819 KIA PH Belgium
Yenick John
Yepsen William G 2/Lt 01054883 KIA SS PH Cheneux
Zaar Fred H
Zakby Abdallah K
Zamora John B
Zoglman Joseph G
Zuidema Andy H Pvt 16084605 KIA PH  Photo on Trooper Pictures Anzio

BS   -  Bronze Star KODY - Killed on Duty PLTN - Platoon
CAPT - Captain LT COL -  Lieutenant Colonel POW  -  Prisoner of War
COL - Colonel 1/LT - First Lieutenant SGT - Sergeant
DODY - Died on Duty 2/LT- Second Lieutenant S/SGT - Staff Sergeant
DOI - Died of Injuries MAJ -  Major 1/SGT - First Sergeant
DOW - Died of Wounds MIA - Missing in Action SS - Silver Star
DSC - Distinguished Service Cross MOH - Medal of Honor T/SGT - Technician Sergeant
JWO - Junior Warrant Officer PFC -  Private First Class T/4 - Technician 4th Class
KIA - Killed in Action PH - Purple Heart T/5 - Technician 5th Class

R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Badsey , Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Blair, Jr, Clay Ridgeway's Paratroopers: The American Airborne in WW II. New York: Doubleday, 1985 588 p. ISBN: 0385278888
Breuer, William B  Agony at Anzio: The Allies Most Controversial and Bizarre Operation of WW II Jove Publishing, 1989 ISBN: 0515102113
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, 1989 621 p. ISBN: 0-312-03350-8
Breuer, William B Drop Zone Sicily: Allied Airborne Strike,July 1943. Novato, CA: Presidio, c1983. 212 p. ISBN: 089 141 1968
Breuer, William B  They Jumped at Midnight Jove Publishing, (P) c1990 ISBN: 0515104256
Burriss, T Moffatt  Strike and Hold: A Memoir of the 82nd Airborne in WW II Brasseys, Inc, 256 pp August,2000 ISBN: 1574882589
Carter, Ross S  Those Devils in Baggy Pants  Buccaneer Books, Reprint,1996 ISBN: 0899666132
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
Devlin, Gerard S  Paratrooper! St Martin's Press, (P) c1976 ISBN: 0312596529
Gavin, James M.  On to Berlin : Battles of an Airborne Commander, 1943-1946 ISBN: 0670525170
Keegan, John The Second World War Penguin (P), 708 p. ISBN: 014011341X
Kershaw, Alex The Longest Winter: The Battle of the Bulge and the Epic Story of WWII's Most Decorated Platoon Da Capo Press, 288 pp November 30, 2004 ISBN: 0306813041
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
Megallas , James All the Way to Berlin: A Paratrooper at War in Europe 336p., Presidio Press, March, 2003. ISBN: 0891417842
Messina , Phillip Anzio: Song of Destiny A.G.Halldin Publishing Company, 1992. ISBN: 0 935 64838 0
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
van Lunteren, Frank The Battle of Bridges: The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Operation Market Garden Casemate, July 19,2014. 336 p. ISBN: 1612002323
Wildman, John B All Americans 82nd Airborne. Meadowlands Militaria, 6/83 ISBN:091 208 1007
The Center of Military History The War in the Mediterranean: A WWII Pictorial History Brasseys, Inc., 465 p. ISBN:1574881302

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