101st Airborne Division

"This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with
.................... ......Franklin Delano Roosevelt - June 27,1936
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506th Parachute Infantry Regiment Patch

(above picture)
506th PIR Patch

101st Airborne WW II
Medal of Honor Recipients

Lt Col Robert G Cole

Pfc Joe E. Mann

506th PIR WW II
Distinguished Service Cross(DSC) Recipients

Capt Walter Amerman
1/Lt Elton E Brooks
Pvt Herman Cordes
Pfc Don G Hackman
Pfc Orel H Lev
Capt Frank L Lillyman
Lt Col John S Maloney
Capt Tilden S McGee
Sgt George Montilio
Lt Col Lloyd E Patch
Capt Knut H Raudstein
Capt Charles J Santasiero
T/3 Andrew Sosnack
Lt Col William L Turner
Maj Richard D Winters
Pfc Gilbert Van Every
2/Lt Donald E Zahn


USAAF Airborne Troop Carriers in World War II

The Drop Zone

ETO Cross Channel Attack (Hyperwar)

D-Day and Beyond (Memories)

Carentan Historical Center


Band of Brothers (NL)

Field of Honor (Database)

HonorStates.org (Database)

Find A Grave

The 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment
3rd Battalion - Trooper Pictures
Company G
Pvt John P Androsky -  Bronze Star Recipient (Source:B Jeffries)

Pvt John P Androsky
506th PIR Co G
MIA 5 Oct 44 (BS)

Pfc Milton G Anthony

Pfc Milton G Anthony
506th PIR Co G
KIA 6 June 1944

1/Sgt Flynt W Brown (Source:Sean Shetler

1/Sgt Flynt W Brown
506th PIR Co G

Cpl Harry W Buxton Jr

Cpl Harry W Buxton Jr
506th PIR Co G
KIA 27Sept 1944

Pvt Woodrow W Carpenter

Pvt Woodrow W Carpenter
506th PIR Co G
KIA 7 June 1944

Pvt Cosmo Ciano - KIA Normandy

Pvt Cosmo Ciano
506th PIR Co G
KIA 6 June 1944

Pfc Jack C Collins (Source:Donald B Straith

Pfc Jack C Collins
506th PIR
Company G

Pfc Wilbur Croteau - KIA Normandy - Bronze Star Recipient (Source:B Jeffries)

Pfc Wilbur D Croteau
506th PIR Co G
KIA 9 June 44 (BS)

Pfc Daniel H Dupor

Pfc Daniel H Dupor
506th PIR
Company G

Cpl Donald B Francis (Source:B Jeffries)

Cpl Donald B Francis
506th PIR Co G
KIA 7 June 44

Pfc Colford Garton Jr (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Pfc Colford Garton Jr
506th PIR
Company G

Pfc Anthony Gerrish (Courtesy: K F Gerrish)

Pfc Anthony Gerrish
506th PIR
Company G

Pvt Albert C Gray

Pvt Albert C Gray
506th PIR Co G
KIA 2 Jan 45

Sgt Andrew J Hobbs

Sgt Andrew J Hobbs
506th PIR Co G
KIA 27 Dec 44

Pfc Charles Ray Hunton (Courtesy: Bert Vangoossen)

Pfc Charles R Hunton
506th PIR Co G
KIA 2 Jan 45

Pfc Robert Izumi (Courtesy: Dominique Potier)

Pfc Robert Izumi
506th PIR Co G
3rd Battalion

Pfc Lawrence Robert Kepler

Pfc Lawrence R Kepler
506th PIR Co G
3rd Battalion

Pfc Ralph Douglas Kirk (Source:Jim Kirk)

Pfc Ralph D Kirk
506th PIR Co G
3rd Battalion

Pfc Haynes Cecil Knox (Source:Joel Knox)

Pfc Haynes C Knox
506th PIR Co G
3rd Battalion

Pfc James H  (Pee Wee) Martin (Courtesy: Gordon Stewart: WW II Airborne Demonstration Team)

Pfc James H Martin
506th PIR Co G
2nd Platoon

Sgt Homer C Sarver - died in parachute accident (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Sgt Homer C Sarver
506th PIR Co G
KODY 13 Jan 44

Cpl Donald I Skoglund (Courtesy: B Jeffries)

Cpl Donald I Skoglund
506th PIR Co G
KIA 31 Dec 44

1/Sgt Woodrow H Smith - POW at Stalag 4B Muhlberg Sachsen 51-13

1/Sgt Woodrow H Smith
506th PIR Co G
POW - D-Day

Pvt Roy Upton Talhelm - Company G

Pvt Roy Upton Talhelm
506th PIR Co G
KIA 8 Jun 44

Pvt George A Trotman

Pvt George A Trotman
506th PIR Co G
DOW 6 June 1944

Pfc Victor S Villalobos POW on D-Day died in Bombing

Pfc Victor S Villalobos
506th PIR Co G
DOW 1 Apr 1945 (BS)

1/Lt Turner Chambliss - 506 G Company - Bronze Star Recipient (Source:B Jeffries)

1/Lt Turner M Chambliss Jr
506th PIR Co G
KIA 6 June 1944 (BS)

1/Lt Joseph B Doughty - 506 G Company - took command upon Capt Van Antwerp death on D-Day

1/Lt Joseph B Doughty
506th PIR Co G
Commanding Officer

1/Lt Lawrence Michael Fitzpatrick - KIA Hagenau France - Bronze Star Recipient for Bastogne (Courtesy: L Michael Gerner)

1Lt Lawrence M Fitzpatrick
506th PIR Co G
KIA 16 Feb 45

2/Lt Thomas J Kennedy - 506 G Company

2/Lt Thomas J Kennedy
506th PIR Co G
1st Platoon

2/Lt Sherman N Sutherland - 506 G Company PH(OLC)

2/Lt Sherman N Sutherland
506th PIR Co G
DOW 23 Dec 1944

1/Lt Linton A Barling - Company G Bronze Star Recipient

1/Lt Linton A Barling
506th PIR Co G
KIA 6 Oct 44 (BS)

Capt William Derwood Cann Jr - 506 G Company

Capt William D Cann Jr
506th PIR Co G
Commanding Officer

Capt Harold E Van Antwerp - Company G

Capt Harold E Van Antwerp
506th PIR Co G
KIA 6 Jun 44

Capt James L Walker - 506 H Company

Capt James L Walker
506th PIR Co G
Commanding Officer

Company H
Pfc Burt Bailey - Company H (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Burt Bailey
506th PIR Co H
KIA 5 Oct 44

Cpl Jay F Barr - Company H (Source: Thomas Kibler)

Cpl Jay F Barr
506th PIR Co H
KIA 25 Sept 44

S/Sgt Ralph Bennett

S/Sgt Ralph S Bennett
506th PIR Co H
Silver Star Recipient

Pfc Joseph E Bickhart

Pfc Joseph E Bickhart
506th PIR
Company H

S/Sgt Harry Allen Clawson - Company H - Silver Star Recipient

S/Sgt Harry Allen Clawson
506th PIR Co H
KIA 6 Oct 1944 (SS)

Pvt Ralph B Devaney - Company H

Pvt Ralph B Devaney
506th PIR Co H
KIA 10 Jun 1944

Pvt Mario (Hank) DiCarlo

Pvt Mario DiCarlo
506th PIR Co H
1st Platoon

Cpl John W Hahn - Company H - Silver Star Recipient (Source: Adri Ekstijn)

Cpl John W Hahn
506th PIR Co H
KIA 25 Sept 1944 (SS)

Pfc Jose Hernandez Jr - Company H (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Jose Hernandez Jr
506th PIR Co H
KIA 6 Oct 1944

Pfc Robert Gilbert Hester (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc Robert Gilbert Hester
506th PIR Co H
KIA 24 Dec 1944

Sgt Russell A James - Company H

Sgt Russell A James
506th PIR Co H
KIA 7 June 1944

Pfc Charles H Kiefer Jr - Company H - Bronze Star Recipient

Pfc Charles H Kiefer Jr
506th PIR Co H
KIA 10 Jan 1945 (BS)

Pfc Leo F Knight - Company H

Pfc Leo F Knight
506th PIR Co H
KIA 15 June 1944

Cpl Joseph Laingo - Company H

Cpl Joseph Laingo
506th PIR Co H
KIA 10 Jan 1945

Cpl Harold W J Lambrecht - Company H

Cpl Harold W J Lambrecht
506th PIR Co H
DOW 10 Oct 1944

Pfc Walter S Lanocha - Company H

Pfc Walter S Lanocha
506th PIR Co H
KIA 10 Jan 1945

Cpl Gordon J Laudick - Company H

Cpl Gordon J Laudick
506th PIR Co H
KIA 14 Oct 1944

Pvt Nicholas A Le Cursi - Company H

Pvt Nicholas A Le Cursi
506th PIR Co H
KIA 5 Oct 1944

Cpl Andrew A Lynn - Company H

Cpl Andrew A Lynn
506th PIR Co H
DOI 9 Jun 1944

Pfc Trino W Mendez - Company H

Pfc Trino W Mendez
506th PIR Co H
KIA 25 Sept 1944

Sgt George Montilio - DSC Recipient

Sgt George Montilio
506th PIR Co H
DOW 17 Apr 1945 DSC

Pvt Melvin R Morse - Company H

Pvt Melvin R Morse
506th PIR Co H
KIA 25 Sept 1944

Cpl William W Mueller - Company H

Cpl William W Mueller
506th PIR Co H
KIA 6 Oct 1944

Pfc Sam D Plyler - Company H

Pfc Sam D Plyler
506th PIR Co H
KIA 10 Jun 1944

Pfc John B Purdie - BS/PH(OLC) - Company H (Source: B Jeffries)

Pfc John B Purdie
506th PIR Co H
KIA 25 Sept 1944 (BS)

Pfc Charles R Schoner (Source: Donald B Straith)

Pfc Charles R Schoner
506th PIR
Company H

Pvt Thomas H Sorrell (Source: Helen Siple)

Pvt Thomas H Sorrell
506th PIR Co H
KIA 19 Dec 1944

Pfc Morris L Thomas - Bronze Star Recipient

Pfc Morris L Thomas
506th PIR Co H
KIA 5 Oct 1944

Pvt Louis Vecchi

Pvt Louis Vecchi
506th PIR Co H
1st Platoon

Pvt Robert C Wyss - Company H 3rd Platoon

Pvt Robert C Wyss
506th PIR Co H
3rd Platoon

1/Lt Edward S Mehosky - Company H

1/Lt Edward S Mehosky
506th PIR Co H
1st Platoon

1/Lt Rudolph E Bolte (Rudy)  BS/PH(OLC)

1/Lt Rudolph E Bolte
506th PIR Co H
KIA 18 Sept 1944 (BS)

Company I
T/5 William H Atlee

T/5 William H Atlee
506th PIR Co I
KIA 6 Jun 1944

Pfc Manuel M Barrios - Company I

Pfc Manuel M Barrios
506th PIR Co I
3rd Battalion

T/Sgt Joe Beyrle - Company I

T/Sgt Joe Beyrle
506th PIR Co I
3rd Battalion

Pfc John L Boggs - Company I

Pfc John L Boggs
506th PIR Co I
KIA 10 June 1944

Pfc Harry L Burg Jr  #42-100733

Pfc Harry L Burg Jr
506th PIR Co I
MIA 6 Jun 1944 (BS)

Pfc Harvey A Cross

Pfc Harvey A Cross
506th PIR Co I
DOW 20 Dec 1944

Pvt Victor J De Luca

Pvt Victor J De Luca
506th PIR Co I
KIA 18 Sept 1944

Pfc William Galbraith - Company I 2nd Platoon machine gun squad

Pfc William Galbraith
506th PIR Co I
2nd Platoon

Pfc Bryant L Hinson (BS) - Company I -  #42-100733 incident on June 6, 1944.

Pfc Bryant L Hinson
506th PIR Co I
KIA 6 June 44 (BS)

S/Sgt James H Japhet (BS) - Company I -  #42-100733 incident on June 6, 1944.

S/Sgt James H Japhet
506th PIR Co I
KIA 6 June 44 (BS)

Pvt Robert W Kangas PH(OLC)

Pvt Robert W Kangas
506th PIR Co I
KIA 21 Dec 1944

Pfc George E Kenfield - Company I

Pfc George E Kenfield
506th PIR Co I
KIA 10 June 1944

Pvt Frank E Lujan - Company I 3rd Platoon 60mm mortar squad

Pvt Frank E Lujan
506th PIR Co I
3rd Platoon

Pfc Walter Lukasavage - Company I

Pfc Walter Lukasavage
506th PIR Co I
3rd Platoon

Sgt Beverly J Manlove - Company I

Sgt Beverly J Manlove
506th PIR Co I
MIA 6 June 44 (BS)

T/5 James E Millican - Company I (Courtesy: Colleen Holt-niece)

T/5 James E Millican
506th PIR Co I
KIA 6 June 44

Pvt David Morgan - Company I - 2nd platoon

Pvt David Morgan
506th PIR Co I
2nd Platoon

Pfc Robert L Reid - Company I -

Pfc Robert L Reid
506th PIR Co I
DOW 13 Jan 1945

S/Sgt Frank E Rick Jr - Company I -

S/Sgt Frank E Rick Jr
506th PIR Co I
DOW 18 Sept 1944

Pfc Jame J Sheeran - Company I - 1st platoon

Pfc Jame J Sheeran
506th PIR Co I
1st Platoon

Pfc Frederick P Smith - Company I - on board a C-47A Skytrain #42-100905 west of Magneville (Courtesy:B Jeffries)

Pfc Frederick P Smith
506th PIR Co I
KIA 6 June 1944

Cpl Marvin M Stallings - Company I

Cpl Marvin M Stallings
506th PIR Co I
KIA 6 June 1944

Pfc Harold T Stedman - Company I 3rd Platoon 60mm mortar squad

Pfc Harold T Stedman
506th PIR Co I
3rd Platoon

Sgt Robert L Todd - Company I - on board a C-47A Skytrain #42-100905 west of Magneville

Sgt Robert L Todd
506th PIR Co I
KIA 6 June 1944

Sgt Victor A Turkovich - Company I - BS/MIA

Sgt Victor A Turkovich
506th PIR Co I
MIA 6 June 1944 (BS)

Pvt Florensio R Valenzuela - Company I

Pvt Florensio R Valenzuela
506th PIR Co I
KIA 13 Jan 1945

T/5 Orville Vanderpool - Company I - on board a C-47A Skytrain #42-100905 west of Magneville

T/5 Orville Vanderpool
506th PIR Co I
KIA 6 June 1944

Pvt Paul J Weber - Company I - on board a C-47A Skytrain #42-100905 west of Magneville

Pvt Paul J Weber
506th PIR Co I
KIA 6 June 1944

Pvt Andy H Westhuis - Company I (Source: Stephanie Westhuis)

Pvt Andy H Westhuis
506th PIR Co I
3rd Battalion

2/Lt Roger L Tinsley - 506 G Company

2/Lt Roger L Tinsley
506th PIR Co I
DOW 14 Jan 1945

1/Lt Jerome C Knight - Company I - 2nd platoon (Courtesy: David Ladow)

1/Lt Jerome C Knight
506th PIR Co I
KIA 20 Dec 1944

1/Lt Gerald V Howard Jr - Company I 1st Platoon - on board a C-47A Skytrain #42-100905 west of Magneville

1/Lt Gerald V Howard Jr
506th PIR Co I
KIA 6 Jun 1944

Capt John W Kiley - 506 I Company

Capt John W Kiley
506th PIR Co I
KIA 18 Sept 1944 (BS)

Capt John T Mc Knight - 506 I Company

Capt John T Mc Knight
506th PIR Co I
Commanding Officer

Headquarters Company 3rd Battalion (HQ 3)
Pvt Robert A Boehm

Pvt Robert A Boehm
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 6 June 1944

Cpl Andrew T Bryan Jr BS/PH(OLC)

Cpl Andrew T Bryan Jr
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 6 Oct 1944 (BS)

Cpl Nathan F Bullock (Source:B Jeffries)

Cpl Nathan F Bullock
506th PIR Hq 3
3rd Battalion

T/5 Thomas W Call - medic - (Source:B Jeffries)

T/5 Thomas W Call
506th PIR Hq 3 medic
KIA 5 Oct 1944

Sgt Thayer U Carlton

Sgt Thayer U Carlton
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 6 June 1944

Sgt Garland W Collier (courtesy: Albert J Brilstra)

Sgt Garland W Collier
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 5 Oct 1944

Pfc Robert C Dunning

Pfc Robert C Dunning
506th PIR Hq 3
81 mm Mortar Platoon

T/4 George Duncan Dwyer

T/4 George Doc Dwyer
506th PIR Hq 3
3rd Battalion

Pfc Jack Gallo - Bronze Star Recipient (Source: Lisa Hilger Gallo)

Pfc Jack Gallo
506th PIR Hq 3
Bronze Star Recipient

Pvt Philip D Germer

Pvt Philip D Germer
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 6 June 1944

Pvt Soini A Hall

Pvt Soini A Hall
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 6 June 1944

T/5 Jack W Harrison

T/5 Jack W Harrison
506th PIR Hq 3
DOW 25 June 1944

Pvt Clarence E Isler (Courtesy: Don Straith)

Pvt Clarence E Isler
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 11 Jan 1945

Pvt Glenn L Knerr

Pvt Glenn L Knerr
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 21 Dec 1944

Pvt Nick Kozorsky

Pvt Nick Kozorsky
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 4 May 1945

Pvt Timoteo G Melendez

Pvt Timoteo G Melendez
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 6 Oct 1944

Pvt James D Mock - Pathfinder

Pvt James D Mock
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 25 Sept 1944 (PF)

Pfc Harrison E Neely

Pfc Harrison E Neely
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 10 June 1944

Pvt Carl E Pease - MIA/BS

Pvt Carl E Pease
506th PIR Hq 3
MIA 5 Oct 1944 (BS)

Sgt William E Pershing - Silver/Bronze Star Recipient (Source: Adam Pershing)

Sgt William E Pershing
506th PIR Hq 3
Silver Star (BS)

Pfc John Pinchot

Pfc John Pinchot
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 6 June 1944

Pvt William J Purcell

Pvt William J Purcell
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 21 Dec 1944

1/Sgt James Powell Shirley

1/Sgt James P Shirley
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 6 June 1944

S/Sgt Paul L Simrell

S/Sgt Paul L Simrell
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 10 June 1944

T/4 Stanley E Stockins Jr

T/4 Stanley E Stockins Jr
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 6 June 1944

Cpl Cyrus Swinson - [POW]81mm Mortar Platoon (Source: Son-in-law Gene Strand)

Cpl Cyrus Swinson
506th PIR Hq 3
81mm Mortar Platoon

Pvt John A Vendelis

Pvt John A Vendelis
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 6 June 1944

T/Sgt Robert Webb

T/Sgt Robert Webb
506th PIR Hq 3
(S4 Supply)

Pfc Dean E Winner

Pfc Dean E Winner
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 10 June 1944

1/Lt James D Holstun III

1/Lt James D Holstun III
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 6 June 1944

1/Lt Howard D Littell - HQ3 Mortar Platoon - KIA on 6/7/1944 near the Douve River just north of Carentan leading a unit attempting to take a bridge(Courtesy of his great nephew Paul H Bouchard Jr)

1/Lt Howard D Littell
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 7 June 1944

1/Lt Robert C Machen - HQ3 Machine Gun Platoon

1/Lt Robert C Machen
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 6 June 1944

1/Lt Robert M Pennell Jr

1/Lt Robert M Pennell Jr
506th PIR Hq 3
KIA 25 Sept 1944

1/Lt John F Weisenberger

1/Lt John F Weisenberger
506th PIR Hq 3
DOW 20 Dec 1944

Maj George S Grant - 3rd Battalion Commanding Officer

Maj George S Grant
506th PIR CO 3rd Btn
KIA 6 June 1944

Maj Oliver M Horton - 3rd Battalion Commanding Officer - Silver Star Recipient

Maj Oliver M Horton
506th PIR CO 3rd Btn
KIA 5 Oct 1944 (SS)

Lt Col Robert L Wolverton - 3rd Battalion Commanding Officer - Legion of Merit Recipient

Lt Col Robert L Wolverton
506th PIR CO 3rd Btn
KIA 6 June 1944

Lt Col Lloyd E Patch - 1st/3rd Battalion Commanding Officer - DSC/Silver Star Recipient

Lt Col Lloyd E Patch
506th PIR
CO 1st/3rd Battalions

 >> Srvc Co  >>

R E L A T E D   B O O K S

Alexander, Larry Biggest Brother: The Life of Major Dick Winters, The Man Who Led the Band of Brothers NAL Hardback (April 2005), 320 p. ISBN: 0451215109
Ambrose, Stephen E D-DAY June 6,1944: The Climatic Battle of WW II. 6/93, Simon & Shuster ISBN: 0671673343
Ambrose, Stephen E Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler's Eagle's Nest. Simon & Schuster, (June 2001) 336 p. ISBN: 0-743-21638-5
Ambrose, Stephen E Citizen Soldiers: The U.S. Army from the Normandy Beaches to the Bulge to the Surrender of Germany, June 7, 1944-May 7, 1945. Simon & Schuster, (Nov 1997) 528 p. ISBN: 0-684-81525-7
Badsey, Stephen & Chandler, David G (Editor)  Arnhem 1944: Operation "Market Garden" (Campaign No.24) 1993 96p. ISBN: 1855323028
Bando, Mark A  Avenging Eagles: Forbidden tales of the 101st Airborne in World War 2. Bando Publishing, (2006) 183 p. ISBN: 0977911705
Bando, Mark A  101st Airborne: The Screaming Eagles at Normandy. Zenith Press, (Apr 2001) 156 p. ISBN: 0760308551
Bando, Mark A  Vanguard of the Crusade: The US 101st Airborne Division in WW II. The Aberjona Press, (June 2003) 320 p. ISBN: 0971765006
Black, Wallace B.& Blashfield, Jean F. Battle of the Bulge (World War II 50th Anniversary Series). Crestwood House, 48 pp May,1993 ISBN: 0896865681
Bowen, Robert Fighting With the Screaming Eagles: With the 101st Airborne from Normandy to Bastogne. Greenhill Books/Lionel Leventhal, (Sept 2001) 256 p. ISBN: 1853674656
Breuer, William B Geronimo! American Paratroopers in WWII. New York: St. Martin Press, (1989) 621 p. ISBN: 0-312-03350-8
Breuer, William B Unexplained Mysteries of World War II. John Wiley & Sons, Sept 1998 256 p. ISBN:0471291072
Burgett, Donald R Currahee!. Presidio Press, (Sept 1999) 256 p. ISBN: 0-891-41681-1
Compton, Lt Lynn (Buck) & Marcus Brotherton Call of Duty: My Life Before, During and After the Band of Brothers. Berkley Hardcover, (May 6, 2008) 288 p. ISBN: 0425219704
D'Este, Carlo  Patton: A Genius for War 1024 pp ISBN: 0060927623
De Trez, Michel  American Paratrooper Helmets: Mediterranean & European Theater of Operations  June, 2010, Histoire & Collections, 272 p. ISBN: 2352501415
De Trez, Michel  American Warriors: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers Prior to Normandy  July, 1998, D-Day Pub, 212 p. ISBN: 2960017609
De Trez, Michel  Cpl Forrest Guth: E Company 506 PIR 101st Airborne Division (WW II American Paratroopers Portrait Series)  March, 2002, D-Day Pub, 56 p. ISBN: 296001765X
De Trez, Michel  Orange is the Color of the Day: Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Holland April, 2004, D-Day Pub, 506 p. ISBN: 2960017633
De Trez, Michel  At the Point of No Return : Pictorial History of the American Paratroopers in the Invasion of Normandy 7/98, D-Day Pub, 200 p. ISBN: 2960017617
Devlin, Gerard S  Paratrooper! St Martin's Press, (P) c1976 ISBN: 0312596529
Gabel, Kurt The Making of a Paratrooper: Airborne Training and Combat in World War II Univ Press of Kansas (Jan 1990), 282 p. ISBN: 070060409X
Gardner, Ira & Roger Day Tonight We Die As Men: The untold story of Third Battalion 506 Parachute Infantry Regiment from Toccoa to D-Day. Osprey Press, (April 21, 2009) 344 p. ISBN: 1846033225
Giard, Régis & Frédéric Blais Helmets of the ETO: A Historical & Technical Guide Histoire & Collections (Jan 2008), 216 p. ISBN: 2352500621
Golden, Lewis Echoes From Arnhem Penguin ISBN: 0718305213
Kershaw, Alex The Longest Winter: The Battle of the Bulge and the Epic Story of WWII's Most Decorated Platoon Da Capo Press, 288 pp November 30, 2004 ISBN: 0306813041
Killblane, Richard  Mc Niece, Jake The Filthy Thirteen: From the Dustbowl to Hitler's Eagles Nest: The 101st Airborne's Most Legendary Squad of Combat Paratroopers Casemate Publishers and Book Distributors, 288 pp May 1, 2003 ISBN: 1932033122
Koskimaki, George E D-Day With The Screaming Eagles Casemate Publishers and Book Distributors, 356 pp September 11, 2002 ISBN: 1932033025
Koskimaki, George E Hell's Highway: Chronicle of the 101st Airborne Division in Holland, September-November 1944 Casemate Publishers and Book Distributors, 453 pp March 1, 2003 ISBN: 193203305X
Koskimaki, George E The Battered Bastards of Bastogne: A Chronicle of the Defense of Bastogne, December 19, 1944 - January 17, 1945 Casemate Publishers and Book Distributors, 484 pp December 1, 2002 ISBN: 1932033068
MacDonald, Charles B  A Time For Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge Wm Morrow & Co (P), 720 p. ISBN: 068151574
Malarkey, Don & Bob Welch Easy Company Soldier: The Legendary Battles of a Sergeant from WW II's "Band of Brothers" . St Martin's Press, (May 13, 2008) 288 p. ISBN: 0312378491
McKenzie, John  On Time, On Target Novato, CA: Presidio, May 15,2000. 304 p. ISBN: 089 141 714 1
McLaughlin, Jerome J D-Day+60 years Bloomington, IN: Authorhouse, April 20,2004. 300 p. ISBN: 1418402699
Megallas , James All the Way to Berlin: A Paratrooper at War in Europe 336p., Presidio Press, March, 2003. ISBN: 0891417842
Mehosky, Ivan P The Story of a Soldier. BookSurge, (Aug 2006) 348 pp. ISBN: 1419621491
Post, Robyn, Guarnere, William & Heffron, Edward  Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends  Berkley Hardcover, 10/2/2007. 320 p. ISBN: 0425217280
Ruggero, Ed  Combat Jump: The Young Men who Led the Assault into Fortress Europe, July, 1943  HarperCollins, 10/21/2003. 388 p. ISBN: 0060088753
Ruggero, Ed  The First Men In: US Paratroopers and the Fight to Save D-Day  HarperCollins, 6/13/2006. 368 p. ISBN: 0060731281
Ryan, Cornelius  A Bridge Too Far 670p. ISBN: 0684803305
Sheeran, James  No Surrender: A World War II Memoir  Berkley Hardcover, 2/1/2011. 320 p. ISBN: 0425239586
Stokes Jr, G G  Camp Toccoa: First Home of the Airborne.: 1942-1944 CreateSpace, 3/14/2011. 28p. ISBN: 1461005868
Webster, David Kenyon Parachute Infantry: An American Paratrooper's Memoir of D- Day and the Fall of the Third Reich 352p. ISBN: 0385336497

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